District of New York -- Port of New
York. I Chenezer Cromwell Jr. dosolemn, sincerly
and truly swear that the following List or Manifest of
Passengers, subscribed with my name, and now deliverd by
me to the Collector of the Customs of New York, contains
the best of my knowledge and belief, a just and true
account of all the Passengers received on board the Anna
Maria whereof I am master from St
John, New Brunswick, So Help me God **** Sworn this 7th
Augt 1826, Before me *****
List or Manifest of all Passengers
taken on board Anna Maria whereof ***** Cromwell is
Master, from St. John D.M.B. Burthen 116 13/95 tons
country which they severally belong, The country in
which they intend to become inhabitants, Died on the
- Mary NANCE, 27, -,
Female, Servant, Ireland, United States, -
-, Hannah NANCE, 4, -,
Female, Child, Ireland, United States, -
-, Mary Ann NANCE, 3,
-, Female, Child, Ireland, United States, -
-, Anthony NANCE, 2, -,
Male, Child, Ireland, United States, -
-, Charles? NANCE, 1,
-, Male, Child, Ireland, United States, -
Ship Name: Jeremiah Thompson, Place of
Origin: Great Britain, Port of departure: Liverpool,
England, Destination: United States of America, Arrival
Date: 28 May 1864 Port of arrival: New York, Port Arrival
State: New York
268, John NANCE, 38, -, -,
Laborer, Great Britian, United States
269, Thomas NANCE, 14, -, -,
Laborer, Great Britian, United States
District of New York -- Port of New York. I H. Oct
Edye Master of the **** ship John Bertram do solemn,
sincerly and truly swear that the following List or manifest
subcsribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector
of the Customs of the Collectio District of New York, is a
full and perfect list of all the passengers taken on board
of the said ship at Hamburg from which port of the vessel
occupied by each during the passage, the country to which
each belongs, and also the country of which it is intended
by each to become inhabitant; and that said List or Manifext
truly sets forth the number of said passengers who have died
on said voyage, and the names and ages of those who died
Swears to this 20th November 1865 So help me God M. On. Edye
Before me *****
List or Manifest of all Passengers taken on board ****ship
John Bertram whereof M. O. M. Edye is Master, from H burthen
981 Amer. tons
which they natually belong, The country in which they intend
to become inhabitants, *** on the voyage, Part of the vessel
occupied by each passenger during the voyage
14, Frederick NANTZ, 24, Male, Laborer,
Prussia, -, -, -