Deed and Land Records
Amelia Co Deed Book 2 Page 171-172
Edward & Katy Thweatt to George Devenport 6 Jul 1745
£20 - 400 acres - Both sides Horsepen Creek
Richard NANCE [VABB014], Munford, Ellis, Flynn, Cock
VAPB 21:619 Patent to Edward Thweatt 25 Nov 1743
Rec: 19 Jul 1745
Page 171
This Indenture made the 6 Jul 1745 between Edward Thweatt of the County of Amelia of the one part and George Devenport of
the same county of the other part Witnesseth that the said Edward Thweatt for and in consideration of the sum of £20 current
money of Virginia ... all that tract or parcel of land containing
400 acres lying on both sides the Horsepen Creek in the fork of Nottoway in the said County of Amelia bounded as follows:
Beginning at
Richard NANCE's corner black walnut on the North side the said Creek thence along his line North 16 East 20
poles to a corner thence West 28 North 304 poles to Ellis's line thence along his line South
Page 172
36 West 40 poles to Munford's corner hicory thence along his line South 22 East 88 poles to his corner shrub white oak
thence East 26 South 180 poles crossing the said Creek to a corner in a branch thence South 21 West 140 poles to
Laulan Flyn's line thence along his line East 17 South 263 poles to Cock's corner at the head of a branch and thence down
the branch as it meanders to the Horsepen Creek thence up the Creek as it meanders to the Beginning ...
Wit: None.
Deed acknowledged by Edward & Katy Thweatt & ordered recorded on 19 Jul 1745, after Katy, his wife relinquished her right of
Amelia Co Deed Book 2 Page 183
John Ellis Senr to Philip Pledger 18 Jul 1745
400 acres - his son-in-law - Nanny Ellis
Between Little Nottoway & Long Branch
Adj: [John] NANCE [VABB016], Irby, Peters Creek
This Indenture made the 18 Jul 1745 Between John Ellis Senr of the Parish of Raleigh in the County of Amelia of the one part and Philip Pledger of the Parish and County aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Ellis Senr for and in consideration of the love and affection he has for the said Philip Pledger for marrying his daughter Nanny Ellis hath given ... a certain tract or parcel of land and plantation situate lying and being in the Parish and County aforesaid containing 400 acres and bounded as followeth to wit:
Beginning at NANCE's corner hiccory on the River thence along his lines West 21 South 128 poles to his corner red oak thence North West 110 poles to his corner small white oak on Peters Creek thence South 304 poles to a corner pine thence South East 123 poles to a corner butterwood on the Long Branch thence down the Branch as it meanders to Irby's corner thence North 28 East 116 poles along Irby's line to his corner large white oak at the Head of a small Branch thence down the Branch as it meanders to the River thence up the River as it meanders to the Beginning ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 2 Page 342-344
Isham & Amy Eppes to Thomas Bowrey 10 Sep 1745
£200 - 1,993 acres - North side Little Nottoway River
Both sides main Seller fork of Deep Creek
Adj: John NANCE, Francis Eppes, Thomas Chappel,
John Taylor, John Willis, Anderson
Rec: 17 May 1746
Page 342
This Indenture made the 10 Sep 1745 between Isham Epes and Amy his wife of Bath Parish in Prince George County of the one
part and Thomas Bowrey late of the Island of St. Christopher's of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of
the sum of £200 ... all that tract or parcel of land containing 1,993 acres lying and being in the County of Amelia on the
North side of Little Nottoway River & on both sides main Sellar fork of Deep Creek adjoining Francis Eppes, Thomas Chappel,
John Taylor, John Willis, John NANCE & Anderson's lines & bounded as followeth (to wit)
Beginning at Taylor's lower corner on Little Nottoway River thence along his line East 110 poles to his own old line thence
along his own old line North 30 West 108 poles to his own old corner thence East 30 North 120 poles to Taylor's corner
thence West 28 North 80 poles [sic 88 poles in Patent] along his line to a corner in the same thence North 31 East 198
poles to a faced corner thence Norrth 9 West 52 poles to Willice's line East 18 poles along his line to John NANCE's line
thence along NANCE's line South 35 East 201 poles to his corner East 35 North 220 poles [sic 120 poles in Patent] to his
corner thence North 14 East 7 poles to a faced corner thence East 12 South 24 poles to his own old corner thence along his
own old lines of his Seller Survey East 20 South 120 poles to his own old corner thence South 20 West 38 poles to Frances
Eppes corner thence along his lines East 20 South 54 poles to his corner thence North 14 East 240 poles to a corner in the
Road thence East 15 South 120 poles to a faced corner near the Road thence S5E 120p to a corner pine thence S24W 368p to a
corner pine thence West 13 South 94 poles to a faced corner thence West 13 North 154 poles to a faced corner thence South 25
West 68 poles crossing the Celler Creek to a faced corner thence West 62 poles to Chappel's line thence along his line
North 15 West 34 poles to his own old line thence along the same West 30 South 172 poles to Chappel's corner thence along
his lines South 15 East 200 poles to his corner thence South 25.5 West 100 poles to Chappel's corner of his new survey
thence along his lines West 51 poles to his corner thence North 8 poles to his corner thence West 72 poles to Anderson's
line thence along his lines North 109 poles to his corner poplar & gum thence West 15 South 180 poles to his corner Dutch
Elm on Little Nottoway River & thence up the River as it meanders to the Beginning.
150 acres part thereof being granted to the said Isham Eppes by Letters Patent bearing date 3 Oct 1734; [VAPB 15:345]
400 acres other part thereof being granted to the said Isham Eppes by Letters Patent bearing date 21 Nov 1734 [VAPB 15:364] and;
1,443 acres the residue being granted to the said Isham Eppes by Double Letters Patent bearing date 10 Jul 1745 [VAPB 22:252] ...
Wit: John Ornsby, George Currie, John Dabney, Hugh Miller.
Deed acknowledged by Isham & Amy Eppes on 7 Jan 1745 & proved by oath of George Currie; proved by oath of John Ornsby on 21 Feb 1745 and proved by oath of Hugh Miller on 17 May 1746, and ordered recorded.
Amelia Co Deed Book 3 Page 287-288
John NANCE Jr & wife Martha to Phillip Pledger 15 Sep 1749
65 acres - South side Little Nottoway River
Patent to John NANCE Sr 261a 1 Feb 1738 VABB015
John NANCE Sr to Junior 261a 18 Jun 1741 VABB027
Pledger to Michael Holland 65a 27 Aug 1752 VABB034
Page 287
This Indenture made the 15 Sep 1749 between John NANCE of the County of Amelia of the one part and Phillip Pledger of the
said County of the other part Witnesseth that the said John NANCE for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings
current money of VA to him ... a tract or parcel of land containing 65 acres situate lying and being in the County of Amelia
aforesaid on the South side Little Nottoway River and bounded as followeth:
Beginning at two hickorys on the said River bank thence South 69 West 128 poles to a red oak thence North 45 West 110 poles
to a white oak on Peters Creek thence down the same as it meanders to a white oak thence North 10 East 8 poles to two small
hickorys thence South 80 East 20 poles to pointers thence South 10 West 8 poles to a gum on the said Creek thence down the
same to the Mouth thereof thence down the River above mentioned as it meanders to the first station
John NANCE Junr
Page 288
Memorandum that on the 15 Sep 1749 possession & seisen of the within mentioned land and premises was had given and made by
John NANCE to Philip Pledger according to Form? Effort? of the within Deed
John NANCE Junr
At a Court held for Amelia County the 20 Sep 1749 John NANCE Junr presented and acknowledged this his Deed with the Livery
of Seizen endorsed to Philip Pledger and ordered to be recorded Martha the wife of the said John NANCE being first privately examined and ? by assenting thereto relinquished her right of dower in the land conveyed by the said Deed.
Amelia Co Deed Book 3 Page 554-555
Richard NANCE (Prince Geo Co) to Littlebury Stainbeck 11 Dec 1750
70 lbs - 400 acres - North side Horsepen Creek
Reedy Branch - In the fork of Nottoway River
Adj: Miles Thweat, Samuel Jordan
VAPB 18:104 Richard NANCE 400a 12 Sep 1738 VABB014
Page 554
This Indenture made this 11 Dec 1750 between Richard NANCE of Prince George County and Littlebury Stainback of the same
Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of £70 ... 400 acres .. in the County of Amelia on the North side of Horsepen Creek in the fork of Nottoway River adjoining Miles Thweat's and Samuel Jordan's lines and bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at Thweat's corner butterwood on the side of the said Creek thence along his line North 16 East 190 poles to his corner red oak thence along Jordan's line North 11 East 38 poles to a corner in same thence West 12 North 278 poles to a faced corner thence South 16 West 231 poles to a small black walnut on Horsepen Creek aforesaid just below the Mouth of Reedy Branch thence down the said Creek as it meanders to the Beginning ...
Page 555
[top part of page torn off]
John Dabney
At a Court held for Amelia County 18 Jan 1750 this Deed from Richard NANCE to Littlebury Stainback was proved by the oaths of Peter Jones and William Firzgerald and at one other? Court held for the aforesaid county the 17 May 1751 it was also proved by the oath of John Dabney and ordered to be recorded.
Amelia Co Deed Book 4 Page 436-438
Philip Pledger to Michael Holland 27 Aug 1752
865 acres - South side Little Nottoway River
Patent to John NANCE Sr 261a 1 Feb 1738 VABB015
John NANCE Sr to Junior 261a 18 Jun 1741 VABB027
John NANCE Jr to Pledger 65a 15 Sep 1749 VABB032
Page 436
This Indenture made the 27 Aug 1752 between Philip Pledger of the Parish of Nottoway and County of Amelia of the one part and Michael Holland of Goochland County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Philip Pledger for and in consideration of the sum of £230 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 865 acres situate lying and being in Nottoway Parish in the County of Amelia and in the Fork of Nottoway River
400 acres part of the above said tract formerly granted to John Ellis by patent bearing date 22 Sep 1739 and by the said John Ellis conveyed to the above Philip Pledger by deed 18 Jul 1745;
400 acres part of the above said tract formerly granted to Richard Hubard by patent bearing date 1 Aug 1745 and from the said Richard Hubard conveyed to the above Philip Pledger by deed 11 Sep 1750; also
65 acres part of the above said Tract being part of a Tract of 261 acres formerly granted to John NANCE Senior by Patent bearing date 1 Feb 1738 [VABB015] and from the said John NANCE Senior conveyed to John NANCE Junior by Deed bearing date 18 Jun 1741 [VABB027] and by the said John NANCE Junior conveyed to the above said Philip Pledger by Deed bearing date 15 Sep 1749 [VABB032] ;
joining on the South side of Little Nottoway River and the lines of William Crenshaw, Peter Binford, John NANCE, Thomas Yarbrough, Samuel Smith ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 4 Page 493
Thomas Yarbrough to John Yarbrough 8 Jan 1753
200 acres - South side Peters Creek
Adj: John NANCE [VABB015], Hubbard, Ellis
Page 493
This Indenture made this 8 Jan 1753 between Thomas Yarbrough Senr of the Parish of Nottoway and County of Amelia of the one part and John Yarbrough of the same Parish and County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Thomas Yarbrough Senr for and in consideration of the sum of £500 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 200 acres lying and being in the County of Amelia on the South side of Peters Creek and Bounded as followeth:
Beginning at a corner shrub white oak thence South East 49 poles to Hubard line thence along his line East 17 North 146 poles to Ellis's line thence along his line North 234 poles to his corner white oak on Peters Creek thence up Peters Creek as it meanders to John NANCE's corner red oak thence by a dividing line to the beginning being part of a tract of 600 acres granted to the said Thomas Yarbrough Senr by patent bearing date 20 Sep 1745 as also the reversions ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 5 Page 101-102
James NANCE, son of John NANCE of Nottoway Parish 24 Jan 1754
Apprentice 5 years to James Anderson Jr, joiner
Page 101
This Indenture made this 24 Jan 1754 between John NANCE and James NANCE son of the said John NANCE of the Parish of Nottoway in the County of Amelia of the one part and James Anderson Junior Joiner of the same Parish and County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John NANCE by virtue of these presents and with the advise and consent of his son James NANCE and with the consent and approbation of the Court of Amelia County doth bind his said son James NANCE to the said James Anderson Junior and with him after the manner of apprentice to live for and during the full time of five years from the 1 Dec last past; During all which time the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve his lawful commands every way? gladly obey; nor absent himself day or night from his said Master's service but in all things behave himself as a faithful apprentice ought to do during the full time for which he is bound and the said James Anderson ?? ?? himself the said James NANCE
Page 102
to ?? be learned the art trade history and occupation of a carpenter and joiner which he the said Anderson now follows and intends so to do and find and provide for the said Apprentice good sufficient meat drink washing and lodging and clothes and at the end of the 5 years £3 current money and for the true performance and every the said ??? binds themselves to the other firmly by these presents for witness whereof we have hereunto set our Hands and seals the Day and year above written.
James Anderson
Amelia Co Deed Book 5 Page 342
John & Betty Yarbrough to James May 28 Mar 1755
£37 - 200 acres - South side Peters Creek
Part of 600a to Thomas Yarbrough 20 Sep 1745 VABB021
Adj: John NANCE [VABB015], John Yarbrough,
Michael Holland, Jeff Wallace
May to Pain 300a 16 Oct 1756 VABB039
This Indenture made this 28 Mar 1755 between John Yarbrough & Betty his wife ... of the one part and James May ... of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of £37/10 ... containing 200 acres ... in Nottoway Parish ... on the South side of Peters Creek ... being the lower part of 600 acres granted to Thomas Yarbrough by patent bearing date 20 Sep 1745 ...
adjoining John Yarbrough, John NANCE, Michael Holland, the side line of Jeff Wallace ...
Also McConnacughey Amelia County Deed Book 5 Abstracts page 45
Amelia Co Deed Book 5 Page 409
Dennis Burch to Thomas Walker 23 Jan 1756
167 acres - £49 - North side Horsepen Creek
Adj: [Richard] NANCE [VABB014], Thweat, Thomas
Patent VAPB 28:321 Dennis Burch 12 Jan 1747 VABB023
This Indenture made this 23 Jan 1756 Between Dennis Burch and Licas his Wife of the Parish of Nottoway in the County of Amelia of the one part and Thomas Walker of the County and Parish aforesaid of the other part ... £49/10 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 167 acres lying and being in the County of Amelia on the North side of Horsepen Creek in the Fork of Nottoway and bounded as followeth:
Beginning at John Thomas's corner in Edward Thweat's line thence along Thweat's line East 28 South 264 poles to NANCE's line thence along his line North 16 East 211 poles to his corner thence West 15 South 300 poles along Thomas's line to the beginning it being granted to the said Dennis Burch by Patent bearing date 12 Jan 1747 ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 5 Page 430
James & Elizabeth May of Nottoway to John Pain 16 Oct 1756
£30 - 300 acres - South side Peters Creek
In the Fork of the Nottoway
Adj: John NANCE, Wallace, Pace, Smith,
Binford, Michael Holland
Yarbrough to May 200a 28 Mar 1755 VABB037
This Indenture made this 16 Oct 1756 between James May and Elizabeth his wife of the Parish of Nottoway in the County of Amelia of the one part and John Pain of Essex County & Parish of South Farnham of the other part Witnesseth that the said James and Elizabeth May for and in consideration of the sum of £30 current money of Virginia ... one piece or parcel of land containing 300 acres be the same more or less lying and being in Amelia County in the Fork of Nottoway on the South side of Peters Creek bounded as follows:
Beginning at Jeff Wallace's corner hiccory on Peters Creek thence along his line to John Pace's corner thence along the line to Samuel Smith's thence along his line to Peter Binford's line thence along his line to Michael Holland's line thence along his line to Peters Creek to John NANCE's corner thence up the Creek as it meanders to the Beginning ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 7 Page 456-457
John NANCE to Giles NANCE 23 Apr 1761
£75 - 75 acres - North side Peters Creek
Part of Patent to John NANCE 261a 1 Feb 1738 VABB015
This Indenture made the 23 Apr 1761, between John NANCE of Amelia County of the one part and Giles NANCE of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said John NANCE for and in consideration of the sum of £75 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 75 acres be the same more or less situate lying and being in the County of Amelia on the North side of Peters Creek a small branch of Little Nottoway River, being part of a tract of 261 acres granted to John NANCE by Patent bearing date 1 Feb 1738 and bounded as followeth.
Beginning at a new corner red oak upon Peters Creek thence up the Creek as it meanders to a corner red oak, thence North 2 West 140 poles to a corner black oak sapling, thence East 2 North 103 poles to a new corner red oak thence along a new line to the beginning upon Peters Creek ...
Wit: John Winn, Robert Stoker
Chas Irby, Thomas Yarbrough
Memorandum That this day full and peaceable possession & Seizin of the within mentioned land and premises was given and delivered by the within named John NANCE to the within mentioned Giles NANCE. In presence of us:
John Winn, Robert Stoker
Chas Irby, Thomas Yarbrough
At a Court held for Amelia County the 23 Apr 1761
This indenture and the memorandum endorsed were proved by the oaths of John Winn, Robert Staker and Charles Irby three of the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded.
Amelia Co Deed Book 7 Page 527
Thornton Pryor to Crispin Shelton 13 Nov 1761
100 acres - Fork of the Nottoway
Adj: Pryor, Bolling, Buford - Wit: John NANCE
This Indenture made 13 Nov 1761 Between Thornton Pryor of the County of Amelia of the one part and Chrispen Shelton of the same County and Parish of Nottoway of the other part Witnesseth that the said ThorntonPryor for and in consideration of the sum of £60 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 100 acres be the same more or less Situate lying and being in Nottoway Parish in the County of Amelia and in the Fork of the Nottoway being part of a tract of land the said Pryor purchased of John Ellis Senr and being bounded as followeth (to wit)
Beginning at a corner white oak on the said Crispin Shelton's line thence along a marked line to a corner hickory and red oak at the Main Road Thence along a marked line by the roadside to a corner red oak in Col Alexr Bolling's line thence along his line to a corner hickory in Thomas Buford's and Bolling's line thence along the said Buford's line to the said Shelton's line thence along his line to the Corner white oak at the beginning ...
Wit: Thomas Jeffres, Lewis Shelton Thornton Pryor
James Buford, John NANCE
Amelia Co Deed Book 7 Page 642-643
John & Mildred Pain to Thomas Jones 25 Feb 1762
300 acres - South side of Peters Creek
Adj: John NANCE [VABB015], Wallace, Pace, Smith,
Peter Binford, Michael Holland,
Yarbrough to May 300a 28 Mar 1755 VABB037
May to Pain 300a 16 Oct 1756 VABB039
This Indenture made this 25 Feb 1762 between John Pain & Mildred his wife of the Parish of Nottoway in the County of Amelia of the one part and Thomas Jones of the aforesaid Parish & County of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of £95 current money of Virginia ... one piece or parcel of land containing 300 acres be the same more or less; lying & being in Amelia County in the Fork of Nottoway on the South side of Peters Creek Bounded as followeth
Beginning at Jeff Wallace's corner hiccory on Peters Creek thence along his line to John Pace's corner thence along his line to Samuel Smith's thence along his line to Peter Binford's line thence along his line to Michael Holland's line thence along his line to Peters Creek to John NANCE's corner thence up the Creek as meanders to Beginning ...
Wit: Crispin Shelton, John Winn
Amelia Co Deed Book 7 Page 643-644
Michael Holland to John Winn 25 Mar 1762
32 acres - South side Nottoway River
Adj: John NANCE [VABB015], Crenshaw, Michael Holland
John Winn & Col. Irby
Page 643
This Indenture made this 25 Mar 1762 between Michael Holland of Amelia County of the one part & John Winn of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Michael Holland for & in consideration fo the sum of £30 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 32 acres be the same more or less situate lying & being in Amelia County on the south side of Little Nottoway River joining the
Page 644
lands of Wm Crenshaw, Michael Holland, John NANCE the above said John Winn & Col Irby ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 8 Page 119-120
Peter Binford to Charles Irby 1 Apr 1763
400 acres - Between Long Branch and Whetstone Creek
Wit: John NANCE, Giles NANCE, etc
Patent to Binford VAPB 17:435 2 Jan 1737
Page 119
This Indenture made this 1 Apr 1763 Between Peter Binford of the County of Prince George of the one part and Charles Irby of Amelia County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Peter Binford for & in consideration of the sum of £150 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 400 acres be the same more or less situate lying & being in Amelia County on the North side of Whetstone Creek in the Fork of Nottoway & bounded as followeth (to wit)
Beginning at a white oak on the Long Branch thence South 34 West 96 poles to a corner red oak thence South 8 West 113 poles to a corner butterwood, in a small branch thence down the branch as it
Page 120
meanders to Whetstone Creek thence down the said Creek as it meanders to a corner hickory thence North 23 East 32 poles to a faced corner, thence East 240 poles to a faced corner thence North 57 poles to a corner white oak on the Long Branch thence up the Long Branch as it meanders to the Beginning ...
Wit: John NANCE, Nathan Fletcher, Wm Pace,
Giles NANCE, Wm Crenshaw, John Winn
Amelia Co Deed Book 8 Page 314-316
John NANCE - statment regarding Michael Holland 3 Jan 1764
and his gift of two Negros to Hollands's daughter Mary
John NANCE's children mentioned: Giles and Elizabeth
Page 314
[ first half of page blank]
about eight or nine years ago I heard my son Giles say that Michael Holland had given his daughter Mary two Negros Patt & Nan. After that time I heard the said Michael Holland say that he had given his daughter Mary the same two Negros Patt & Nan & sometime since the wife of the said Holland was apprehensive that no Gift sho'd be good unless it was Recorded the said Holland's Wife desired me to speak to her Brother Winn to have the above Gift recorded in Court. I spoke to the said Winn concerning that affair & he promised he would have it done. I told Mrs Holland what Mr Winn said & she in my hearing asked her husband Michael Holland if he was willing that Gift should be Recorded & he the said Holland agreed to it in August or September in the year of 1762 but five weeks before the said Michael Holland death he the said Michael Holland come to my house & as we sat at Dinner in the yard, the the said
Page 315
Holland said what a fine thing it was to have a small Family, for his was so large that he wished that his children was old enough to go for themselves. I getting up from the Table, went into the House and as I step'd out again I heard my daughter Elizabeth say to the said Michael Holland What you intend the Blacks shall go to the Whites yes said the said Michael Holland I have given my daughter Mary two & I intend to give Joseph two & mentioned their names they being two Boys I said to Michael Holland you dont divide them equally you should have given Mary a Girl & a Boy & Joe a Girl & a Boy, no said the said Michael Holland Mary seemed to make choice of them two & them I have given her & them she shall have.
3 Jan 1764 John NANCE
About five years ago I was at Michael Holland's & there was some discourse between him & his Wife relative to a Gift of Two Negroes to his daughter Mary upon which he said he would give his daughter Mary Patt & Nan.
2 Jan 1764 Susanna Irby
Some time in the year 1754 at the House of Michael Holland's one night It happened in discourse between the Wife of the said Michael Holland & myself concerning the Gift of two Negros named Patt & Nann, which she said her Husband had given to his daughter Mary before three witnesses the said
Page 316
Michael Holland made answer & said that he had given his daughter Mary them two negros & she should have them if she lived to age to enjoy them.
5 Jan 1764 Giles NANCE
Sometime in June in the year 1762 at the House of Michael Holland I heard the said Michael Holland say he had given his daughter Mary two Negro Girls which he further saith was Patt & Nan I made answer & said I did not believe that Gift would stand good unless it was Recorded and the I had heard there was an Act to the Contrary Then the said Holland's answer to me was that he had given his daughter Mary the above mentioned Two Negros before that act was made and he the said Michael Holland further saith that his daughter Mary had a lawful Right to them Two Negros abovementioned, Clear from the claim or demand of any person & that she might take them away when she pleased & that should not be all that he would give her
5 Jan 1764 Wm Snead
Amelia Co Deed Book 8 Page 471-472
John White to William Cross 16 Oct 1764
200 acres - Both sides of the Horsepen Creek
Adj: John Lewis (formerly Richard NANCE [VABB014])
Ellis, Williams
Page 471
This Indenture made this 16 Oct 1764 Between John White of the County of Amelia of the one part & William Cross of the said County of the other part Witnesseth that the said John White for and in consideration of the sum £75 current money of Virginia ... all that tract or parcel of land containing by estimation 200 acres be the same more or less lying & being in the County of Amelia on both sides of the Horsepen Creek in the Fork of Nottoway & bounded as follows
Beginning at John Lewis corner black walnut the land that was formerly granted to Richard NANCE on the North side of the said Creek thence along his line 16 East [sic patent North 16 East] 20 poles to a corner thence West 78 North [sic patent West 28 North] 304 poles to Ellis's line thence along
Page 472
his line South 36 West 40 poles to Williams corner hickory thence along his line South 22 East 88 poles to his corner shrub white oak thence East 26 South 108 poles crossing the said Creek to a corner hickory in a branch thence down the said branch as it meanders to the beginning ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 9 Page 57- 58
John & Martha NANCE to Charles Irby 22 Oct 1766
60 acres - South side Little Nottoway - Peters Creek
Charles Irby Will Land from John NANCE VABB009
Patent to John NANCE 261a 1 Feb 1738/9 VABB015
Page 57
This Indenture made the 22 Oct 1766 between John NANCE of Amelia County of the one part & Charles Irby of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said John NANCE for and in consideration of the sum of £60 Virginia currency to him paid ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 60 acres be the same more or less Situate lying & being in Amelia County on the South side of Little Nottoway River. Beginning at a small Walnut above the Ford between John Winn's & the said NANCE's thence down the River as it meanders to the Mouth of Peters Creek thence up the Creek to a corner white oak from thence along a new line agreed upon & marked by the said Parties to the Bargain being a part of a Tract of 261 acres formerly granted to John NANCE
Page 58
To have and to hold the said 60 acres of land with all the appurteNANCEs ...
Memorandum That this day full and peaceable possession & Seizen of the within mentioned land & premises was given & delivered by the within named John NANCE to the within mentioned Charles Irby.
At a Court held for Amelia County the 23 Oct 1766
This Indenture & the memorandum endorsed were acknowledged by the within named John NANCE party thereto & ordered to be recorded.
Amelia Co Deed Book 9 Page 105
Joseph Holland to Charles Irby 26 Feb 1767
118 acres - Peters Creek
Part John NANCE to Pledger 65a 15 Sep 1749 VABB032
Pledger to Michael Holland 65a 27 Aug 1752 VABB034
This Indenture made this 26 Feb 1767 between Joseph Holland ... of the one part and Charles Irby ... of the other part ... for and in consideration of the sum of £59 current money of Virginia
one certain tract ot parcel of land containing 118 acres be the same more or less situate lying & being in the Parish and County aforesaid and in the fork of Nottoway it being part of the land & part if the plantation the said Joseph Holland now live on & part of 65 acres conveyed from John NANCE to Philip Pledger by Deed bearing date the 15 Sep 1749 and bounded as followeth to wit,
Beginnning at a corner white oak on the South side of Peters Creek thence South along Jones's line to a corner poplar on a small branch thence along a new marked line to a corner white oak on the Branch that goes down to the Mill Field thence down the said Branch as it meanders to a corner poplar thence along a new marked line to a corner on Winn's line thence on Winn's line to a corner white oak thence to a corner hiccory on Peters Creek thence up the said Creek as it meanders to the Beginning
Amelia Co Deed Book 10 Page 2- 4
John NANCE of Nottoway Parish to Giles NANCE 28 Oct 1767
£50 - 61 acres in Nottoway Parish, part of
Patent to John NANCE 261a 1 Feb 1738 VABB015
Wit: David NANCE
Page 52
This Indenture made this 28 Oct 1767 Between John NANCE of the Parish of Nottoway in the County of Amelia of the one part and Giles NANCE of the same Parish and County of the other part Witnesseth that the said John NANCE for and in consideration of the sum £50 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 61 acres be the same more or less Situate lying and being in the Parish & County aforesaid and in the fork of
Page 53
Nottoway it being part of a tract of 261 acres formerly granted to John NANCE by patent bearing date 1 Feb 1738 it being the land and plantation where the said John NANCE now lives and bounded as followeth to wit
Beginning at Irby's corner white oak on Peters Creek thence up the said Creek as it meanders to a corner red oak in Peters Creek thence along a new line made between the said John NANCE and Giles NANCE to a corner red oak on Henry Robertson's line thence down the said line to a corner white oak on a small Branch thence down the said Branch as it meanders to Little Nottoway River thence down the said River as it meanders to a corner black walnut on Irby's line thence along the said line to the Beginning. ...
Wit: James Henderson, Charles Irby, David NANCE,
Langston Bacon, Richard Robertson, James Robertson
At a Court held for Amelia County the 20 Apr 1768 This Indenture and the memorandum endorsed were proved by the oaths of James Henderson and Charles Irby two of the Witnesses thereto and at another Court held for the said County the 28 Jul following the same was proved by the Oath of Langston Bacon another Witness & is ordered to be Recorded.
Amelia Co Deed Book 11 Page 304
Littlebury Stainbeck to John Lewis 2 Feb 1771
£100 - 400 acres - North side Horsepen Creek
Patent to Richard NANCE 400a 12 Sep 1738 VABB014
Richard NANCE to Stainbeck 400a 11 Dec 1750 VABB033
Adj: Thweatt, Jordan
This Indenture made this 2 Feb 1771 between Littlebury Stainbeck and his wife of the County of Prince George and Parish of St Martin's of the one part and John Lewis of the County of Prince George and Parish of Bristol of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of £100 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being on the North side Horsepen Creek in the Fork of Nottoway in the County of Amelia the said tract or parcel of land being the tract of land granted per patent bearing date 12 Sep 1738 to Richard NANCE for 400 acres ...
Beginning at Thweatts corner butterwood on the North side of Horsepen Creek above mentioned thence along his line North 16 East 190 poles to his corner large red oak thence North 11 East 38 poles along Samuel Jordan's line to a corner in the same thence West 12 North 278 poles to a faced corner thence South 16 West 231 poles to a small black walnut on Horsepen Creek just below the Mouth of Reedy Branch and thence down the Creek to the beginning ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 7 Page 168
John White to Joseph White 13 Nov 1759
200 acres - Horsepen Creek
Adj: Richard NANCE [VABB014], Lauglen Flynn, Cocke
This Indenture made this 13 Nov 1759 between John White, joiner, of Amelia County in the Colony of Virginia of the one part and Joseph White of Amelia County aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said John White for and in consideration of the sum of £30 ... a Tract or Parcel of Land containing 200 acres more or less and is situate lying & being in the County above said lying on one side of the Horsepen Creek in the Fork of Nottoway and is bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at Richard NANCE's corner black walnut on the North side of the said Creek thence along the said Creek to a branch thence up the Branch to a corner hickory thence S21W; 140p; to Laughlen Flyn's line thence along his line E17S; 263p; to Cocke's corner at the head of a branch as it meanders to the Horsepen Creek thence up the said Creek as it meanders to the Beginning ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 5 Page 403 -404
Robert & Mary Malone to Gideon Winfrie 15 Feb 1758
339 acres - On Winingham Creek
Adj: William Harris, Taylor, Fitzgerald - Part of:
Robert Malone Patent VAPB 18:127 439a 12 Sep 1738
Wit: Tanner, William Malone, Mary NANCE
Rec: 28 Sep 1758
Amelia Co Deed Books 5 & 6 Page 95
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Page 403
Robert Malone of Nottoway Parish to Gideon Winfrie. D. 15 Feb 1758. Consid: £170. 339 acres in Nottoway Parish adj. lines of William Harris on Winingham Creek, Taylor, Fitzgerrald, & the Creek as it meanders, being part of 439 acres pat. to sd. Malone on 12 Sep 1738. Wits: Joel Tanner, William Malone & Mary NANCE.
Page 404
Possession obtained by Gideon Winfrie in presence of same wits. on 15 Feb 1758. Deed ackn. & ordered rec. 28 Sep 1758 after Mary, wife of Robert Malone,
relinquished her right of dower.
Note (from Clearinghouse): It seems probable that the Mary who witnessed was the sister of Robert Malone (m. (1) Mary Harrison 1728, m.(2) Elizabeth Bridgeforth 1762), who m. Giles NANCE abt. 1754
Amelia Co Deed Book 7 Page 634-636
Thomas Whitworth to Samson Merideth 24 Jun 1762
222 acres - Upperside Namazeen Creek, Tuckers Branch
Adj: Cold Water Run, Drury Bolling, Thomas Clay
Wit: John NANCE and Giles NANCE
Amelia Co Deed Books 7 & 8 Page 69
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Amelia Co - Deed - Book 7
Thomas Whitworth of Raleight Parish, Amelia Co., to Samson Merideth of same. D. 24 Jun 1762. Consid: £150.222 acres in Amelia Co. Upper side Namazeen Creek adj Thomas Clay, a meadow branch, Cold Water Run, Drury Bolling & Robert Tuckers branch as it meanders with all bldgs., etc.
Wits: Alexander Erskine, John Winn, Alexander Gray, John NANCE & Giles NANCE.
Possession obtained 24 Jun 1762.
Amelia Co Deed Book 7 Page 637-638
Robert & Mary Rowland of Amelia to John Beasely Jun 1762
240 acres - South side Lazaretta Creek
Adj: Long Branch, Church Ford, Bagley, Plunkett, Holt
Wit: John NANCE, Giles NANCE
Amelia Co Deed Books 5 & 6 Page 70
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Amelia Co - Deeds - Book 7 Page 635
Robert Rowland of Amelia to John Beasely. D. Jun 1762. Consid: £140. 240 acres in Amelia Co. on the South Side Lazaretta Creek Adj: Long Branch, the Church Ford, Bagley, Plunkett, Holt & a branch as it meanders to the Long Branch.
Wits: Alexander Erskine, John Winn, Alexander Gray, John NANCE & Giles NANCE.
[Mary, wife of Robert Rowland, relinquishment ]
Amelia Co Deed Book 11 Page 374-375
Joshua, Richard & Obadiah Hudson to Richard Wilson 17 Dec 1771
162 acres - Head Branch of Willingham Creek
Adj: Flat Rock Branch, Raccoon Branch
Wit: Giles NANCE
Rec: 23 Jan 1772
Amelia Co Deed Books 9 & 11 Page 91
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Joshua Hudson, Richard Hudson and Obadiah Hudson of Amelia Co. to Richard Wilson of same. D 17 Dec 1771. Consid: £100. 162 acres in Amelia Co. on head branch of Willingham Creek, adj. Flat Rock Branch, and Raccoon Branch.
Wit: John Winn, Richard Ward, Giles NANCE, Oliver Jeter, Moses Hudings and Alexander Gray.
Recrded: 23 Jan 1772
Amelia Co Deed Book 14 Page 218-219
William Hudson of Amelia to James Henderson of Amelia 24 Nov 1777
193 acres - where Hudson now lives Adj: Charles Irby,
Richard Jones Jr, Wm Fitzgerald, Standleys Creek
Wit: Giles NANCE
Amelia Co Deed Books 12-14 Page 91
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
William Hudson of Amelia Co. to James Henderson of same. D. 24 Nov 1777. Consid: £250. 193 acres in Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co., where William Hudson now lives. adj. lines of Richard Jones Jr, William Fitzgerald, Standleys Creek, and line of Charles Irby.
Wit: Thomas Wilkinson, William Watlington, Richard Ramsey, Gideon Winfrey, Giles NANCE.
Rec: Order for recording not enetered, but Hudson acknowledged deed on 27 Nov 1777.
Dower Relinguishment, Elizabeth Hudson, wife of William Hudson ... 29 Dec 1777 ...
Amelia Co Deed Book 14 Page 273-274
William & Jane Crenshaw to James Crenshaw 23 Feb 1778
330 acres - Fork of Nottoway south side Little Nottoway
Adj: Head of Turkey Branch, Holland, Long Branch,
Winn's mill pond, Robert Crenshaw
Wit: Giles NANCE, William Sneed, Charles Winfree
Wit: David Crenshaw
Rec: 26 Feb 1778
Amelia Co Deed Books 12-14 Page 97
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
William Crenshaw of Amelia to James Crenshaw of same. D. 23 Feb 1778. Consid: £1000. 300 acres in Amelia Co. in fork of Nottoway on south side of Little Nottoway, adj. head of Turkey Branch, line of Holland, the Long Branch, and Winn's mill pond, agreeable to a line made by deed d. 16 May 1767 between said Crenshaw and Robert, his son.
Wit: Giles NANCE, William Sneed, Charles Winfree & David Crenshaw
Pro: Giles NANCE, Charles Winfree & David Crenshaw on 26 Feb 1778.
Rec: 26 Feb 1778
Relinquishment by Jane, wife of William Crenshaw 28 Feb 1778. Rec: 26 Mar 1778
Amelia Co Deed Book 15 Page 20
Thomas Jones of Pittsylvania to Richard Winn (Amelia) 1 Dec 1778
200 acres - Fork of Nottoway, South side Peters Creek
Adj: Wallace, William Sneed, Charles Irby,decd
Wit: Giles NANCE, Robert Bullington, etal
Amelia Co Deed Books 15 Page 7
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Thomas Jones of Pittsylvania Co. to Richard Winn of Amelia Co. D. 1 Dec 1778. Consid: £600. 200 acres in Amelia Co. in Fork of Nottoway on south side Peters Creek, adj. lines of Wallace, William Sneed and line formerly that of Charles Irby, decd. Also he sells a copper still which said Jones previously purchased from James Henderson.
Wit: John Winn, Giles NANCE, Luke Lipscomb, Robert Bullington, John Winn Jr, & Charles Winn.
Rec: Date not entered, but consid. money pair 1 Dec 1778 in presence of same wit.
Amelia Co Deed Book 15 Page 30
Charles & Susannah Irby of Amelia to James Henderson 19 Dec 1778
460 acres - Adj: James Henderson, Richard Jones,
Fitzgerald, the road, the Glebe line
Wit: Giles NANCE et al
Amelia Co Deed Books 15 Page 8
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Charles & Susannah Irby of Amelia to James Henderson. D. 19 Dec 1778. Conside: £1509. 460 acres in Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. Land is adj. lines of James Henderson opposite his house, Richard Jones, FitzGerrald, the road, and the Glebe line.
Wit: Richard Jones Jr., William FitzGerrald, Francis FitzGerrald, Giles NANCE & Charles Ingram.
Pro: Three of the witnesses on 23 Jan 1779
Rec: 23 Jan 1779
Amelia Co Deed Book 15 Page 280
Matthew Wallace to John Wallace 21 Apr 1780
200 acres - Adj: Little Nottoway, Stith Hardaway,
Charles Erskine, William Fitzgerald
Wit: Giles NANCE, et al
Amelia Co Deed Books 15-17 Page 37-38
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Matthew Wallace of Amelia Co. to John Wallace of same. D. 21 Apr 1780. Consid: 15,000 pounds. 200 acres in Amelia Co. adj. Little Nottoway, and lines of Stith Hardaway, Charles Erskine, and William FitzGerrald.
Wit: Christopher Dawson, John Irby, John Pettus & Giles NANCE
Date not entered by consid. money paid on date of deed.
Amelia Co Deed Book 15 Page 281-282
John Wallace of Amelia to Matthew Wallace of Amelia 21 Apr 1780
15,000 pounds - 200 acres Adj: Christopher Dawson,
Giles NANCE, Henry Robertson, Joel Hundley,
Thomas Overstreet, William Wood
Wit: Giles NANCE et al
Amelia Co Deed Books 15-17 Page 38
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
John Wallace of Amelia to Matthew Wallace of same. D. 21 Apr 1780. Consid: 15,000 pounds. 200 acres in Amelia Co. adj. lines of Christopher Dawson, Giles NANCE, Henry Robertson, Joel Hundley, Thomas Overstreet & William Wood.
Wit: Christopher Dawson, John Irby, John Pettus & Giles NANCE.
Rec: Date not entered, but possession obtained by Wallace on date of deed.
Amelia Co Deed Book 15 Page 281-282
Henry Bueford (Lunenburg) to William Blakely (Amelia) 11 Sep 1779
100 acres - Adj: Lamkin, Bolling, Blakley
Wit: William NANCE et al
Amelia Co Deed Books 15-17 Page 38
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Henry Bueford of Lunenburg Co. to William Blakely of Amelia Co. D. 11 Sep 1779. Consid: 1,000 pounds. 100 acres in Amelia Co. adj. lines of Peter Lamkin, Stith Bolling & William Blakley.
Wit: Peter Lamkin, Thomas Hightower, William NANCE, John Pettus & Medcap Thompson. Rec: Date not entered.
Amelia Co Deed Book 15 Page 364
John Crenshaw of Amelia to Nathan Jones of same 24 Aug 1780
200 acres - Head of Seller Creek, Epes,
Johnnys Branch, Morgan
Wit: Giles NANCE et al
Amelia Co Deed Books 15-17 Page 49
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
John Crenshaw of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co. to Nathan Jones of same county. D 24 Aug 1780. Consid: 3,000 pounds. 200 acres in Amelia Co., adj. head of Seller Creek, the Creek as it meanders, line of Epes, Johnny's Branch as it meanders and line of Morgan.
Wit: Charles Connally, Giles NANCE & Thomas Eckels
Amelia Co Deed Book 15 Page 382
William Cross of Amelia to Thomas Jordan of Amelia 22 Jun 1780
200 acres - Both sides of Horsepen Creek
Adj: John Lewis, formerly Richard NANCE, Ellis, Cross
Rec: 26 Oct 1780
Amelia Co Deed Books 15-17 Page 51
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
William Cross of Amelia Co. to Thomas Jordan of same. D. 22 Jun 1780. Consid: £150. 200 acres in Amelia Co. on both sides Horsepen Creek in the fork of Nottoway. Land is adj. line of John Lewis, formerly Richard NANCE, and lines of Ellis and said Cross.
Wit: William Lewis, Samuel Jordan & Freeman Jordan
Pro: Samuel Jordan & Freeman Jordan on 26 Oct 1790 (sic)
Amelia Co Deed Book 16 Page 101-103
Richard Winn (Prince Edward) to Thomas Ball of same 25 Jul 1782
200 acres - North side Lazaritta Creek, Little Nottoway
Adj: Francis Fitzgerald, James Henderson, Williamson
Also 1 acre South side Little Nottoway adj Crenshaws
Wit: James NANCE, Giles NANCE, William Brummar
Amelia Co Deed Books 15-17 Page 68-69
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
Richard Winn of Prince Edward Co. to Thomas Ball of same. Consid: 300,000 pounds paid by Thomas Ball, and for honor, love and affection which he [Richard Winn] bears for John, Charles and Susanna Winn. Thomas Ball bought from John Winn, Charles Winn and Susanna Winn 200 acres and a water grist mill situated in Amelia Co. on North side of Lazaritta Creek and Little Nottoway River, adj. land of Francis FitzGerrald, James Henderson & Lewelling Williamson, and a branch as it meanders to the mill pond, with one acre on South side of Little Nottoway River, adj. land of William & James Crenshaw. This deed assigns title to the 101 acres and the mill to Ball.
Wit: William Brummar, James NANCE & Giles NANCE
Pro: By three of wit. on 25 Jul 1782
Rec: 25 Jul 1782, after Ball obtained possession of land.
Amelia Co Deed Book 17 Page 365-366
William Crenshaw Sr to William Crenshaw Jr 10 Mar 1786
30 acres - On the South side Little Nottoway River
Adj: William Crenshaw Sr, Spring branch
Wit: Giles NANCE et al
Amelia Co Deed Books 15-17 Page 156
G J McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub.Co c1981
William Crenshaw, Sr of Nottoway Parish, Amelia Co to William Crenshaw Jr. of same parish and county. D. 10 Mar 1786. Consid: £30. 30 acres in Amelia Co. on South side Little Nottoway River, adj. mouth of a spring branch, line of William Crenshaw Sr., the branch as it meanders, and the River as it meanders.
Wit: Thomas Ball, Burrel Smith, David Crenshaw, James Crenshaw, Giles NANCE & John Dupuy.
Pro: Thomas Ball, Burrel Smith & James Crenshaw on 27 Apr 1786.
Rec: 27 Apr 1786 after possession obtained by Crenshaw, Jr on date of deed, and deed akn. by Crenshaw Sr.
Amelia Co Unrecorded Deeds by McConnaughey Page 27
Hall to Waugh Bill of Sale 3 Negroes 1 Oct 1792
Wit: Thomson V. Brooking & David NANCE
Unrecorded Deeds & Other Documents, Page 27
Amelia Co. VA, 1750 1902 Gibson J. McConnaughey. (1994)
Bill of Sale. Instance Hall of Chesterfield Co. to Andrew Waugh. D. 1 Oct 1792. Consid: £70. Hall sells his right in 3 Negroes - Phullis, Jack & Dilsey, with their future increase - conveyed to him by hill of sale d. 4 Jun 1792 from his brother, William Williams Hall, after the expiration of the year ninety-five.
Wit: Thomson V. Brooking & David NANCE
Pro: May 1793 by admrs.
Amelia Co Deed Book 3 Page 97
Samuel & Amy Flake to Richard Dennis 20 Nov 1749
200 acres - South side Main Seller Creek
Adj: George Maies or Man [Not NANCE as in the abstract]
Adj: John Clarke, Samuel Vaughn
Rec: 22 Aug 1751
[The hardcopy from the filming of this deed clearly has a Capital M (identical to that for "Current Money" a few lines earlier) where the abstractor chose the "N" for NANCE. The film is a bit dim for the letters following. My best guesses are either be "Mans" or "Maies." It ends with the letter "s." ]
Amelia County, Virginia, Deed Books 3 & 4 Page 82
Abstracted and Compiled by Gibson Jefferson McConnaughey
Mid-South Pub Co c1981
Page 97
Samuel Flake & Amey his wife to Richard Dennis D. Nov 20 1749. Consid: £55. 200 acres S/S main Seller Creek, adj. lines of John Clarke, Samuel Vaughan & George NANCE, with all houses, etc. Wits: John Clarke, William Clarke & Henry Tinch
Bedford County, Virginia Deed Book C-3
Transcribed and Abstracted by Ann Chilton
Mountain Press, Signal Mountain, TN 1992
Bedford Co Deed Book C-3 Page 398
Phillip Brewer to Nathaniel NANCE 27 Feb 1770
363 acres on Buffalo Creek
Bedford Co Deed Book C-3 Page 401
Josiah Cox (Cumberland) to Thomas NANCE (Dinwiddie) 27 Feb 1770
320 acres - Walton's Corner on Little Otter River
Wit: Nath. NANCE, James Patterson
Bedford Co Deed Book C-3
Several Deeds 27 Feb 1770
Witnesses: Nathaniel NANCE, Thomas NANCE
Josiah Cox (Cumberland) to Alexander Gibbs (Dinwiddie) 27 Feb 1770 Page 399
320 acres - Smith's corner on Little Otter
Witness: Nath. NANCE, James Patterson
Josiah Cox (Cumberland) to William Mead 27 Feb 1770 Page 403
160 acres - North side Little Otter River
Wit: Nath. NANCE, James Patterson, Thomas NANCE
Bedford Co Deed Book C-3 Page 442
William Callaway to Nathaniel NANCE 22 May 1770
610 acres on both sides of Elk Creek
Bedford Co Deed Book C-3 Page 451
Nathaniel NANCE and wife Susanna to Nanny Turner 22 May 1770
360 acres on Buffalo Creek
Bedford Co Deed Book C-3 Page 461
Nathaniel NANCE to Alexander Gibbs 24 Jul 1770
206 acres on Elk Creek
Bedford Co Deed Book C-3 Page 514
John Perrin to William Donald Trust deed 27 Nov 1770
Wit: Nath. NANCE, Fran Thorpe, Robert Donald
Bedford Co Deed Book 5 Page 127-128
William NANCE of North Carolina to Cornelius Noell 30 Jul 1773
£75 - 200 acres - Branch of Elk Creek
Adj: small branch, Patent Line
Rec: 23 Aug 1773
Page 127
This Indenture made this 30 Jul 1773 Between William NANCE of North Carolina of the one part and Cornelius Noell of Bedford County of the other part ... £75 ... parcel of land in Bedford County containing 200 acres on a branch of Elk Creek Beginning at an ash and maple on the said Branch thence off North 87 West 30 poles to pointers South 23 West 205 poles to Pattent Line thence on Pattent line East 82 poles to pointers South 30 East 72 poles to a red oak South 40 West 150 poles to two pines South 10 East 20 poles to a white oak in Pattent line thence off North 78 East 128 poles to an ash on a small branch thence down said Branch South 58 East 45 poles to the mouth of said Branch thence up the main Branch as it meanders to the beginning To
Page 127
have ...
Simon Miller Alexander Gibbs William NANCE
Thomas NANCE William Gibbs
Memorandum That full and peaceable possession ... delivered by the within named William NANCE and [blank] his wife unto the within mentioned Cornelius Noell ...
2 Aug 1773 ...
At a Court ... 23 Aug 1773 ... ordered to be recorded.
Bedford Co Deed Book 6 Page 407
Richard NANCE to his son Thomas NANCE 25 Mar 1780
£500 - 8 Slaves and Entire Estate
Rec: 27 Mar 1780
Page 407
Know all Men by these Presents that I Richard NANCE of Bedford County for divers good causes and valuable considerations to me moving but more especially for the Natural Love and affection I have and Bear to my Lawful Son Thomas NANCE and for the further consideration of the sum of £500 good and lawful money to me paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. Do give unto my said son Thomas NANCE and his Heirs forever the following slaves Viz Bobb, Jone, Bibb and Jack. Agg, Amey, Beck and Lidd, Together with all my estate real and personal of every kind or sort whatever and by these presents do warrant the Title of the aforesaid Estate from the Claim of me and my heirs and from the Claim or demand of any Person pretending to claim under me and from all Persons whatsoever, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 25 Mar 1780.
Signed Sealed & Delivered Richard NANCE (his mark)
In the Presence of
John Jarvis Thomas Fuqua Simmons Everitt
At a Court held for Bedford County 27 Mar 1780
This Bill of Sale was proved by the oaths of John Jarvis, Thomas Fuqua and Simmons Everitt Witnesses thereto Subscribed and Ordered to be Recorded.
Brunswick Co - VA Land Patents - Book 12 Page 518
John NANCE of Prince George Co 7 Jul 1726
142 acres - South side of Nottoway River
Indian Company's upper corner on River; on County line
[Surveyed for John NANCE 142a 17 Apr 1723 VADD020d]
Repatented by Littleton Tazewell 26 Nov 1757 VAXX032
Page 518
John NANCE 142 new land
... unto John NANCE of Prince George County one certain tract or parcel of land containing 142 acres lying and being on the South side of Nottoway River in the County of Brunswick and bounded as followeth ... Beginning at the Indian Company's upper corner upon the River thence along their line South 31 East 122 poles to a corner hickory in the County line thence West 30 South 147 poles along the County line to a corner red oak thence North 30 West 74 poles to a corner black oak thence North 10 East 166 poles to a corner hickory upon the River below the mouth of a small run thence down Nottoway River as it meanders to the Beginning ... 7 Jul 1726
DEED BOOK 15 Know all men by
these presents that I John Smith son of Salley or Sarah Smith single woman
of the County of Brunswick and State of Virginia for
and in consideration of the sum of one hundred pounds . . . to me in hand
paid by Jesse Brewer . . . doth grant bargain and sell and deliver unto the
sd. Jesse Brewer one black mare bridle and saddle two feather beds and furniture
eight setting chairs two iron potts and one dutch oven also all my right and
title to a tract of land in Brunswick County Meherrin Parish on the Long Branch
which land was left by James Upchurch deceased to the said
John NANCE or
Smith son of Salley or Sarah Smith and James Smith in his Last Will and Testament
which appears on record to him the said Jesse Brewer . . . in witness whereof
the said John Smith hath hereunto set his hand and seal this 25th Day of
December 1790. Signed by
John NANCE Smith and
witnessed by John Brewer, James Brewer, and Milly Dison (her mark). Brunswick
County Court March 28th 1791. This Indenture of Bargain and Sale was acknowledged
John NANCE Smith party thereto to be his act
and deed and ordered to be recorded. Deed Book 15, page 51.
This Indenture made this 27th Day of November, 1780 BETWEEN Thomas NANCE and Anne his wife of the County of Brunswick of the one part and Sarah Warren
and the Heirs of John Warren as it is mentioned on the back of this Indenture
of the same County of the other part . . . that the said Thos. NANCE and Anne
his wife for and in consideration of the sum of two thousand five hundred
pounds . . . paid by the said Sarah Warren and the heirs of John Warren to
be as it is mentioned on the back of this Indenture . . . doth grant bargain
sell alien release and confirm unto the said Sarah Warren & heirs of John
Warren to be as it is mentioned on the back of this Indenture and to their
husband assigns forever, one certain Tract or parcel of Land containing two
hundred and seventy three acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick and Meckingburg (sic) on the branch
of Genito Creek that was granted unto Daniel NANCE
of Brunswick County by letters Patent bearing date February the fifth
day one thousand seven hundred and fifty three . . . Signed by Thomas NANCE (his mark) and Anne NANCE (her mark).
WHEREAS John Warren by his last Will and Testament was desirous that his
wife should have the use of his lands in the County during life or Widowhood
for her to dispose of the same as she should think proper either to sell the
same and purchase more or continue to keep the same by a clause in the said
will left it in these words I Give her the use of all my Lands within this
County to sell and dispose of as she shall think fit during her life or Widowhood,
and provided that she should die or marry after selling the said Land before
she purchases that immediately the money be put upon Interest and equally
divided amongst my children when they arive (sic) to the age of eighteen
Years and in case she should die or Marry in possession of the said Lands
that then it be sold and divided amongst my sons (to wit) Merriott Warren,
John Warren, William Warren, and Thomas Warren. ----- 1780 there Received
of Thomas Merriott two thousand five hundred pounds it being the consideration
money within mentioned by me. Signed by Thomas NANCE (his mark). At a Court
held for Brunswick County the 27th Day of November 1780. This Indenture and
Memorandum were Acknowledged by Thomas NANCE
& Anne his wife parties thereto, she having been first privily examined
as the Law direct, and the Receipt thereon endorsed was also Acknowledged
by the said Thomas NANCE and together with
the said Indenture and Memorandum, Ordered to be Recorded. Deed Book 14,
page 80.
S. side Nottoway R., Brunswick Co. 1743 Wm. of Brunswick sells land pat. to Wm. 1741; wife Ann 1746 Aug. 26 -
Land Grant to John, 400 a.Brunswick Co., both sides Meherrin R. Wm. had other patents
Brunswick County, Virginia Deed Book 3 (1744-1749) Pole for Drury Stith-- William NANCE, Deed Book 3, Page 513,
John and Reuben NANCEsold land in Mecklenburg Dist.,
of Brunswick Co., 1771 and moved to Henry Co. 440 a. eastern section
near Pittsylvania Co. line. Place called Leatherwood. Apr. 2, 1789 John
and Reuben NANCE of Henry Co. to Jas. Hix of Brunswick Co.
Brunswick County, Virginia Deed Book 5
(1751-1755) Indenture made 28 December 1750, between Daniel NANCE of Surry County, and John Brown of Brunswick
County, £10, 244a, on Evanses Creek on both sides and bounded as by
Letters Patent granted to him the said Daniel NANCE dated 12 January 1746.
Signed Daniell NANCE. Wit: Thomas Bracey, Josiah
Floyd (bhm), William NANCE (bhm). Court 26 March
1751, Indenture proved by the oaths of Thomas Bracy, Josiah Floyd and William NANCE. Deed Book 5, Page 37.
Brunswick Co - VA Land Patents - Book 12 Page 518
John NANCE of Prince George Co 7 Jul 1726
142 acres - South side of Nottoway River
Indian Company's upper corner on river; on County line
[Surveyed for John NANCE 142a 17 Apr 1723 VADD020d]
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 16 Page 383-384
Daniel NANCE & Edmund Hall 15 Aug 1737
385 acres - Both sides of Genito Creek
Daniel NANCE to Thomas Malone 230a 2 Oct 1749 VAEE039
Drury Malone to Daniel NANCE 50a 2 Oct 1749 VAEE038
Hall to Thomas Malone 185a 9 Apr 1750 VAEE040
Daniel NANCE to Drury Malone 152a 7 Apr 1750 VAEE041 part of 385
Drury & Isham Malone repatent 970a 5 Aug 1751 VAEE006 150 part of 385
820 new
Thomas Malone repatented 705a 12 May 1759 VAEE012 235 part of 385
470 new
Page 383
Edmund Hall & Daniel NANCE - 385 acres
... Know ye that for the consideration hereinafter mentioned we have
Page 384
given granted and confirmed ... do give grant and confirm unto Edmund Hall and Daniel NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 385 acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick on both sides of Jenneto Creek and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning on the Creek thence North 40 West 100 poles to a white oak then West 40 South 308 poles to a white oak on the Creek thence South 40 East 200 poles to a small white oak in a Valley thence East 40 North 308 poles to several trees chopt inwards and thence North 40 West 100 poles to the Beginning ... 15 Aug 1737
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 19 Page 974-975
William NANCE 1 Jun 1741
15s - 129 acres - Both sides South Fork Shining Creek
NANCE to Ingram 129a 7 Jul 1743 VAEE110
Repatented by Ingram 12 Jan 1746 VAEE005
Page 974
William NANCE - 129 acres
15s ... unto William NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 129 acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick on both sides the South fork of Shining Creek and bounded as followeth .to wit: Beginning at a butterwood thence North 21 East 124 poles to a red oak thence North 43 West 200 poles to a red oak thence West 43 South 74 poles to a white oak on the creek and thence down the creek as it meanders to the beginning ...
Page 975
... 1 Jun 1741
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 25 Page 239-241
William NANCE 12 Jan 1746
35s - 318 acres - South Side of Genito Creek
Adj: Josiah Floyd [VAXX046],
[Thomas] Eldridge [VAXX047],
Malone[VAEE001 to Malone],
[John] Johnson
John & Mary NANCE to Floyd 318a 15 Nov 1777 VAEE035
Page 239
... 35s ... unto William NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 318 acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick on the South Side of Jeneto Creek and bounded as followeth to wit:
Beginning at Josiah Floyd's corner white oak on Eldridge's
Page 240
line thence along his line South 33 West 68 poles to his corner white oak thence South 26 West 224 poles to his corner white oak on a Branch thence off South 7 West 80 poles to a white oak thence North 71 West 114 poles to a white oak thence North 15 West 160 poles to a blackjack thence North 16 East 70 poles to a white oak on Melone's line thence along his line South 41 East 62 poles to his corner white oak thence North 50 East 318 poles to his corner hickory on Johnson's line thence along his line North 62 East 4 poles to Floyd's corner hickory thence along his line South 3 East 154 poles to the beginning ...
Page 241
... 12 Jan 1746
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 25 Page 569-571
Daniel NANCE 12 Jan 1746
25s - 244 acres - Avents Creek
Daniel NANCE to Brown 244a 28 Dec 1750 VAEE042
John Brown - Henry Mays 122a 23 May 1754 VAEE043
Page 569
Daniel NANCE - 244
25s ... unto Daniel NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 244 acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at a white oak on a branch thence North 2 East 148 poles to a hickory in Avents Creek thence down the said Creek as it meanders to a white oak on the Creek thence South 5 West 200 poles to a live oak thence South 44 East 114 poles to a red oak on a Branch thence down the said Branch as it meanders to the Beginning ...
Page 570
... [boilerplate] ...
Page 571
... 12 Jan 1746 ...
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 28 Page 34- 35
John Ingram 12 Jan 1746
25s - 364 acres - Both sides Shining Creek
Adj: Owen Strange, John Stith
Residue never granted 235a repatented
William NANCE Patent 129a 1 Jun 1741 VAEE002
William NANCE to Ingram 129a 7 Jul 1743 VAEE110
Page 34
... 25s ... unto John Ingram one certain tract ... containing 364 acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick on both sides of Shining Creek joining Owen Strange's line and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at his corner red oak on Shining Creek thence ... John Stith's line ... up the said creek as it meanders to the beginning.
129 acres part thereof being formerly granted unto William NANCE by our Letters Patent 1 Jun 1741 [VAEE002] the right and title of which said land is since become vested in the said John Ingram and
235 acres the residue never before granted ...
Page 35
... 12 Jan 1746 ...
Lunenburg & Brunswick Co - VA Land Patents - Book 29 Page 480
Drury Malone & Isham Malone 5 Aug 1751
970 acres - Both sides Jeneto Creek
Adj: the Patent Line & William NANCE
820a never before granted
150a - Part of 385a Patent
Edmund Hall & Daniel NANCE 385a 15 Aug 1737 VAEE001
Daniel NANCE to Malone 152a 7 Apr 1750 VAEE041
Page 480
... £4-5s ... unto Drury Melone and Isham Melone one certain tract or parcel of land containing 970 acres lying and being in the Counties of Lunenburgh and Brunswick on both sides of Jeneto Creek and bounded as followeth to wit Beginning where the Patent Line crosses the said Creek thence on the same South 40 East 100 poles to pointers thence South 50 West 308 poles to a white oak thence North 40 West 60 poles to William NANCE's corner red oak in the same thence on his Lines South 15 West 70 poles to pointers thence South 17 East 166 poles to a red oak thence new Lines North 68 West 322 poles to an ash in a small Branch of the Great Creek thence down the Branch as it meanders to the next Fork below thence up the other Branch 6 poles to a red oak on the same thence South 80 West 24 poles to a pine thence North 12 West 280 poles to a black gum thence North 60 East 258 poles to a white oak thence South 40 East 216 poles to a white oak in the Patent Line above mentioned thence along the same South 50 West 22 poles to a white oak on the Creek aforesaid and thence down the same as it meanders to the first station.
150 acres part thereof being Part of a Patent for 385 acres formerly granted unto Edmund Hall and Daniel NANCE bearing date 15 Aug 1737 [VAEE001] and 820 acres the Residue never before granted ...
Page 481
... 5 Aug 1751 ...
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 32 Page 24- 25
Daniel NANCE 5 Feb 1753
30s - 278 acres - Branches of Avents Creek
Crosses Mecklenburg Co line
Adj: [Edward] Winfield [VAXX050], Coles, road
Thomas NANCE to Warren 273a 27 Nov 1780 VAEE059
Page 24
... 30s ... unto Daniel NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 278 acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick on the branches of Avents creek and bounded as followeth, to wit. Beginning at Winfield's corner white oak on Coles line thence along Coles line South 50 West 242 poles to a white oak on a Branch thence up the said Branch to a red oak on the same thence North 21 East 338 poles to a pine thence North 26 East 58 poles to Winfield's corner red oak thence along his line South 5 West 116 poles to his corner white oak on the Road thence South 49 East at 78 poles crossing the County line 171 poles to the Beginning ...
Page 25
... 5 Feb 1753
******************************************************************************** VAXX014.DOC
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 27 Page 263-264
Benjamin Hawkins 25 Jul 1749
350 acres - South side Owls Creek and
Both Sides of the Mouth of Little Owls Creek
Hawkins to Barnaby Wells 350a 26 Nov 1750 VAXX062
Wells to Thompson ?
Page 263
Beginning at a white oak on the said Creek thence South 51 West 76 poles to a white oak thence South 24 West 46 poles to a pine thence South 58 West 138 poles to a pine thence North 83 West 46 poles to an Elm on little Owls Creek thence up the said Creek as it meanders to a white oak on the same thence North 11 East 94 poles to a white oak thence North 30 East 256 poles to a white oak on the Creek thence down the said creek as it meanders to the beginning ...
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 25 Page 574
Catlet Mann 12 Jan 1746
400 acres - Both sides Meherrin River
Page 574
... unto Catlet Mann ... 400 acres ... County of Brunswick on both sides of Meherrin River ... Beginning at Abraham Mishaux upper corner white oak on the River thence along his
Page 575
lines East 52 poles to a turkey oak thence off North 2 East 102 poles to a pine thence North 50 West 82 poles to a pine thence South 53 West 216 poles to a white oak thence South 2 East 102 poles to a pine thence South 2 West 218 poles to a red oak thence South 50 East 58 poles to a white oak on the Hurricane Creek thence North 83 East 74 poles to a pine thence North 73 East 94 poles to a beech on Maherrin River thence up the said River as it meanders to the beginning ...
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 32 Page 32
Benjamin Hawkins 5 Feb 1753
3776 acres - Both sides Juniper Creek
Page 32
... unto Benjamin Hawkins ... 3,776 acres ... in the County of Lunenburgh on both sides of Juniper Creek ... Beginning at Willinghams corner small ash on the said Juniper Creek thence along his line East 316 poles to a white oak thence off North 20 East 155 poles to a pine North 80 West 220 poles to pointers North 52 West 332 poles to a small Hiccory North 20 West 80 poles to a red oak North 70 West 234 poles to a pine West 93 poles to a pine North 55 West 394 poles to Waltons corner Black Jack thence along his lines South 80 poles to a pine South 40 West 320 poles to a pine South 48 East 6 poles to a red oak South 38 West 142 poles to a hiccory South 60 poles to a white oak South 62 West 52 poles to a hiccory South 31 East 118 poles to a gum thence new lines North 55 East 334 poles [to pointers thence South 30 ][from DeedMapper]
Page 33
East 200 poles to a Gum South 65 East 360 poles to pointers South 190 poles to Roberts's corner red oak thence along his line the same course continued 90 poles to a white oak by Breedloves Creek thence down the said Creek as it meanders to Blackstones line thence along his line North 83 East 224 poles to his corner pointers in Breedloves line thence along his lines North 15 West 44 poles to pointers North 50 East 180 poles to a pine East 24 poles to a Hiccory by the said Juniper Creek and thence up the same as it meanders to the first station ... 5 Feb 1753
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 30 Page 57
Timothy Murril & Richard Pruit [Prewit] 1 Jun 1750
465 acres - Both sides Hall's Creek
Page 57
... to Timothy Murril and Richard Prewit ... 465 acres ... in the County of Lunenburgh on both sides of Hall's Creek ... Beginning at Halls lower corner red oak thence new lines South 16 East 94 poles to a pines thence South 55 East 160 poles to two Hiccories thence North 60 East 160 poles crossing the Creek to a red oak thence North 14 West 398 poles to a pine in Halls line thence on his line South 30 West 318 poles crossing the Creek to the first station ... 1 Jun 1750 ...
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 90
John Willingham Junr 16 Aug 1756
400 acres - Both sides Liles's Creek
Page 90
... unto John Willingham Junr ... 400 acres ... in the County of Lunenburgh on both sides of Liles's Creek ... Beginning at a Beech on a Rock in the said Creek thence a new line North 10 West 10 poles to Williams's corner pine thence along his lines North 70 West 400 poles to a red oak South 30 West 160 poles to a pine thence a new line South 70 East 400 poles to a pine in Walkers line thence along his line North 30 East 64 poles to a Walnut on the said Creek and thence down the same as it meanders to the first station ... 16 Aug 1756 ...
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 113
Bryan Lester 16 Aug 1756
400 acres - Both sides Juniper Creek
Page 90
... unto Bryan Lester ... 400 acres ... County of Lunenburgh both sides of Juniper Creek ... Beginning at a Mulberry Tree on the Creek thence new lines West 50 poles to a Beech on the Creek thence up the same as it meandres to a Mulberry tree on the same thence off South 75 West 64 poles to a red oak North 79 West 132 poles to a white oak South 55 West 54 poles to a poplar on a Branch of the same thence down the said Branch as it meanders to the Creek thence up the Creek as it meanders to a red oak on the same thence off North 30 East 92 poles to a pine East 320 poles to a red oak South 45 East 106 poles to a red oak in Tandy Walker's line thence on his line South 18 West 32 poles to a white oak on the Creek aforesaid and thence down the same as it meanders to the first station ... 16 Aug 1756 ...
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 28 Page 72
William Eavens [Evans] 25 Jun 1747
427 acres - Both sides South Fork, Meherrin River
Page 72
... unto William Eavens [Evans] ... 427 acres ... County of Brunswick on both sides of the South Fork of Maherrin River ... Beginning at a Spanish oak on the said River thence North 51 East 80 poles to a red oak thence North 31 West 140 poles to a maple on a Great Branch thence North 64 West 100 poles to a red oak thence South 73 West 134 poles to a red oak thence South 31 West 124 poles to a pine thence South 10 East 100 poles to a hiccory on a Branch thence South 86 East 40 poles to a pine thence South 44 East 84 poles to a white oak on a Branch thence North 85 East 62 poles to a white oak thence North 61 East 130 poles to a hiccory on the River thence up the said River as it meanders to the beginning ... 25 Jun 1747 ...
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 166
George Walton 5 Feb 1757
4544 acres - Both sides Meherrin River
1240a being Part of a great Quantity granted Benjamin Hawkins 20 May 1749 - !1300a other Part granted John Hall 1 Jun 1750 vested in Walton - ! 2004a the Residue never before granted) ********************************************************************************
Page 166
... unto George Walton ... 4,544 acres ... County of Lunenburgh on both sides of Maherrin River ... Beginning at NANCE's corner Mulberry Tree on the said River thence along his line North 54 East 102 poles to a Spanish oak thence along Flin's lines North 5 West 108 poles to a red oak North 12 East 76 poles to a black jack South 50 East 414 poles to a red oak thence along Prewit's lines North 30 East 342 poles to a pine South 14 East 272 poles to Willingham's corner in the same thence along their line 280 poles tp their corner pine in Ingram's line thence along his lines North 14 West 72 poles to a white oak by a Branch of Swish Creek thence up the said Branch 6 poles to Staples's corner white oak thence along his line North 7 [West] 136 poles to his Corner Hiccory in Degraffenriedt's Line thence along his lines West 4 poles to a pine North 39 West 380 poles [only 200 poles in VPB 15:432] to a red oak North 194 poles to Moor's Corner pointers in the same thence along his line West 100 poles to a chesnut oak South 60 West 111 poles to Eelbank's corner red oak bush thence along his lines
Page 167
South 45 East 120 poles to a white oak South 30 West 174 poles to a red oak North 60 West 24 poles to a red oak South 30 West 190 poles to a pine North 40 West 524 poles to an ash on a Branch of Springfield Creek South 70 West 210 poles to a pine thence along Rowlett's lines South 40 East 26 poles to a pine South 28 West 560 poles to pointers West 120 poles to two red oaks North 5 East 110 poles to an Ash on Gill's Creek thence down the said Creek as it meanders to Rowlet's corner white oak on the same still along his lines North 20 East 18 poles to pointers by a Meadow North 70 West 6 poles to a Hiccory North 50 West 190 poles to a Maple at a Spring thence along Boulden's line South 80 West 140 poles to Mitchels corner white oak in the same thence along his line South 10 West 180 poles to a poplar on Bear Branch thence along Petty's lines South 50 East 140 poles to a pine East 26 poles to pointers on Turkey Egg Branch South 10 West 170 poles to a pine thence along Rivers's lines South 60 East 168 poles to pointers South 28 West 6 poles to a red oak South 32 East 74 poles to a red oak thence along Mitchel's line being the Division line of Hawkins's Patent North 73 East 668 poles to NANCE's Corner white oak thence along his line North 27 West 54 poles to a Walnut Tree on the said Meherrin River and thence up the same as it meanders to the first station ... 5 Feb 1757
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 33 Page 72
Peter Rowlett 16 Aug 1756
825 acres - Both sides Meherrin River
Page 72
... unto Peter Rowlet ... 825 acres ... in the County of Lunenburgh on both sides of Meherrin River ... Beginning at Waltons corner ash on Gills Creek thence along his line South 5 West 110 poles to two red oaks thence a new line East 120 poles to pointers
Page 73
in Walton's line thence along his line North 28 East 282 poles to his corner white oak thence a new line the same course continued 302 poles to a pine in Hall's line thence along his line North 40 West 26 poles to a pine thence along Coles's line South 77 West 160 poles to pointers in Cobbs line thence along his lines South 10 East 11 poles to a hiccory South 80 West 226 poles to Talbot's corner red oak thence along his line South 30 West 190 poles to a maple thence along Walton's lines South 50 East 190 poles to a hiccory South 70 East 6 poles to a pine South 20 West 18 poles to a white oak on Gills Creek aforesaid and thence up the same as it meanders to the first station ... 16 Aug 1756
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 32 Page 628
Silvanus Walker 10 Sep 1755
400 acres - South side Meherrin River
Page 628
... unto Silvanus Walker ... 400 acres ... in the County of Lunenburgh on the South side of Meherrin River ... ... Beginning at Tandy Walker's corner elm on the Juniper Creek thence on his line South 57 West 30 poles to a white oak thence new lines South 5 East 42 poles to a red oak South 25 West 120 poles to a red oak South 10 East 120 poles to a red oak South 70 East 100 poles to a pine North 65 East 124 poles to a small red oak in Rivers's line thence on his line North 5 East 38 poles to a white oak North 80 East 68 poles to Meherrin River and thence up the watercourses as it meanders to the first station ...
Char Co Bk 4 Pg 122 6 Oct 1778
Blankinship from Roads
This indenture, the 6th day of October, 1778, between Edward Roods, of Charlotte county, and
John Blankinship of Lunenburg county, (conveys) for the sum of 13 pounds current money of Virginia, a
certain tract of land containing 100 acres, formerly belonging to Jos. Williams, bounded, beginning at Kings
Road on a pine on Atkins line, thence along his line to a corner red oak on ... thence north on George
Wallon's line to a post oak, thence along his own line to a corner pine, thence along said Road's line to the
first station
Signed: Edward Roads
Obediah NANCE, Asa Blankinship
Char Co Bk 8 - Pg 223 21 Dec 1799
Blankinship to Stokes
This indenture, the 21st day of December, 1799, between John Blankinship, of Halifax county, and
Henry Stokes of Charlotte county, (conveys) for the sum of 50 pounds current money of Virginia, a certain
tract of land on Reese's Fork, containing 100 acres, bounded, by the lines of Hood NANCE, Levy
Blankinship, Joseph Duprey, John Lee, and George Walton's estate
Signed: John (X) Blankinship
Witness: Henry Haley, Levy Blankinship, Nelson Jennings, Rich'd Stone
BK8 Pg187 04 Dec 1786 Neison Calvert sold to Levy Blankinship, both of Charlotte for five shillings, two
negros, to wit; Ginna & Charles and 200a that Nelson lived on, his Black Smith Tools, a bed, Bay Mare, two
cows & calves. Recorded 05 Feb 1787. Wit: John Blankenship,
Hood NANCE, Mary Blankenship, and Mary
Blankenship Sr
BK 11 Pg46 04 Sep 1807 Levi Blankenship sold to
Campbell NANCE 15ac Head waters Reese Fork for 11
pounds. Wit
Levi NANCE, Henry Haley and J. Tankersley
Bk 12 Pg90, 23 Dec 1811 Levi Blankenship of Kentucky appointed Attorney William Dupree to sell to
Woodward Haley 190ac on Kings Road Bounded by John Vaughn
Campbell NANCE, Edward Lee, John
Tankerlsley and Overton Pettus, for $350.00 Wit: Edward Lee, George Cole and Samuel Elam.
Charlotte Co Deed Book 1 Page 60-62
Thomas NANCE of Charlotte Co to John Haley 8 Jun 1765
£20 - 400 acres - Juniper Creek
Adj: Hawkins [VAXX016],
Adj: Walker [VAXX023]
Rec: 8 Jun 1765
Thomas NANCE Patent 400a 15 Aug 1764 VACC018
John Haley to Shorter 94a 4 Apr 1768 VACC099
Charlotte Co Deed Book 1 Page 288-292
William NANCE of Charlotte Co to John Skelton 17 Sep 1766
£19/2/11 - 130 acres - Land where NANCE lived
In Charlotte Co - Both sides of Springfield Creek
Adj: Wilmoth, Walton, Moore, Davidson
Walton to John Wells 330a 3 Mar 1761 VAXX065
Wells to William NANCE 330a 7 Sep 1762 VACC046
Rec: 4 May 1767
[Note there are two successive pages labeled 288 Page 288
This Indenture made the 17 Sep 1766 Between William NANCE of Charlotte County of the one part and John Skelton of the County of Chesterfield of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of £19/2/11 current money of Virginia to the said William NANCE in hand paid by the said John Skelton ...all that tract peice or parcel of land situated on both sides of Springfield Creek in the County of Charlotte containing 130 acres and bounded as follows to wit Beginning at a small hickory on the said Creek thence along Wilmoth's line South 50 West 140 poles to a pine thence along Waltons line South
[Note there are two successive pages labeled 288 Page 288
40 East 87 poles to a white oak bush North 50 East 227 poles along Walton's and Davidson's lines to Moore's line North 50 West 87 [poles] to Wilmoth's corner pointers along Wilmoth's line a straight course to his corner white oak on the said Creek and thence down the same as it meanders to the first station being the land whereon the said NANCE lived & is part of a larger tract sold to John Wells by George Walton & conveyed by the said Wells to the said NANCE in the County Court of Lunenburgh and all houses buildings orchards ... their appurteNANCEs unto
Page 289
Page 290
heirs all and singular ... In witness whereof the said William NANCE hath hereunto
Page 291
set his had and seal the day and year first above written
William (W) NANCE
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Clement Read, Samuel White, Caleb Townes
Mary Read
Memorandum That quite and peaceable possession ...
Partly from : Charlotte County, Virginia 1765-1771 Page 28
Deed Books 1 and 2 abstracted and compiled by
Joanne Lovelace NANCE, Lapin Press, 1990 Charlottesville, VA
Rec: 4 May 1767
Charlotte Co Deed Book 1 Page 272-273
Nathaniel NANCE of Bedford Co to Richard Foster 1 Jun 1767
£60 - No acres mentioned - In Charlotte Co
Adj: Land Foster purchased from John NANCE [VACC037]
& by lands of George Walton
Rec: 1 Jun 1767
Richard NANCE Patent 210a 1 Jun 1750 VACC008
Richard NANCE to Nathaniel 105a 21 Sep 1759 VACC036
Page 272
This Indenture made this 1 Jun 1767 Between Nathaniel NANCE of the County of Bedford of the one part and Richard Foster of the County of Hanover of the other part Witnesseth that the said Nathaniel NANCE for and in consideration of the sum of £60 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Charlotte adjoining and bounded by the land which the said Foster formerly purchased of John NANCE together with and by the lands of George Walton and to have and to hold ... with the appurteNANCEs against him
Page 273
the said Nathaniel NANCE ...
Nathaniel NANCE
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us
Memorandum that on 1 Jun 1767 livery seizen of the with[in] mentioned land and premises was acknowledged to be made from the within named Nathan NANCE unto the within mentioned Richard Foster in presence of us whose names are under written
Nathaniel NANCE
At a Court held for Charlotte County 1 Jun 1767 The within written Indenture & the memorandum hereon Indorsed was acknowledged by the said Nathaniel NANCE and ordered to be recorded Teste Samuel Conn Clk
Page 60
This Indenture made this 8 Jun 1765 Between Thomas NANCE of the County of Charlotte of the one part and John Haley of the County of Lunenburg and Parish of Cumberland of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Thomas NANCE for ... £20 ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Charlotte aforesaid and on the Juniper Creek containing 400 acres and bounded as follows Viz Beginning at Hawkins corner gum thence along his line South
Page 61
65 East 162 poles to a white oak thence a new line South 18 West 154 poles to pointers in Walkers line thence along his line West 132 poles to a red oak thence a new line North 29 West 360 poles to pointers in Hawkins line thence along his line North 55 East 138 poles to pointers; South 30 East 200 poles to the first station ...
Thomas NANCE
Signed and Sealed in presence of
Jno Williams Jr Sherd Walton Ann Walton
Memorandum that on 8 Jun 1765 ...
Charlotte Co Deed Book 1 Page 299-301
John Moore to son Joseph Moore 31 Jul 1767
529 acres Charlotte Co Branches of Meherrin
Adj: [William] NANCE [VACC046], Washborn,
Wilmoth [VACC065], Davis, Whitlock
Rec: 3 Aug 1767
Page 299
This Indenture made this 31 Jul 1767 Between John Moore of the County of Charlotte of the one part and Joseph Moore son of the said John Moore of the same county of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Moore for and in consideration of the natural love and affection that he bears to his son Joseph doth ... one certain tract ... in aforesaid County on the branches of Maherrin River containing by estimation 529 acres ... Beginning at my own corner in a thickett thence along my lines West 130 poles to a corner South 18 West 72 poles to a corner West 120 poles to [William] NANCE's line thence along his and Wilmoth's line North 42 West 160 poles to an oak in a branch South 70 West 30 poles to Davis's corner thence along his line North 5 West 96 poles to Whitlock's corner thence along his lines North 22.5 East 72 poles to a corner thence South 82 East 320 poles
Page 300
to a white oak thence South 64 East 140 poles to a pine and thence along Washborn's line strait to the beginning ...
Partly from : Charlotte County, Virginia 1765-1771 Page 29
Deed Books 1 and 2 abstracted and compiled by
Joanne Lovelace NANCE, Lapin Press, 1990 Charlottesville, VA
Signed: John Moore
Wit: Wm Booker, Thos Flournoy, Thomas Stark
Rec: 3 Aug 1767
Charlotte Co Deed Book 1 Page 313-315
Richard Burks to John Fisher 13 Jan 1768
South side of Springfield Creek
Rec: 1 Feb 1768 (deed of trust)
Lunenburg Co deed identical to this one [VACC057]
Richard NANCE to Burks 173 a 16 Dec 1767 ?
Burks to Tucker 173 a 13 Jan 1768 VACC057
fragment Page 313
This Indenture made the 13 Jan 1768 Between Richard Burks of the County of Prince Edward of the one part and John Fisher of the County of Chesterfield merchant of the other part Witnesseth the Whereas the said Richard Burks is justly indebted to the said
Page 313
John Fisher & Company in the sum of £524/4/3/3 current money of Virginia also to Duglass Hamilton the sum of £106/2/3 and to Messrs Robert Hastie & James Jameson, merchants in Glasgow, in the sum of £58/2/2 current money and the said Richard Burks being willing and desirous to pay & satisfy the said several Creditors their respective debts aforesaid with legal interest from this date He the said Richard Burks for & in consideration of the said several debts and for and in consideration of 5 shillings current money to him in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted bargained and delivered & confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell and deliver & confirm unto the said John Fisher his heirs & assigns for ever one certain tract peice or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Luneburgh containing by estimation 173 acres be the same more or less to the land conveyed to the said Richd
Page 314
Burks by Richard NANCE by deed bearing date 16 Dec last past and is on the south side of Springfield Creek to the deed aforesaid is referred for greater certainty Also one other tract of land situate lying and being in Charlotte County containing 100 acres ...conveyed to the said Burks by Francis Clements ... deed recorded in Charlotte County Court reference being thereto had ... the place where the said Clements formerly kept an ordinary, Also the following slaves to wit, one Negroe woman named Nan purchased of the estate of Jno Phillips, one Negroe boy named Bob, one girl named Hannah, a boy named Cager a girl named Rachel a girl named Pegg & a girl named Cloe also nine geldings ...
Page 315
and every advantage ... also 20 acres of land situate in Amelia County by the said Burks purchased of John James Dupee as by deed recorded in Amelia Court ...
claims of all and every person or
Page 316
persons whatsoever ...
Page 317
the overplus shall be rendered to the said Richard Burks and in case the said effects shall fall short the said Richard Burks doth hereby engage to make up such deficiency ...
Richard Burks
Sealed & Delivered in presence of Miller
Woodson P Carrington William Owen
At a Court ... 1 Feb 1768 the within written deed of trust ...
Charlotte Co Deed Book 2 Page 217-220
Thomas Tabb to Frederick NANCE of Charlotte Co 25 May 1769
£25 - 100 acres - South side Meherrin,
Both sides of Owls Creek
Adj: Frederick NANCE [VACC045], Williams [VACC010],
Adj: Abner Wells, Foster
Rec: 4 Sep 1769
Page 217
This Indenture made 25 May 1769 between Thomas Tabb of Amelia County of the part and Frederick NANCE of the County of Charlotte of the other part Witnesseth ... sum of £25 current money of Virginia ...
Page 218
Frederick NANCE and his heirs and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Charlotte on the south side of Maherrin River and on both sides of Owl's Creek containing 100 acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows (viz) Beginning at the said NANCE's corner white oak on the said River thence along his lines South 72 West 40 poles to a small pine South 44 West 144 poles to pointers along Williams's line North 52 West 22 poles to Abner Wellses corner hickory thence along his lines North 2 West 66.5 poles to a white oak North 51 East 45 poles to a small hickory North 32 East 96 poles to a hickory bush thence along Foster's line South 80 East 38 poles to the River aforesaid and thence down the River as it meanders to the first station ...
Page 219
... [boilerplate]
Page 220
Thomas Tabb
Sealed and Delivered in Presence of William Jameson James Foster
Josiah Foster, Wiott Garner
... 4 Sep 1769 ... ordered to be Recorded
Charlotte Co Deed Book 2 Page 225-227
Richard & Sarah Foster to Thomas Stark 3 Apr 1769
471 acres - in Charlotte Co
Nathl NANCE to Richd Foster 105a 21 Sep 1759 VACC036
John Foster to Richard Foster
Richd NANCE to Richd Foster 105a 22 Sep 1759 VACC037
Wm NANCE to James Foster 300a 15 Feb 1760 VACC039
Adj: Robert Walton, West, and John Foster
Rec: 2 Oct 1769
Page 225
This Indenture made this 3 Apr 1769 Between Richard Foster and Sarah his wife of the Parish of Saint Paul in the County of Hanover of the one part and Thomas Stark of the Parish of Saint [blank] and County of Charlotte of the other part ... sum of £180 current money of Virginia ... 471 acres ... in County of Charlotte it being the land which the said Richard Foster purchased of one Nath[aniel] NANCE, John NANCE & John Foster and part of James Foster given by will to his son Richd Foster being part of the tract of land James Foster purchased of William NANCE and bounded on Robert Walton's line, West's line and John Foster's line, and also the Revertion and Revertions ...
Page 226
from : Charlotte County, Virginia 1765-1771 Page 55
Deed Books 1 and 2 abstracted and compiled by
Joanne Lovelace NANCE, Lapin Press, 1990 Charlottesville, VA
Signed: Richard Foster
Wit: Joseph Moore, William Simms, John Foster, Jarred McConnico
Rec: 2 Oct 1769
Charlotte Co Deed Book 2 Page 462-464
John & Elizabeth Foster to Susannah Foster (widow) 1 Jul 1771
150 acres - In Charlotte Co - Owls Creek
Adj: Thomas Stark [VACC059], Frederick NANCE [VACC058]
Adj: Abner Wells
Rec: 1 Jul 1771
Page 462
This Indenture this 1 Jul 1771 Between John Foster of the Parish of Cornwall & County of Charlotte of the one part and Susannah Foster of the Parish and County aforesaid widdow of the other part ... sum of £115 current money of Virginia ... in the County of Charlotte aforesaid ... 150 acres ... Beginning at the said John Foster's old corner on Owls Creek thence along
Page 463
his line to Thomas Stark's line thence along Stark's line to the back lines of the old original survey thence along the said back line to a branch being the bounds of Frederick NANCE's land thence bind on the said Frederick NANCE to Abner Wells line and thence along the said Abner Wells lines to the first station is part of a larger tract granted to the said John Foster by James Foster by deed recorded in Charlotte Court bearing date 31 Dec 1770 and all houses, outhouses, ...
Signed John Foster
Rec: 1 Jul 1771
Right of dower relinguished by Elizabeth, wife of John Foster
Charlotte Co Deed Book 2 Page 467-468
John & Elizabeth Foster to Thomas Stark 1 Jul 1771
150 acres - William NANCE's Spring Branch
Land from Richard Foster 3 Apr 1769 and
Land to John Foster from his father
Adj: William NANCE [VACC039], Hawkins
Rec: 1 Jul 1771
Page 467
This Indenture made this 1 Jul 1771 ... Between John Foster and Elizabeth his wife of the Parish of Cornwall & County of Charlotte of the one part & Thomas Stark of the Parish of Cornwall & County of Charlotte of the other part Witnesseth that ... sum of £80 current money of Virginia ... 150 acres in the Parish of Cornwall & County of Charlotte it being the land sold to me by Richard Foster a deed made by him 3 Apr 1769 and bounded as following viz. Beginning at a white oak standing on Walton's Road thence a new line to the head of William NANCE's Spring branch thence down the said branch to the River thence crossing the said River, thence a straight line to a red oak on Hawkins's line, it being the upper part of the land given to the said John Foster by his father and also the Reversion & Reversions ...
Page 468
John Foster
Elizabeth Foster
... 1 Jul 1771 ... ordered to be recorded
Charlotte Co Deed Book 3 Page 36- 38
William West to Thomas Chappel 9 Dec 1771
400 acres - Between Springfield Creek & Meherrin River
Patent to West 400 acres 10 Jul 1767 VACC050
Adj: Richard NANCE [VACC008], William NANCE [VACC039],
Adj: Hawkins [VACC007], Walton [VACC016],
Adj: Prewet [VAXX017], Hall [VAXX004]
Rec: 3 Feb 1772
Page 36
This Indenture made 9 Dec 1771 Between William West of the Parish of Nottoway and County of Southampton of the one part and Thomas Chappel Junr of the same Parish and County of the other part Witnesseth ... sum of £50 ... in the County of Charlotte containing by estimation
Pge 37
400 acres more or less and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at Richard NANCE's corner pointers thence along his line South 26 West 74 poles to William NANCEy's corner red oak in the same thence along his line South 45 East 110 poles to Hawkins corner hickory in the same thence along his line North 45 East 138 poles to Watson's corner pine, thence along his and Prewets line North 16 West 94 poles to a red oak thence along Hall's line North 50 West 410 poles to a black jack thence a new line South 12 West 92 poles to Watson's corner red oak thence along his line South 5 East 108 poles to Richard NANCEy's corner spanish oak thence along his line South 64 East 234 poles to the beginning this land lying between Springfield Creek and Meherrin River on the ridge as will appear by patent granted to the said William West bearing date 10 Jul 1767 ...
from : Charlotte County, Virginia Deed, 1771-1777 Page 7
by TLC Genealogy, c1990 Miami Beach, FL
. Signed William West. Wit: Charles Briggs, Richard Blow, William Murfee, Thos Read, P Carrington, Berry Green, Fran's Barnes
Rec: 3 Feb 1772
Charlotte Co - Deeds - Book 3 Page 177-178
William & Frances NANCE of Charlotte Co & 7 Dec 1772
Thomas & Mary Wilmoth of Lunenburg to Robert Smelt
£75 - 200 acres - Both sides Springfield Creek
Adj: Haymeadow Branch, Moore & Davis' lines,
Rowlett, Collier, NANCE's division lines
Wit: John Willmutt, William Staples,
Wit: Jean NANCE (her mark)
Rec: 4 Jan 1773
Wells to William NANCE 330a 7 Sep 1762 VACC046
William NANCE to Skelton 130a 17 Sep 1766 VACC051
Page 177
This Indenture made this 7 Dec 1772 Between Thomas Willmoth of the County of Lunenburg & William NANCE of the County of Charlotte of the one part and Robert Smelt of the County of Charlotte of the other part Witnesseth that the said Thomas Willmoth and William NANCE for and and in consideration of the just and full sum of £75 current money of Virginia to them in hand paid ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Charlotte on both sides of Springfield Creek containing 200 acres {be the same more or less) and bounded as follows (viz)
Beginning at an ash on the Haymeadow Branch thence along Moore and Davis lines South 70 West 210 poles to a pine thence along Rowlett's lines South 40 East 26 poles to a pine, South 28 West 30 poles to pointers, thence along Collier's line South 40 East 147 poles to a pine thence along NANCE's division lines North 50 East 140 poles to the Creek aforesaid thence up the same as it meanders to NANCE's corner beech on the opposite side of the Creek thence still along NANCE's division line by a strait line of marked trees 86 poles to pointers in Moore's line thence along his lines North 40 West 109 poles to the first station together with all and singular ... unto the said Robert Smelt
Page 178
to have hold use ...
Thomas Willmuth
William N NANCE ("N" his mark)
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presnece of us John
Willmutt, Wm Staples (his mark), Jean NANCE (her mark)
At a Court held for Charlotte County on 4 Jan 1773 The above Indenture was acknowledged by the said Thomas Willmuth a party hereto to be his act & deed and
Mary his wife also Frances NANCE wife of the said William NANCE they being first privately examined according to law severally relinquished their rights of dower in and to the lands & premises conveyed by their husbands in the said Indenture all which is ordered to be recorded.
Teste: Thomas Reed
Charlotte Co Deed Book 3 Page 374-375
John Moore to Thomas Chappel 15 Dec 1772
910 acres - Both sides Springfield Creek, Long Branch
Adj: Phillips, Cole, William NANCE [VACC042], Hall
Rec: 6 Dec 1773
Page 374
This Indenture made this 15 Dec 1772 Between John Moore of the County of Charlotte of the one part and Thomas Chappel of the County of Southampton ... £325 ... a certain tract or parcel of land containing 910 acres lying and being in the County of Charlotte on both sides of Springfield Creek and bounded as follows, viz, Beginning at a Pine on the road thence along Phillips's line North 25 East 80 poles to a red oak bush North 67 East 52 poles to a white oak near the said Creek North 30 East 144 poles to a pine North 30 West 74 poles to two oaks on the Road North 6 West 66 poles to pointers in Coles's line thence along the same South 60 East 13 poles to pointers North 30 East 174 poles to a white oak just on the long branch North 45 West 120 poles to a red oak South 60 West 80 poles to pointers West 134 poles to pointers South 18 West 74 poles to pointers West 124 poles to pointers in William NANCE's lines thence along his lines South 40 East 204 poles to pointers South 50 West 193 poles to pointers and thence along Hall's old line South 50 East 312 poles to the first station ...
Page 375
from : Charlotte County, Virginia Deed, 1771-1777 Page 41
by TLC Genealogy, c1990 Miami Beach, FL
Signed John Moore
Wit: Thomas Stark, Joseph May, Cornelius Collier, Joseph Moore
Rec: 6 Dec 1773
Charlotte Co Deeds Book 3 Page 178-179
John & Lucy Moore Jr to Thomas Chappel 4 Jan 1773
235 acres - Both sides Springfield Creek
Adj: Wells now [Wm] NANCE) [VACC046], Collier, Coles
Rec: 4 Jan 1773
Page 178
This Indenture made this 4 Jan 1773 Between John Moore Junr and Lucy his wife of the County of Prince Edward of the one part and Thomas Chappell of the County of Southampton of the other part Witnesseth ... the sum of £75 current money of Virginia ... a certain tract ... in the County of Charlotte ... 235 acres of land ... on both sides of Springfield Creek ... Beginning at Wells's corner white oak, now NANCEs, then along his line South 50 West 202 poles to Colliers linhe, then along the same South 40 East 124 poles to a red oak , South 50 East 64 poles to pointers, thence a new line / now Moores/ North 50 East 193 poles to pointers and thence along Coles line North 40 West 188 poles to first station ...
Page 179
... John Moore
Lucy Moore
Signed Sealed & Delivered in the Presence of us
Nathaniel Venable, And. Mackenzie, Lewelling Williamson
... 4 Jan 1773 ... ordered to be recorded ...
Charlotte Co Deed Book 3 Page 333-335
Alexander Womack to David Rice 2 Aug 1773
400 acres - Head branches of Owls Creek
Adj: Mitchell, Hawkins, Williams,
Adj: [John Jr] NANCE [VACC011]
Patent to Zachery 400a 10 Aug 1758 VACC017
Zachery to Womack 400a
Rec: 2 Aug 1773
Page 333
This Indenture made this 2 Aug 1773 Between Alexander Womack of the Parish of St Patrick in the County of Prince Edward of the one part and David Rice ...
Page 334
consideration of the sum of £50 ... a certain tract ... in the County of Charlotte on the head branches of Owls Creek containing 400 acres ... Beginning at Mitchell's corner red oak thence a new line South 40 West 130 poles to pointers in Hawkins's line thence along his lines South 70 East 48 poles to a red oak South 20 East 80 poles to a small hickory South 52 East 268 poles to Williams's corner small hickory in the same thence along his lines North 14 poles to NANCE's corner small hickory thence along his line the same course continued 348 poles to a small white oak in Mitchell's line and thence along his line West 198 poles to the first station it being a parcel of land which was granted to the said Alexander Womack by a deed from Bartholomew Zackery duly recorded in the County Court of Lunenburg ...
Alexander Womack
from : Charlotte County, Virginia Deed, 1771-1777 Page 35
by TLC Genealogy, c1990 Miami Beach, FL
Martha, the wife of said Womack, relinquished her right to dower
Rec: 2 Aug 1773
Charlotte Co Deed Book 3 Page 418-419
Robert Smelt to Thomas 13 May 1774
25 acres - Adj: Collier, Willmoth
Wit: William NANCE, John Watkins, John Breedlove
Rec: 4 Jul 1774
Page 418
This Indenture made this 13 May 1774 Between Robert Smelt of the County of Charlotte and Parish of Cornwall of the one part and Thomas Davis of the County of Prince Edward of the other part Witnesseth ... £5 ... a certain tract ... in the County of Charlotte ... 25 acres ... Beginning at a pine North 70 East 66 poles to a black jack South 20 East 66 poles to a pine South 79 West 90 poles to a corner red oak saplin in Collier's line thence North 40 West 8 poles to pointers in Wilmoth's line North 28 East 30 poles to a pine North 40 West 26 poles to the beginning ...
Page 419
from : Charlotte County, Virginia Deed, 1771-1777 Page 51
by TLC Genealogy, c1990 Miami Beach, FL
Signed: Robert Smelt.
Wit: Tho Read, Sam Comer, John Washburne, Wm NANCE, John Watkins, John Breedlove. Sarah, the wife of the said Smelt, relinquished her right of dower. Rec: 4 Jul 1774
Charlotte Co Deed Book 1 Page 372-374
John Hunt to Thomas Norris 10 Oct 1767
100 acres - Charlotte Co on High Gate Run
Wit: William Norris, Thomas NANCE, William Brown
Rec: 1 Feb 1768
Part of John Hunt Patent 404a 5 Jun 1765
Page 372
This Indenture made this 10 Oct 1767 Between John Hunt of the County of Charlotte of the one part and Thomas Norris of the County of Lunenburg of the other part Witneseth ... £[blank] ... assigns forever
Page 373
one certain tract ... in the County of Charlotte on High Gate Run containing 100 acres being part of a larger tract granted to Joseph Hunt for 404 acres by patent bearing date 5 Jun 1765 and bounded as followeth (viz) Beginning at Brown's corner black jack thence along Evins's line North 54 West 68 poles to a red oak North 40 West 28 poles to a white oak thence North 31 East 136 poles to Norris's corner pine thence along his line South 32 East 196 poles to a maple on a corner in Brown's line and thence along Brown's line South 82 West 100 poles to the beginning ...
Page 374
his Seal the day and year above written
John Hunt
Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
William Norris Thomas NANCE William Brown
... At a Court held for Charlotte County 1 Feb 1768 ... by the oaths of all the witnesses hereto subscribed & ordered to be recorded.
Charlotte Co Deed Book 1 Page 453-454
John Haley (Hailey) to James Shorter 4 Apr 1768
94 acres - in Charlotte Co on branches of Juniper Creek
Adj: Breedlove, Robards, Walton, and Pigg Path
Rec: 6 Jun 1768
Thomas NANCE to Haley 400a 8 Jun 1765 VACC049
Page 453
This Indenture made this 4 Apr 1768 Between John Hailey of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and James Shorter of the County of Charlotte of the other part Witnesseth ... £5 ... a certain tract ... in the County of Charlotte aforesaid and on the Branches of Juniper Creek being part of a larger tract granted to the said Haley by a deed of conveyance from Thomas NANCE contained 94 acres and bounded as follow viz Beginning at a pine in Breadlove's line on the Ridge Path thence along his line South 30 East 116 poles to Robards's corner red oak thence along his line North 88 East 144 poles to pointers thence along Walton's line North 18 East 58 poles to a hickory bush and pointers on the Ridge Path aforesaid and thence up the said Path as it meanders to the first station ...
Page 454
the day and year above written
John Haley
Signed & Sealed in Presents of Charles Sullivant
Robt Breedlove, Kindress Shorter
... 4 Apr 1768 ... said Jno Haley & Mary his wife ... ordered to be recorded ...
Charlotte Co Deed Book 2 Page 436
William Davidson to John Moore Junr 2 Mar 1771
Adj: William NANCE & John Moore Junr
Page 436
This Indenture made this 2 Mar 1771 Between William Davison of the County of Prince Edward of the one part and John Moor Junr of the same County of the other part Witnesseth ... £28 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Charlotte on Spring Creek adjoining the lands of John Moore Junr and William NANCE ... Beginning at Wells's line thence South 50 West 202 poles to pointers thence South 40 East 124 poles to a red oak thence South 50 East 64 poles to pointers thence North 50 East 193 poles to pointers thence North 40 West 188 poles to the beginning ...
Charlotte Co Deed Book 3 Page 30- 31
Benajah Thompson to Christopher McConnico 7 May 1770
169 acres - In Charlotte Co & Lunenburg Co
Both sides Springfield Creek
Adj: [William] NANCE's old line, Mill pond,
Adj: Richard Pewitt, Burk, Hawkins, Foster, Roberts
Rec: 2 Dec 1771
Partly from : Charlotte County, Virginia Deed, 1771-1777 Page 6
by TLC Genealogy, c1990 Miami Beach, FL
From Benajah Thompson of Cumberland County to Christopher McConnico of Lunenburg County, for £100, a certain tract of land in the counties of Lunenburg and Charlotte on both sides of the Springfield Creek containing about 169 acres
Beginning at a white oak by the side of the old mill pond thence South 70 East 36 poles on Richard Pewitts line to a red oak, South 26 East 56 poles to a black walnut tree on Springfield Creek thence down the Creek and a gut to a Spanish oak bush thence South 20 East 38 poles to a red oak thence South 60 West 17 poles along Burk's line to the Springfield Creek thence down the Creek to a corner ash thence North 79 West 102 poles NANCE's old lines to pointers thence South 15 West 48 poles NANCE's old lines to a Spanish oak bush, thence South 80 West 79 poles along Hawkins' line to a red oak bush thence North 45 West 70 poles Foster's line to a hickory thence North 45 East 138 poles along Roberts line to a pine thence North 16 West 43 poles to a white oak; thence North 57 East 17 poles to Prewitt's line to the old mill pond thence up crossing and down including all the said old pond to the first station.
bounded by the side of the old mill pond, Richard Pewitt, Burk, NANCE, Hawkins, Foster, Roberts. Signed Benajah Thompson
Wit: John Patterson, William Herring, Jarad McConnico
Rec: 2 Dec 1771
Chesterfield Co Deed Book 1 Page 226
John Gibbs (Chesterfield) to soninlaw Nathaniel NANCE 3 Jan 1755
140 acres - Land from William Watkins 3 Jul 1752
Rec: 3 Jan 1755
Chesterfield Co Deeds Book 1 Page 64
Page 226
3 Jan 1755 John Gibbs of Chesterfield Co., to my son-in-law Nathaniel NANCE, for love and affection, 140 acres I bought from William Watkins. 3 Jul 1752
No Witnesses. Rec: 3 Jan 1755
Dinwiddie Co - VA Land Patents - Book 32 Page 422-423
Charles Williams 19 Dec 1754
604 acres - South Side Little Cat Tail Run
Adj: Robert Abernathy [Jr VAPB 17:505 9 Feb 1737]
Adj: [Richard] NANCE [VADD012]
Chas Williams Patent VAPB 14:024 300a 28 Sep 1728]
Residue 304 acres
Page 422
... 30s ... unto Charles Williams one certain tract ... containing 604 acres lying and being in the County of Dinwiddie on the South side of Little Cat Tail Run and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at his own old corner thence North 25 East 112 poles to Robert Abernathy's corner pine thence North 67 West 80 poles to his faced corner thence North 6 East 64 poles to his white oak corner thence North 17 West 36 poles to Williams's corner in Abernathy's line thence along new lines North 69 West 50 poles to a red oak corner thence North 63 West 30 poles to a corner thence North 51 East 28 poles to a white oak corner thence North 36 West 40 poles to Cat Tail Run thence up the Run to a corner thence North 68 West 64 poles to NANCE's line thence along his line South 42 West 12 poles to his white oak corner thence South 15 East 164 poles to his Lightwood Knot thence South 39 East 64 poles to a corner lightwood knot thence South 40 West 220 poles to Williams's old corner thence along his line South 50 East 240 poles to a corner thence North 40 East 200 poles to the beginning. (300 acres part thereof being formerly granted unto the said Charles Williams by our letter patent bearing date 28 Sep 1728 and 304 acres the residue never before granted ...
Page 423
... 19 Dec 1754 ...
Dinwiddie Co - VA Land Patents - Book 32 Page 614-615
Isham Eppes 30 Jul 1755
20s - 200 acres - On North side Gravelly Run
Adj: Butler
[This same property appears as Thomas NANCE's [VADD020d]
Several references: VADD008, VADD013]
Page 614
... to Isham Eppes ... 200 acres lying and being in the County of Dinwiddie on the North side of Gravelly Run and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning in Butlers Line 160 poles up from his lower corner thence East 31 North 120 poles to a corner North 31 West 276 poles to a corner West 31 South 120 poles to a corner in Butlers line and South 31 East [276 poles to the beginning] ...
Page 615
... 30 Jul 1755 ...
Dinwiddie Co - VA Land Patents - Book 34 Page 186-187
James Boisseau 29 Aug 1757
628 acres - North side Gravelly Run
2 patents from Isham Eppes 428 acres (part of 1,560)
Isham Eppes Patent 1560a 1 Mar 1743 VADD013
Isham Eppes Patent 200a 30 Jul 1755 VADD007
Page 186
... unto James Boisseau one certain tract ... containing 628 acres lying and being in the County of Dinwiddie on the North side of Gravelly Run and bounded as
Page 187
followeth to wit: Beginning at William Butler's corner pine standing near the Road leading to the said County Court House and running along LeRoy Griffin's line South 55 East 325 poles to James Jones's corner pine then on Jones's line South 5 East 220 poles to a corner at pointers then West 14 South 90 poles to Joseph Butler's lower corner at pointers then on his line North 47 West 44 poles to his corner white oak then on another of his lines North 31 West 160 polees to his corner black oak then still on his line South 59 West 120 poles to the said Butler's corner then on William Butler's line North 31 West 268 poles to his corner at pointers near the aforesaid Road then on another of his lines North 59 East 200 poles to the Beginning (428 acres... part of 1,560 acres [patent to Isham Eppes 1 Mar 1743 ] and 200 acres the residue [ patent to Isham Eppes 30 Jul 1754 ] the right and title of which said land is since become vested in the same James Boisseau)
Dinwiddie Co - Deed VA Genealogist Vol 9 Page 111
Alexander & Ann Gibbs to Benjamin Dabney 16 Apr 1770
£80 - 100 acres - South side Gravelly Run
Adj: Richard NANCE's line, Benjamin Dabney [VADD025]
Richard NANCE VAPB 11:119 142a 22 Jun 1722 VADD002
Eppes to Dabney 69a 21 Mar 1763 VADD025
Peter NANCE to Gibbs 100a 18 Mar 1765 VADD026
Virginia Genealogist Vol 9 1965 Page 111
16 Apr 1770 Alexander Gibbs and Ann Gibbs his wife of Dinwiddie County to Benjamin Dabney of same For £80 current money 100 acres on the South side of Gravely run ... in Benjamin Dabney's line ... Richd. NANCE's line ... Gravelly run ...
Wit: Hamlin Epes, Isham Eppes, Francis Dabney
Alexr Gibbs, Ann Gibbs
Apr 1770 Acknowledged by Alexander Gibbs and Ann his wife
Deed Grantee Inquisition of Lands of James SMITH, 1779
Deed Book 1:311-312
Inquisition on the Land of James Smith
Henry County ___
Inquisition Indented and taken and held by Abraham Penn Escheator
for the said County at John WILLSONS [or WILLIAMS] on Southwood Creek
in the said County by the Oath of John WITT foreman John PINKARD
Reubin NANCE John WYATT John __ CONWAY
George HAIRSTON and John DAVIS Good and Lawfull men of the said
County who were Impanneled and Returned by John SOLMAN Gent. Sherif
of the said County and who after hearing Evidence openly In presence
of the said Escheator and Sherif upon their oaths do say that Eleven
Tracts or Parcells of Land Containing Four Thousand Six hundred and
Ninety five acres, lying on Marrowbone Creek Dee Run the branches of
Pigg River & Dee Run and the Branches of Leatherwood Creek in the
said County & Bounded by the known and Established lines thereof is
at present held as the Estate of James SMITH who is a British Subject
& Ought to Vest in the Commonwealth according to the act of Assembly
Entitled an act Concerning Escheats & Forfeitures from Brittish Subjects
In Witness whereof the said Escheator & the said Jurors their hands
and seals to two Indentures of this Time and Date have set and
affixed this 1st Day of October 1779.
Abraham Penn Eschr. (seal)
John Witt Foreman (seal)
John Pinkard (seal)
Daniel Richardson (seal)
Amos Richardson (seal)
Spencer Clack (seal)
James Marten [Morton](seal)
Samuel Luttrell (seal)
Reuben NANCE (seal)
John Wyatt (seal)
John Connaway (seal)
George Hairston (seal)
John Davis (seal)
At A court held for Henry County on the 25th Day of November 1779 The
above Inquistion was Returned by John Witt formman of the said Inquisition
and ordered to be Recorded by the Court.
Test. John Cox CHC
FHL Film NO. 0031966 Henry County, VA
Inquisition of Land of Archibald SMITH, 1779
Deed Book 1:315-316
Inquisition on the Land of A. Smith
Henry County ___
Inquisition Indented taken and held by Abraham PENN Escheator for
the said County at John WITTS's on Southwood Creek in the said County
by the Oath of George HAIRSTON Foreman John PICKARD Daniel
and Lawfull men of the said County who were Impannelled and Returned
by John SOLMON Gent. Sherif of the said County & whereafter hearing
Evidences openly in the presence of the said Escheator & Sherif upon
their Oaths do say that two Tracts or Parcells of Land Containing Four
hundred & Ninety six acres more or less lying on both sides of
Marrowbone Creek & Dee Run in the said County Bounded by the known &
Established lines thereof is at present held as the Estate of Archibald
SMITH who is a British Subject & ought to Vest in the Commonwealth
according to the act of Assembly Intitled an act concerning Escheats &
Forfeitures from British Subjects In Witness whereof the said
Escheator & the said Jurors their hands & seals to two Indentures of
this Time & Day here set and affixed this 1st Day of October 1779 &
in the 4th year of the Commonwealth.
Abraham Penn Eschr. (seal)
George Hairston (seal)
John Pinkard (seal)
Daniel Richardson (seal)
Amos Richardson (seal)
Joel Ester (seal)
Reuben NANCE (seal)
Saml. Luttrell (seal)
John Connaway (seal)
Saml. Patterson (seal)
James Marten [Morton??] (seal)
Spencer Clack (seal)
Joseph Lewis (seal)
At a court held for Henry County on the 25th Day of November 1779 The
above Inquisition was returned by George Hairston forman of the said
Inquisition & ordered to be Recorded by the Court.
Test John Cox CHC
FHL Film NO. 0031966 Henry County, VA
Page 55 A Entire Page Lee Parish to Terril NANCE
Deed Bk. 11 p. 143 , 1831 Reubin NANCE son of Wm. - July 4, 1780 Land Patent
Henry Co. VA. Deed Index Grantee Page
55 Lee Parish to Terril NANCE Deed Bk. 11 p. 143 , 1831
This Indenture made this twenty first Day of October, 1780 BETWEEN
Jabez Northington of the County of Meclinburg
(sic) of the one part and Titus Singleton of the County of Brunswick of the
other part . . . for and consideration of the sum of five hundred pounds
. . . grant bargain sell alien enfeoff and confirm unto the said Titus Singleton
. . . one certain tract or parcel of Land situate lying and being in the said
County of Brunswick and Parish of Meherrin containing by estimation one hundred
and forty four acres . . . being a part of a certain Tract granted to John
Brown Senr. by Patent bearing date January twelfth seventeen hundred and
forty six containing two hundred and forty four acres and bounded on the
other hundred acres belonging to the said Northington as also on the Land
of Robert NANCE, John Overby & William Ezell
. . . Signed by Jabez Northington and witnessed by Michael Ezell (his mark),
Wm. Ezell (his mark), and James Singleton (his mark). At a Court held for
Brunswick County the 23d Day of octr. 1780. This Indenture was proved by
the Oaths of the Witnesses thereto and Ordered to be recorded. Deed Book 14,
page 63.
Deed Book 14, p 186, date 8 Jan 1810 --- John Rainey of the county
of Mecklenburg for the sum of 86 pounds, 10 shillings paid by Smith Rainey
of the same county dores sell a 86 1/2 acre parcel of land in Mecklenburg
Co. described as follows, beginning at Thomas Cleatons survey line then along
that line to the corner red oak in George Rogers line then along that line
to a pine in Smith Rianey's line then along this line to a new line as my
fathers will directs to a corner red oak in Phillip Rainey's line the to the
beginning. Signed by John Raney. Witnessed by John
NANCE, Reuben Booth, and John Webb.
Mecklenburg Co., Virginia Deed
book 13, p 80, dated 8 Sept 1806 -- Frederick Rainey sells to Smith Rainey
for $120 a 110 1/4 acre tract of land on the west side of Great Creek Adjacent
ot Stephen Jones line and Ruben Rainey's line. Signed Frederick Rainey,
dated 8 Sept 1806. Witness by James Harwell, Isham
NANCE, John Matthews, Thomas Cleaton, and Francis Rainey.
Deed book 13, p 80, dated 8 Sept 1806 -- Mecklenburg Co., Virginia
Frederick Rainey sells to Smith Rainey for $120 a
110 1/4 acre tract of land on the west side of Great Creek
Adjacent ot Stephen Jones line and Ruben Rainey's line.
Signed Frederick Rainey, dated 8 Sept 1806. Witness by
James Harwell,
Isham NANCE, John Matthews, Thomas Cleaton,
and Francis Rainey.
Deed Book 14, p 186, date 8 Jan 1810 --- Mecklenburg Co., Virginia
John Rainey of the county of Mecklenburg for the
sum of 86 pounds, 10 shillings paid by Smith Rainey of
the same county dores sell a 86 1/2 acre parcel of land
in Mecklenburg Co. described as follows, beginning at
Thomas Cleatons survey line then along that line to
the corner red oak in George Rogers line then along
that line to a pine in Smith Rianey's line then along
this line to a new line as my fathers will directs to
a corner red oak in Phillip Rainey's line the to the
beginning. Signed by John Raney. Witnessed by
NANCE, Reuben Booth, and John Webb.
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 27 Page 247-248
John NANCE 25 Jul 1749
40s - 385 acres - Both sides North Fork of Dry Creek
Adj: Nicholas Christopher VAPB 25:244 1746 VAXX010
Adj: Richard Wynn VAPB 27:274 1749 VAXX011
Adj: Tucker/Blue VAPB 33:057 1756 VAXX009
John NANCE Jr to Christopher 385a 1756 VACC025
Adj: Christopher VAPB 25:244 388a 12 Jan 1746 VAXX010
Adj: Wynn VAPB 27:274 425a 25 Jul 1749 VAXX011
Adj: Flake VAPB 29:250 395a 12 Jul 1750 VAXX012
Adj: Tucker/Blue VAPB 33:057 400a 16 Aug 1756 VAXX009
Adj: Hardy VAPB 34:105 200a 16 Aug 1756 VACC002
Adj: Christopher VAPB 34:999 100a 25 Mar 1762 VACC003
Page 247
... 40s ... unto John NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 385 acres lying and being in the County of
Lunenburg on both sides the North Fork of Dry Creek and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at Wynn's corner maple on
the said Fork thence on his line North 10 East 222 poles to Dunkin Blue's corner pine in the same thence on his line South
50 West 406 poles crossing two large branches to his corner hiccory thence new lines the same course continued 70 poles to a
pine thence South 80 East 74 poles to a red oak thence South 70 East 190 poles to pointers in Nicholas Christopher's line
thence on his line North 37 East 170 poles to the said Fork and thence up the said Fork as it meanders to the first station
Page 248
... 25 Jul 1749
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 105-106
John Hardy 16 Aug 1756
200 acres - On the Branches of Dry Creek
Adj: [John] NANCE [VACC001], Christopher, Billops
Page 105
Page 106
... [illegible] [ unto John Hardy one certain tract or parcel of land containing 200 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on the Branches of Dry Creek Note: all a guess the rest fills in from VACC004 Hardy to Bradley ]
... [illegible - one word on the right side of each line is readable] the [ ] followeth [Beginning at a white oak in Billop's line thence along ] Christopher's [line North 32 East 164 poles ] to [pointers in NANCE's line thence along his lines North 70 ] West [89 poles to a red oak North 85 West 74] poles to [a pine thence] along Flake's lines South 50 West 8 poles to [pointers] South 80 West 128 poles to pointers [thence] off South 10 East 100 poles to two blackjacks in [Billop]'s line and thence along his lines North 80 East 90 poles to a poplar South 58 East 114 poles to the first station ... 16 Aug 1756 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 999
David Christopher 25 Mar 1762
10s - 100 acres - Branches of Dry Creek
Adj: [John] NANCE [VACC001], Billops , Hardy [VACC002]
Page 999
... 10s ... unto David Christopher one certain tract ... containing 100 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh Co on the branches of Dry Creek and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at his own corner white oak thence along Billops's line North 58 West 86 poles to a white oak thence along Harvy's (sic John Hardy] line North 32 East 164 poles to pointers in [John] NANCE's line thence along his line South 70 East 101 poles to pointers in his own line and thence along his own line South 37 West 180 poles to the first station ... 25 Mar 1762 ...
[Note] David Christopher to Benjamin Collier Lun 2:230
100 acres on branches of Dry Creek 8 Sep 1763
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 10 Page 183-184
John Hardy to James Bradley 13 Jun 1765
£20 - 200 acres - Branches of Dry Creek
Adj: [John] NANCE [VACC001], Billops, Flake, Christopher
Rec: 13 Jun 1765
Page 183
This Indenture made this 13 Jun 1765 Between John Hardy of the Parish of Nottoway and County of Amelia of the one part and James Bradley of the same parish and county of the other part Witnesseth that ... for the sum of £20 ...
enfeoffed and confirmed
Page 184
and the said John Hardy ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 200 acres ... in the County of Lunenburgh on the branches of Dry Creek and bounded as followth to wit Beginning at a white oak in Billop's line thence along Christopher's line North 32 East 164 poles to pointers in [John] NANCE's line thence along his lines North 70 West 89 poles to a red oak North 80 West 74 poles to a pine thence along Flake's line South 50 West 8 poles to pointers South 80 West 128 poles to pointers thence off South 10 East 100 poles to two black jacks on Billop's line and thence along his lines North 80 East 90 poles to a poplar South 58 East 114 poles to the first station ...
partly from: Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 20
Wit: Wm Hardy John Hardy
Benj Milner
Rec: 13 Jun 1765
Brunswick Co VA Land Patents Book 24 Page 398
John NANCE 28 Aug 1746
40s - 400 acres - Both sides Meherrin River Owls Creek
John to George Wells 200a 4 Sep 1751 VACC006
John to Frederick NANCE 300a 22 Jan 1762 VACC045
Page 398
40s - unto John NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 400 acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick (sic) on both sides of Meherrin River and bounded as followeth ...
Beginning at a hiccory on the said river thence South 50 West 24 poles to a red oak thence North 86 West 82 poles to a white oak thence North 52 West 140 poles to a white oak on Owls Creek thence up the said Creek as it meanders to a white oak on the same thence North 45 East 120 poles to a white oak thence South 80 East 110 poles to a white walnut tree on the said River thence down the said River to a white oak on the same thence South 53
Page 399
East 92 poles to a red oak thence South 25 East 108 poles to a hiccory thence South 5 East 34 poles to a mulberry tree on Meherrin River aforesaid thence up the meanders of the same to the beginning ... 28 Aug 1746
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 2 Page 281-282
John NANCE of Lunenburg Co to George Wells 4 Sep 1751
£70 -200 acres - South side Meherrin River, Owl's Creek
John NANCE Patent 400a 28 Aug 1746 VACC005
Rec: 1 Oct 1751
Page 281
This Indenture made the 4 Sep 1751 Between John NANCE of Lunenburg County of the one part and George Wells of Orange County of the other part Witness that the said John NANCE for and in consideration of the sum of £70 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on the South Side of Meherrin River containing by estimation 200 acres be the same more or less it being the one half of 400 acres granted the said John NANCE by patent dated 28 Aug 1746 bounded viz:
Beginning at the said patent corner white oak on the said River thence new lines South 75 West 40 poles to a small pine South 44 West 144 poles to pointers in the said patent line Thence along the said patent line North 55 West to Owl's Creek and so round according to the bounds of the said patent to the first station with all and singular ...
Page 282
To him the said George Wells ... In witness whereof ...
In the presence of us John NANCE
George Walton Barnaby Wells
Francis Moor Petty Richard Tomson
Memorandum 4 Sep 1751 Quiet and peacable possession ... and quiet possession and seizen of the within mentioned ... and made by John NANCE to George Wells ... of the within written Deed in presence
of us John NANCE
George Walton Barnaby Wells
Francis Moor Petty Richard Tomson
At a Court held for Lunenburgh County 1 Oct 1751 This indenture and the Memorandum of Livery of Seizin hereon endorsed were by three of the witnesses theretp enscribed proved to be the act and deed of the above named John NANCE and the same was Ordered to be Recorded.
Clement Read
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 27 Page 194-196
Benjamin Hawkins 20 May 1749
£12/5s - 2,480 acres - Both sides Owl Creek
Both sides North Fork Meherrin River
Adj: John NANCE [Jr] [VACC011], Richard NANCE [VACC008]
Hawkins to Walton 1240a 5 Feb 1749 VACC022
Hawkins to Mitchell 1240a 3 Oct 1751 VACC023
Page 194
Page 195
... £12-5s ... unto Benjamin Hawkins one certain tract or parcel of land containing 2,480 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both sides of the North Fork of Meherrin River and both sides Owl Creek and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at a hiccory in John NANCE's upper line on Owl Creek thence a new line North 10 East 296 poles to a hiccory in Richard NANCE's line thence on his lines North 64 West 74 poles to a white oak thence North 27 West 54 poles to a walnut on the said River thence up the River as it meanders to a mulberry thence North 54 East 102 poles to a spanish oak thence new lines North 5 West 108 poles to a red oak thence North 57.5 West 300 poles to a pine thence South 75 West 160 poles to a white oak thence South 28 West 576 poles crossing the River to a red oak thence South 32 East 220 poles crossing Owl Creek to a red oak thence East 260 poles to a maple in a fork of the said Creek and thence down the Creek as it meanders to the first station. ...
Page 196
... 20 May 1749 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 29 Page 225
Richard NANCE 1 Jun 1750
25s - 210 acres - Both sides of Meherrin River
Richard to Nathaniel 105a 21 Sep 1759 VACC036
Richard /John/ to Foster 105a 22 Sep 1759 VACC037
Adj: George Walton Patent 5 Feb 1757 VACC016
Adj: Benjamin Hawkins Patent 20 May 1748 VACC007
Adj: William West Patent 10 Jul 1767 VACC050
Page 255
... 25s ... unto Richard NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 210 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on both sides of Meherrin River and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at a Mulberry on the River thence new lines North 40 East 102 poles to a Spanish oak [sic North 54E 102 poles in Walton & Hawkins patents] thence South 64 East 234 poles to pointers thence South 26 West 140 poles crossing the River to a white oak thence North 64 West 180 poles to a white oak thence North 27 West 54 poles to a walnut on the River and thence up the River as it meanders to the first station ... 1 Jun 1750
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 31 Page 341-342
Thomas NANCE 27 Jul 1753
30s - 290 acres - South Side of Harricane Creek
Adj: William Covington [VAXX003]
Adj: James Williams [VACC010]
Adj: Catlett Mann 400a 12 Jan 1746 VAXX015
NANCE to Irwin 190a 7 Aug 1753 VACC024
NANCE to Gwin 100a 7 Aug 1753 VACC019
Gwin to Pool 100a 2 Aug 1757 VACC020
Pool to Fullilove 100a 15 Dec 1762 VACC021
Page 341
... 30s ... unto Thomas NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 290 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on the South side of Harricane Creek and bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning Coventon's corner white oak on the said Creek thence along his line South 88 West 70 poles to Williams's corner red oak in the same thence along his lines South 266 poles to a pine South 80 East 78 poles to a poplar on a Branch thence down the same as it meanders to a corner poplar thence a new line North 10 East 115 poles to a hickory in Man's line thence along his lines North 44 West 40 poles to a corner North 5 East 60 poles to the Creek aforesaid & thence up the same as it meanders to the first station ...
Page 342
... 25 Jul 1753
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 33 Page 43- 44
James Williams 16 Aug 1756
2,550 acres - Between Juniper Creek & Owl Creek
Adj: [John] NANCE [VACC011 & VACC005], Tomson [VAXX014],
Adj: Thomas NANCE [VACC009 & VACC013],
Adj: Hawkins [VAPB 32:32 3776a 5 Feb 1753],
Adj: Covington [VAXX003], Thomas Willingham [VACC026]
Page 43
... £12-15s ... unto James Williams one certain tract ... containing 2,550 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh between Juniper Creek and Owl's Creek and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Tomson's corner white oak on Owl's Creek thence along his lines South 51 West 76 poles to a white oak South 24 West 46 poles to a pine South 58 West 136 poles to a pine North 83 West 46 poles to an elm on Little Owls Creek thence up the same as it meanders to [John] NANCE's [VACC011] corner ash thence along his lines South 70 poles to a white oak West 170 poles to a hickory thence a new line South 14 poles to pointers in Hawkins's line thence along his lines South 52 East 64 poles to pointers South 80 East 220 poles to a pine South 20 West 155 poles to his corner white oak in Willingham's line thence along Willingham's lines East 84 poles to a pine South 35 East 60 poles to pointers South 38 West 260 poles to a white oak on Juniper Creek thence down the same as it meanders to a corner white oak thence new lines South 70 East 142 poles to a
Page 44
hickory South 40 East 130 poles to a white oak South 70 East 240 poles [VACC013 Thomas NANCE] to a pine North 30 East 160 poles to a red oak South 70 East 400 poles to a pine North 20 West 292 poles to a white oak North 80 West 192 poles to a pine North 266 poles [VACC009 Thomas NANCE] to a red oak in Covington's line thence along his line South 88 West 336 poles to a pine North 10 West 152 poles to a hickory thence along Thomas Willingham's lines the same course continued 214 poles to his corner hickory in NANCE's line [VACC005] thence along his line North 52 West 10 poles to a white oak on Owls Creek aforesaid and thence up the same as it meanders to the first station. ... 16 Aug 1756 ...
Lunenburgh Co - VA Land Patents - Book 31 Page 552
John NANCE Junr 10 Sep 1755
40s - 400 acres
South side of Owl's Creek on Little Fork Owl's Creek
John NANCE to John Foster 400a 2 Oct 1759 VACC038
Adj: Benjamin Hawkins [VACC007]
Adj: Benjamin Hawkins to Wells to Tomson [VAXX014]
Adj: Williams VAPB 33:043 2550a 16 Aug 1756 VACC010
Adj: Zachary VAPB 34:452 400a 10 Aug 1759 VACC017
Page 552
... 40s ... unto John NANCE Junr one certain tract or parcel of land containing 400 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on the South side of Owl's Creek and bounded as followeth to wit Beginning at Tompson's corner white oak on the said Creek thence along his lines South 30 West 228 poles to a white oak South 8 West 76 poles to a white oak on the little Fork of the said Creek thence East 22 poles to an ash on the said Fork thence new lines South 70 poles to a white oak West 170 poles to a small hiccory North 358 poles to a small white oak in Hawkins's line thence along his line East 70 poles to a maple on the Creek aforesaid thence down the same as it meanders to the first station ... 10 Sep 1755 ...
Lunenburgh Co - VA Land Patents - Book 31 Page 552-553
John NANCE 10 Sep 1755
400 acres - Both sides of Meherrin River
Adj: His old line [VACC005], Richard NANCE [VACC008]
Adj: Benjamin Hawkins [VACC007]
John NANCE to William NANCE Jr 300a 27 Jun 1757 VACC032
William NANCE to James Foster 300a 15 Feb 1760 VACC039
Page 552
... 40s ... unto John NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 400 acres
Page 553
lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on both sides of Maherrin River and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at his own old corner walnut tree on the River thence along his own lines North 80 West 110 poles to a white oak South 45 West 120 poles to Hawkins's corner hiccory on the same thence along his line North 10 East 296 poles to his corner Hiccory in Richard NANCE's line thence along his lines South 64 East 106 poles to a white oak South 26 East [sic West] 66 poles to a red oak thence new lines South 45 East 180 poles to a small red oak South 10 East 200 poles to two small white oaks South 45 West 80 poles to his own old corner red oak thence along his line North 53 West 92 poles to a white oak on the River and thence up the same as it meanders to the first station. ... 10 Sep 1755
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 175-176
Thomas NANCE 5 Feb 1757
£3-15s - 707 acres - Branches of Juniper Creek
Adj: John Willingham [VAXX018],
Adj: James Williams [VACC010],
Adj: Hutchings/Evans [VAXX013], [Samuel?] Phelps,
Adj: Bryan Lester [VAPB 34:113 16 Aug 1756],
Adj: Henry Blagrave [VAPB 32:140 20 Jun 1753]
Thomas NANCE to Chandler 110a 7 Jun 1757 VACC029
Thomas NANCE to Gwin 338a 7 Jun 1757 VACC030
Thomas NANCE to Lester 259a 3 Apr 1761 VACC041
Page 175
... £3-15s ... unto Thomas NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 707 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on the Branches of Juniper Creek and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at Willingham's and Williams's corner pine thence along Williams's lines North 70 West 240 poles to a white oak North 40 West 58 poles to Evans's corner white oak in the same thence along his lines South 50 West 17 poles to a pine South 20 East 340 poles to Phelps's corner on the said Creek thence along his North 80 East 46 poles to a white oak on a Branch [South] 55 East 66 poles to a red oak on a Branch North 80 East 136 poles to a Beech on a Branch South 75 East 152 poles to Lester's corner pine thence along his line East 82 poles to Blagrave's corner pointers in the same thence along his line North 30 East 138 poles to Willingham's corner pine in the same and thence along his line North 70 West 400 poles to the first station. ...
5 Feb 1757 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 14
Richard NANCE 10 Mar 1756
40s - 365 acres - South side Springfield Creek
Adj: Willingham, Timothy Murrel [VAPB 30:57 1 Jun 1750]
Adj: Benjamin Hawkins [VACC015]
Richard NANCE to Walton 20a 4 Sep 1759 VAO64
Richard NANCE to Townsend 172a 25 Feb 1764 VACC048
Richard NANCE to Burks 173a 16 Dec 1767 VACC057
Richard NANCE to Beasley 173a 3 Nov 1770 VACC060
Page 14
... 40s ... unto Richard NANCE one certain tract or parcel containing 365 acres lying and being in the County of Luneburgh on the South Side of Springfield Creek and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning where Willingham's line crosses the Creek thence along his line South 70 West 40 poles to a pine thence new lines South 85 West 96 poles to a pine North 50 West 100 poles to a small white oak North 10 East [sic may be West] 180 poles to a red oak North 15 East 146 poles to a hiccory in Murrell's line thence along his line South 55 East 94 poles to a hiccory North 60 East 18 poles to the Creek aforesaid and thence down the same as it meanders to the first station. ... 10 Mar 1756
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 107-108
Benjamin Hawkins 16 Aug 1756
35s - 354 acres - North Side Meherrin River
Adj: John NANCE [VACC005], Richard NANCE [VACC014]
Adj: Timothy Murrell, Thomas Willingham
Page 107
... 35s ... unto Benjamin Hawkins one certain tract ... containing 354 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on the North side of Meherrin River and bounded as
Page 108
followeth to wit: Beginning at [John] NANCE's corner mulberry tree on the same thence thence along his lines North 5 West 34 poles [VACC005] to a hiccory North 25 West 108 poles to a red oak North 45 East 80 poles to two small white oaks North 10 West 200 poles to a small red oak oaks North 45 West 70 poles to a hiccory thence a new line North 45 East 138 poles to Murrell's corner pine thence along his lines South 55 East 66 poles to [Richard] NANCE's [VACC014] corner hiccory in the same thence along his lines South 15 West 146 poles to a red oak South 10 East 180 poles to a small white oak South 50 East 100 poles to a pine North 85 East 96 poles to a pine thence along Thomas Willingham's line South 14 West 80 poles to the River aforesaid thence up the same as it meanders to the first station. ... 16 Aug 1756
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 166
George Walton 5 Feb 1757
£10 - 4,544 acres - Maherrin River, Sewish Creek,
Springfield Creek, Turkey Egg Branch
Adj: [Richard] NANCE [VACC008]
Adj: Flynn, Prewit, Willingham, Staples, Rowlet, etc
Patent to Benj Hawkins 1240a 20 May 1749 VACC007
Hawkins to Geo Walton 1240a 5 Feb 1749 VACC022
Patent to John Hall 1300a 1 Jun 1750 VAXX004
2004a never before granted
Walton to John Wells 330a 3 Mar 1761 VAXX065
Adj: Ingram, Degraffenriedt, Moor, Eelbank,
Adj: Petty, Boulder, Mitchel, Rivers,
Page 166
... £10 ... unto George Walton a certain tract ... containing 4,544 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on both sides of Meherrin River and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at [Richard] NANCE's corner mulberry tree on the said River thence along his line North 54 East 102 poles to a spanish oak thence along Flin's line North 5 West 108 poles to a red oak North 12 East 76 poles to a blackjack South 50 East 414 poles to a red oak thence along Prewit's line North 30 East 342 poles to a pine South 14 East 272 poles to Willingham's corner in the same thence along their line East 280 poles to their corner pine in Ingram's line thence along his line North 14 West 72 poles to a white oak by a Branch of Sewish Creek thence up the said Branch [West] 6 poles to Staples's corner white oak thence along his line North 7 West 136 poles to his corner hickory in Degraffenriedt's line thence along his line West 4 poles to a pine North 39 West 380 poles to a red oak North 194 poles to Moor's corner pointers in the same thence along his line West 100 poles to a chesnut oak South 60 West 111 poles to Eelbank's corner red oak bush thence along his line
Page 167
South 45 East 120 poles to a white oak South 30 West 174 poles to a red oak North 60 West 24 poles to a red oak South 30 West 190 poles to a pine North 40 West 524 poles to an ash on a Branch of Springfield Creek South 70 West 210 poles to a pine thence along Rowlet's lines South 40 East 26 poles to a pine South 28 West 560 poles to pointers West 120 poles to two red oaks North 5 East 110 poles to an ash on Gill's Creek thence down the said Creek as it meanders to Rowlet's corner white oak one the same still along his lines North 20 East 18 poles to pointers by a Meadow North 70 West 6 poles to a hickory North 50 West 190 poles to a maple at a Spring thence along Boulden's line South 80 West 140 poles to Mitchel's corner white oak in the same along his line South 10 West 180 poles to a poplar on Bear Branch thence along Petty's lines South 50 East 140 poles to a pine East 26 poles to pointers on Turkey Egg Branch South 10 West 170 poles to a pine thence along Rivers's lines South 60 East 168 poles to pointers South 28 West 6 poles to a red oak South 32 East 74 poles to a red oak thence along Mitchel's line being the Division line of Hawkins Patent North 73 East 668 poles to [ Richard] NANCE's corner white oak thence along his line North 27 West 54 poles to a walnut tree on the said Meherrin River and thence up the same as it meanders to the first station.
1,240 acres being part of a greater quantity granted unto Benjamin Hawkins by our letters patent bearing date 20 May 1749;
1,300 acres other part thereof being also granted unto John Hall by our Letters Patent bearing date 1 Jun 1750 the right whereof is since become invested in the said George Walton and
2,004 acres the residue never before granted. ... 5 Feb 1757 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 34 Page 452-453
Bartholomew Zachary 10 Aug 1759
40s - 400 acres - On head Branches of Owls Creek
Adj: [John Jr] NANCE [VACC011]
Adj: James Mitchell [VACC023], James Williams [VACC010]
Adj: Benjamin Hawkins [VAXX016]
Zachary to Womack 400a
Womack to Rice 400a 2 Aug 1773 VACC069
Page 452
... 40s ... unto Bartholomew Zachary one certain tract containing 400 acres lying and
Page 453
being in the County of Lunenburgh on the head branches of Owl's Creek bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Mitchel's corner red oak thence a new line South 40 West 130 poles to pointers in Hawkins's line thence along his line South 70 East 48 poles to a red oak South 20 East 80 poles to a small hickory South 52 East 268 poles to Williams's corner small hickory in the same then along his lines North 14 poles to [John Jr] NANCE's corner small hickory thence along his line the same course continued 348 poles to a small white oak in Mitchel's line and then along his line West 198 poles to the first station. ... 10 Aug 1759 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 36 Page 645-646
Thomas NANCE 15 Aug 1764
40s - 400 acres - On Branches of Juniper Creek
Adj: Benjamin Hawkins [VAXX016]
Adj: Silvanus Walker [VAXX023]
Thomas NANCE to John Haley 400a 8 Jun 1765
John Haley to Shorter 94a 4 Apr 1768 VACC099
Page 645
... 40s ... unto Thomas NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 400 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on the branches of Juniper Creek and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Hawkins's corner gum thence along his line South 65 East 162 poles to a white oak thence a new line South 18 West 154 poles to pointers in Walker's line thence along his line West 132 poles to a red oak thence a new line North 29 West 360
Page 646
poles to pointers in Hawkins's line and thence along his line North 55 East 138 poles to pointers South 30 East 200 poles to the first station. ... 15 Aug 1764
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 3 Page 324-326
Thomas NANCE of Lunenburg to Katharine Gwin 7 Aug 1753
£5 - 100 acres - Branches of Hurricane Creek
Adj: Johnson, James Williams [VACC010]
Rec: 7 Sep 1753
Patent Thomas NANCE 290a 27 Jul 1753 VACC009
Gwin to Pool 100a 2 Aug 1757 VACC020
Pool to Fullilove 100a 15 Dec 1762 VACC021
Thomas NANCE to Irvin 190a 7 Aug 1753 VACC024
This Indenture made this 7 Aug 1753 between Thomas NANCE of Lunenburg County of the one part and Katharine Gwin of Lunenburg County of the other part ... for £5 ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in Lunenburg County on the branches of Harricane Creek containing 100 acres (being part of 290 acres granted the said Thomas NANCE by patent dated 27 Jul last [1753] [VACC009]) bounded as follows viz:
Beginning at Williams's corner pine near Johnson's old path thence along his line South 80 East 78 poles to a poplar on a branch thence down the branch 14 poles to 3 small oaks thence new lines North 137 poles to a red oak by a small meadow, North 70 West 112 poles to 3 white oaks and a pine faced on Williams line and thence along his line South to the first station with all and singular the privileges and apperteNANCEs thereunto
Page 325
belonging ... In witness whereof ...
Wit: None Thomas NANCE
That on 7 Aug 1753 quiet and peacable possession and seizen ... given and made by Thomas NANCE to Katherine Gwin
At a Court for Lunenburg County on 7 Sep 1753
The within written indenture and the memorandum of livery of seizen hereon endorsed were by the above named Thomas NANCE acknowledged to be his
Page 326
act and deed and the same was ordered to be recorded.
Clement Read
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 4 Page 527-528
Katherine Gwin to Peter Pety Pool 2 Aug 1757
£7 - 100 acres - Branches of Harricane Creek
Rec: Aug 1757
Patent Thomas NANCE 290a 27 Jul 1753 VACC009
Thomas NANCE to Gwin 100a 7 Aug 1753 VACC019
Pool to Fullilove 100a 15 Dec 1762 VACC021
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 103
Page 527
From Katherine Gwin of Lunenburg County, to Peter Pety Pool, for £7, a certain tract of land in Lunenburg County on the branches of Harricane Creek containing 100 acres, being part of 290 acres granted to Thomas NANCE by patent
dated 27 Jul 1753 [VACC009] bounded as followeth viz:
Beginning at Williams's corner pine near Johnson's old path thence along his line South 80 East 78 poles to a poplar on a branch. then down the branch 14 poles to three small oaks thence new lines North 137 poles to a red oak by a small meadow North 70 West 112 poles to three white oaks and a pine faced in Williams's line and thence along his line South to the first station with all and singular ...
Page 528
Catryn Gwin
Rec: 2 Aug 1757
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 9 Page 188-190
Peter Petty Pool to Anthony Fullilove 15 Dec 1762
£70 - 100 acres - Branches of Harricane Creek
Rec: 14 Jul 1763
Thomas NANCE patent 290a 27 Jul 1753 VACC009
Thomas NANCE to Gwin 100a 7 Aug 1753 VACC019
Gwin to Pool 100a 2 Aug 1757 VACC020
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 18
Page 188
This Indenture made this 15 Dec 1762 between Peter Petty Pool and his wife Elizabeth of the County of Lunenburg and Anthony Fullilove ... £70 ... one certain tract of land in Lunenburg County on the branches of Harricane Creek containing 100 acres of land, being part of 290 acres granted to Thomas NANCE by patent dated 27 Jul 1753 [VACC009]
Beginning at Williams's corner pine near Johnson's old path thence along his line South 80 East 78 poles to a poplar on a branch then down the branch 14 poles to three small oaks thence new lines North 137 poles to a red oak by a small meadow North 70 West 112 poles to three white oaks and a pine faced in Williams's line and thence along his line South to the first station with all and singular ...
Wit: None Peter Petty Pool
Elizabeth relinquished her right of dower to the conveyed lands.
Rec: 14 Apr 1763
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 2 Page 87- 88
Benjamin Hawkins to George Walton 5 Feb 1749
1,240 acres - Both sides of North fork of Meherrin
Adj: Richard NANCE [VACC008]
Rec: 3 Jul 1750
Hawkins Patent half of 2480a 20 May 1749 VACC007
Other half Hawkins to Mitchell 3 Oct 1751 VACC023
Repatented by Walton 1240a 5 Feb 1757 VACC016
Page 87
This Indenture made this 5 Feb 1749 Between Benjamin Hawkins of Amelia County of the one part and George Walton of Lunenburg County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Hawkins for and in consideration of the sum of £82/10 current money of Virginia ... a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Lunenburg County aforesaid on both sides of the North fork of Meherrin River containing by estimation 1,240 acres be the same more or less Bounded as follows viz.
Beginning at Richard NANCE's corner white oak 54 poles by his line from the said River thence a new line South 73 West 6210 poles to a red oak Thence Northwardly by the courses of a patent granted to the said Benjamin Hawkins dated 20 May last [1749 os] to the first station ( being part of 2,480 acres) Together with all ...
Page 88
Benjamin Hawkins for himself ...
Signed Sealed & Delivered in presence of us Benjamin Hawkins
Peter Winfree, Thomas Cranshaw
James Breadlove, John Willingham Junr
... At a Court held for Lunenburg County the 3 Jul 1750 the within Indenture ... Ordered to be recorded
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 2 Page 337-338
Benjamin Hawkins to James Mitchell 3 Oct 1751
£100 - 1,240 acres - South side of Meherrin River
Adj: Thomas NANCE, John NANCE, George Walton
Rec: 3 Oct 1751
Hawkins Patent 2480a 20 May 1748 VACC007
Hawkins to Walton 1240a 5 Feb 1749 VACC022
Mitchell to Foster 940a 23 Feb 1758 VACC033
Mitchell to Mason 300a 3 Feb 1758 VAXX002
Page 337
This Indenture made this [ ] day of [ ] in 1751 Between Benjamin Hawkins of the County of Amelia of the one part and James Mitchell of the same county of the other part Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Hawkins for and in consideration of the sum of £100 current money of Virginia ... a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Lunenburg containing 1,240 acres joining the lands of Thomas NANCE, John NANCE and George Walton and being the one half of a tract granted the said Benjamin Hawkins for 2,480 acres by patent bearing date 20 May 1749 the other half of the said patent being sold and conveyed by the said Benjamin Hawkins by a deed of feoffment to George Walton as by the said patent and deed reference thereto and is all the residue of the said tract and all the rights ...
Page 338
Wit: Clement Read Ben Hawkins
Ben Harris
George Walton
Thomas Williamson
Rec: 3 Oct 1751
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 3 Page 401-402
Thomas NANCE of Lunenburg to William Irvin 7 Aug 1753
£30 - 190 acres - Branches of Hurricane Creek
Rec: 6 Nov 1753
Patent Thomas NANCE 290a 27 Jul 1753 VACC009
Thomas NANCE to Gwin 100a 7 Aug 1753 VACC019
Page 401
This Indenture made this 7 Aug 1753 between Thomas NANCE of Lunenburg County of one part and William Irvin of Lunenburg County of the other part ... for £30 ... one certain tract or parcel of land in Lunenburg County between the Forks of Harricane Creek containing 190 acres (being part of 290 acres granted the said NANCE by patent dated 27 Jul last [VACC009] bounded as follows viz:
Beginning at Covington's corner white oak on the said Creek thence along his line South 88 West 70 poles to Williams's corner red oak in the same thence along his line South to Katharine Gwin's corner three white oaks and a pine thence along her lines South 70 East 112 poles to a red oak by a small meadow South 137 poles to three small oaks on the south branch of the said creek thence down the same as it meanders to Roberts's corner poplar thence along his line North 10 East 115 poles to his corner hickory
Page 402
in Man's line thence along his line North 44 West 40 poles to a corner North 5 East 60 poles to the Creek aforesaid and thence up the same as it meanders to the first station together with all and singular ...
Wit: None Thomas NANCE
Memorandum 7 Aug 1753 Quiet and peaceable possession
At a court held for Lunenburg County 6 Nov 1753
... acknowledged by Thomas NANCE ...
Clement Read CC
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 4 Page 306-307
John NANCE Junr of Amelia to Jacobus Christopher 29 Jul 1756
£16 - 385 acres - North Fork of Dry Creek
Adj: Wynn, Dunkin Blue, Nicholas Christopher
John NANCE Patent: 385a 25 Jul 1749 VACC001
Rec: 3 Aug 1756
Page 306
This Indenture made 29 Jul 1756 between John NANCE of Amelia County of the one part and Jacobus Christopher of Lunenburg County of the other part Witnesseth that the said John NANCE for divers causes and considerations him thereunto moving but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of £16 current money ... a certain tract of land of 385 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg and bounded as followeth to wit:
Beginning at Wynn's corner maple on the North Fork of Dry Creek thence on his line North 10 East 222 poles to Dunkin Blue's corner pine in the same thence on his line South 50 West 406 poles crossing two large branches to his corner hickory thence new lines the same course continued 70 poles to a pine thence South 80 East 74 poles to a red oak thence South 70 East 190 poles to pointers in Nicholas Christopher's line thence on his line North 37 East 170 poles to the said Fork and thence up the Fork as it meanders to the first station.
To have and to hold ...
Page 307
Wit: Hampton Wade John NANCE Junr (sic!)
William Stokes
Silvanus Stokes
Charles Allen
Memorandum that livery seizen and possession was given by the within named John NANCE to Jacobus Christopher this 29 Jul 1756
John NANCE Junr (sic!)
Receipt for £16 from Jacobus Christopher
John NANCE Junr
At a Court held for Lunenburg County ... 3 Aug 1756
... oaths of three witnesses ...
[ Note: John NANCE JUNR several other times ]
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 33 Page 35- 36
Thomas Willingham 16 Aug 1756
400 acres - South side of Meherrin River
Adj: Covington [VAXX003], [John] NANCE [VACC001]
Willingham to Thomas NANCE 1 Mar 1757 VACC027
Watkins to Beasley same property 30 Dec 1761 VACC044
Page 35
... 40s ... unto Thomas Willingham a certain tract containing 400 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburgh on the South Side of Meherrin River and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at a maple on the said river thence new lines South 23 West 130 poles to a pine West 40 poles to Covinton's corner small hiccory thence on his line South 80 West 114 poles to a white oak North 77 West 200 poles to a red oak South 75 West 100 poles to a small hickory thence new line North 10 West 214 poles to a hiccory in [John] NANCE's line [VACC001] thence along his lines South 52 East 130 poles to a white oak South 86 East 82 poles to a red oak North 50 East [24 poles]
Page 36
poles to a hickory [on the River] and thence [down?] as it meanders to the first station. ... 16 Aug 1756 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 4 Page 359-360
Thos Willingham to Thomas NANCE of Lunenburg 1 Mar 1757
£40 - 400 acres - South side of Meherrin River
Rec: 1 Mar 1757
Patent to Willingham 400a 16 Aug 1756 VACC026
Thomas NANCE to Watkins 400a 22 Mar 17
Adj: Covington [VAXX003], [John] NANCE [VACC001]
Page 359
This indenture made this 1 Mar 1757 between Thomas Willingham of Lunenburg County of the one part and Thomas NANCE of Lunenburg County of the other part ... £40, ... a certain tract of land situate lying and being in Lunenburg County on the South side of Meherrin River, containing 400 acres bounded according the dementions of a patent granted the said Thomas Willingham bearing date 16 Aug last [1756] [VACC026] reference being had thereto will at
Page 360
large appear together with all and singular ...
Wit: None Thomas Willingham
Memorandum Quiet and peaceable possession
At a Court held for Lunenburg County 1 Mar 1757
... Thomas Willingham acknowledged ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 4 Page 462-464
John & Ann Willingham to Charles Hundley 7 Jun 1757
10 pistoles - 200 acres - Both sides of Liles' Creek
Adj: Thomas NANCE [VACC013], James Williams [VACC010],
[Henry] Blagrave - Rec: 7 Jun 1757
Willingham Patent: 400a 16 Aug 1756 VAXX018
Page 462
From John Willingham of Lunenburg County, to Charles Hundley of Amelia County, for 10 pistoles current money of Virginia,
Page 463
one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both sides of Liles's Creek, containing 200 acres more or less bounded as follows viz:
Beginning at a corner pine of James Williams thence binding on Thomas NANCE's line South 70 East to a corner red oak thence by a line to the head of a branch down the branch to a beech on the said Creek thence by a line binding on Blagrave to a white oak in William's line and thence along his line North 70 West to a red oak South 30 West 160 poles to the first station ...
Wit: Geo Walton John Willingham
Barnaby Wells
Ann, the wife of John Willingham, relinquished her right of dower.
Rec: 7 Jun 1757
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 4 Page 470-472
Thomas NANCE & wife Martha Jones to William Chandler 7 Jun 1757
£5 - 110 acres - Branches of Juniper Creek
Rec: 7 Jun 1757
Thomas NANCE Patent: 5 Feb 1757 707a VACC013
Page 470
This Indenture made this 7 Jun 1757 between Thomas NANCE of the County of Lunenburg and William Chandler of the same county ... £5-10s ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and
Page 471
and being in the County aforesaid on the branches of Juniper Creek containing 110 acres bounded as follows viz:
Beginning at his own corner white oak thence new lines North 61 East 162 poles to a red oak bush South 70 East 102 poles to a white oak South 72 poles to a hickory on his own line thence along his own lines North 75 West 48 poles to a beech on a branch South 80 West 136 poles to a red oak on a branch North 55 West 66 poles to the first station together with all and singular ...
Wit: None Tho NANCE
Page 472
Memorandum that on the day and year first within mentioned quiet and peaceable possession and seizen of the within mentioned land and premises with all the apperteNANCEs was given and made by Thomas NANCE to William Chandler in presence of the witnesses hereunto subscribed
At a court held for Lunenburgh County 7 Jun 1757
This indenture and the above memorandum of livery and seizen were by the above named Thomas NANCE acknowledged to be his act and deed and Martha Jones his wife (she being first privately examined) relinquished her right of dower in and to the lands and premises conveyed by the said indenture all which were ordered to be recorded.
Teste: Clem Reed
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 4 Page 478-480
Thomas NANCE & wife Martha Jones to Katherine Gwin 7 Jun 1757
£17 - 338 acres - Branches of Juniper Creek
Rec: 7 Jun 1757
Adj: Willingham [VAXX018], Williams [VACC010],
Evans/Hutchings [VAXX013], Chandler [VACC029]
Thomas NANCE Patent 707a 5 Feb 1757 VACC013
Page 478
This indenture made 7 Jun 1757 between Thomas NANCE of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Katherine Gwin of the same County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Thomas NANCE for and in consideration of the just and full sum of £17 current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said Katherine Gwin the receipt whereof he the said Thomas NANCE doth hereby acknowledge hath given granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell deliver and confirm to the said
Page 479
Katherine Gwin ... one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid on the branches of Juniper Creek, containing 338 acres bounded as follows viz:
Beginning at Willingham's and Williams's corner pine thence along Williams's line North 70 West 240 poles to a white oak North 40 West 58 poles to Evan's corner white oak thence along his lines South 50 West 17 poles to a pine South 20 East 340 poles to Chandler's corner on the said Creek bank thence along his line North 80 East 46 poles to white oak North 61 East 162 poles to a red oak bush off North 108 poles to Willingham's line and thence along his line North 70 West 32 poles to the first station
Wit: None Tho NANCE
Page 480
Memorandum Quiet and peaceable possession to Catherine Gwin
At a Court held for Lunenburgh County 7 Jun 1757
This indenture and the above memorandum of livery and seizen were by the above named Thomas NANCE acknowledged to be his act and deed and Martha Jones his wife (she being first examined privately at the law directs) relinquished her right of dower in and to the land conveyed by the said indenture all which were ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 4 Page 487-488
John Willingham to Henry Blagrave 7 Jun 1757
£20 - 200 acres - Both sides of Liles Creek
Adj: Thomas NANCE [VACC013], James Williams [VACC010],
Adj: Charles Hundley [VACC028]
Adj: Henry Blagrave [VAPB 32:140 1753]
Rec: 7 Jun 1757
Willingham: VAPB 34:90 400a 16 Aug 1756 VACC026
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
Page 487
From John Willingham of Lunenburg County, to Henry Blagrave of Lunenburg County, for £20, a certain tract of land in Lunenburg County on both sides of Liles Creek, containing 200 acres be the same more or less bounded as followeth viz
Beginning at a beech on a rock by the said Creek, thence binding on James Roberts North 10 West 10 poles to a pine then binding on James Williams North 70 West to a corner white oak thence binding on Charles Hundley by a line to a beech on the Creek aforesaid at the mouth of a small branch then up the branch as it meanders to the head and thence by a line of marked trees to a red oak in Thomas NANCE's line thence along his line South 70 East to a pine in the said Blagrave's own line thence along his own line North 30 East 64 poles to a walnut tree by the said creek and down the same as it meanders to the first station ...
Page 488
Wit: Geo Walton John Willingham
Charles Hundley
Barnaby Wells
Ann, the wife of John Willingham relinquished her right of dower.
Rec: 7 Jun 1757
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 4 Page 498-499
John NANCE of Lunenburg to William NANCE Jr 27 Jun 1757
5s - 300 acres - Both sides of Meherrin River
Adj: Richard NANCE [VACC008], Foster [VACC033],
Adj: Island, Hawkins [VACC016], Wells [VACC006]
Adj: Walton [VAXX021], Roberts [VACC015]
Rec: 5 Jul 1757
John NANCE Patent 400a 10 Sep 1755 VACC012
Wm NANCE to James Foster 300a 15 Feb 1760 VACC039
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 101
Page 498
This Indenture made this 27 Jun 1757 between John NANCE of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and William NANCE Junr of the same County of the other part. Witnesseth that the said John NANCE for and in consideration of the just and full sum of 5s current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said William NANCE Junr the receipt whereof he the said John NANCE doth hereby acknowledge hath ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in said County on both sides of Meherrin River containing 300 acres be the same more or less, bounded as followeth viz:
Beginning at the mouth of a branch on the North side of the said river just below the place called the Island thence up the said branch as it meanders to Hawkins's line thence along his line North 10 West to a red oak bush thence along Walton's and Roberts's line North 45 West 180 poles to a red oak in Richard NANCE's line thence along his line South 26 West 66 poles to a white oak North 64 West 106 poles to a hickory thence along [John] Foster's line South 10 West 296 poles to a hickory North 45 East along Wells's line 120 poles to a white oak South 80 East 110 poles to a walnut on the bank of the said River and thence down the said River as it meanders to the first station together with all and singular ...
Page 499
appurteNANCEs to have and to hold ... to William NANCE Junr ...
Wit: Geo Walton John NANCE
Francis Moore Petty
Thos Willingham
Quiet and peaceable ... by John NANCE to William NANCE Junr
At a court held for Lunenburg County 5 Jul 1757
This indenture and the above memorandum of livery and seizen were by the above named John NANCE acknowledged to tbe his act and deed ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 5 Page 171-173
James Mitchell to John Foster 23 Feb 1758
940 acres - Cornwall Parish - Both sides of Owls Creek
Adj: William NANCE [VACC032], Richard NANCE [VACC008],
Adj: John NANCE [VACC011], Wells [VACC006],
Adj: Walton [VACC016], Mason [VAXX002], Zackry [VACC017]
Rec: 4 Apr 1758 See VAXX002 for 300 acres
Hawkins to Mitchell 1240a 3 Oct 1751 VACC023
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 16
Page 170
From James Mitchell of Amelia County and Nottoway Parish, to John Foster of Lunenburg County and Cornwall Parish, for £155/6/8, a certain tract of land in Lunenburg County and Parish of Cornwall, containing 940 acres be the same more or less on both sides Owl's Creek bounded as followeth, viz
Beginning at Wells corner white oak on the said creek bank thence along his line 2 poles to William NANCE's corner thence along NANCE's line 296 poles to Richard NANCE's line along his line 75 poles to Walton's corner along Walton's line about three or four hundred poles to Mason's
Page 171
corner hickory along Mason's line South 208 poles to Zackry's line along his & John NANCE's line East about 80 poles to a maple on the said creek and thence down the stream of the said creek to the first station
Together with all ...
Wit: Richd Burks James Mitchell
John Turner
John Mason
Rec: 4 Apr 1758
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 5 Page 499-500
Thomas NANCE of Lunenburg to Henry Watkins 22 Mar 1758
£60 - 400 acres - South side of Meherrin River
Rec: 6 Nov 1759
Adj: Hailey, John NANCE [VACC001], Covington [VAXX006], James Williams [VACC010]
Willingham Patent 16 Aug 1756 VACC026
Willingham to Thomas NANCE 1 Mar 1757 VACC027
Watkins to Beasley 30 Dec 1761 VACC044
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 43
Page 499
From Thomas NANCE of the County of Lunenburg, to Henry Watkins of the County of Prince Edward, for £60, one certain tract of land situate lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on the South side of Meherrin River, containing 400 acres bounded as follows viz:
Beginning at a corner maple on the River bank, thence off binding on James Haily's South 23 West 130 poles to a pine West 40 poles to Covington's corner hickory, thence along his lines South 80 West 114 poles to a white oak North 77 West 200 poles to a red oak South 75 West 100 poles to a small hickory thence off binding on James Williams North 10 West 214 poles to a hickory in John NANCE's line thence along his line South 52 East 130
Page 500
poles to a white oak South 86 East 82 poles to a red oak North 50 East 24 poles to a hickory on the side of the said river and thence down the stream as it meanders to the first station together with all and singular ...
Wit: William Bailey Thomas NANCE
Geo Walton
Martha Walton
Memorandum Quiet and peaceable possession ...
At a Court held for Lunenburg County 6 Nov 1759
... acknowledged by Thomas NANCE to be his act and deed ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 5 Page 460-462
Richard NANCE of Lunenburg to George Walton 4 Sep 1759
40s - 20 acres - West or upper side of Springfield Creek
Adj: Timothy Murrell [VAXX017] to Walton
Adj: Benjamin Hawkins [VACC015] to Walton
Rec: 4 Sep 1759
Richard NANCE Patent 365a 10 Mar 1756 VACC014
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 40
Page 460
From Richard NANCE of the County of Lunenburg, to George Walton of the same ... 40s ... by the said Richard NANCE doth hereby acknowledge ...
Page 461
one certain tract of land situate lying and being in Lunenburg County on the West or upper side of Springfield Creek, containing 20 acres bounded as followeth viz:
Beginning where the said Walton's line crosses the said Creek of the land he bought of Timothy Murrell thence along the line of the said land to the lands of the said Walton bought of Benjamin Hawkins thence along the line of that land to a corner of saplings thence by a line of marked trees binding on the said NANCE to the said Creek and thence up the creek to the first station ...
Together with all and singular ...
Wit: None Richard NANCE
his mark
Memorandum Quiet and peaceable possession
Richard NANCE
his mark
At a court held for Lunenburg County 4 Sep 1759
The within indenture ...
Page 462
acknowledged by Richard NANCE to be his act and deed ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 6 Page 49- 50
Richard NANCE of Dinwiddie Co to Nathaniel NANCE 21 Sep 1759
of Chesterfield Co - 5s - love Richard for Nathaniel
105a of 210a tract - Both sides of Meherrin River
[Nathaniel's brother, John NANCE's half sold directly
to Foster the same day VACC037]
Rec: 6 May 1760
Richard NANCE Patent 210a 1 Jun 1750 VACC008
Nathaniel NANCE to Foster 105a 1 Jun 1767 VACC052
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 55
Page 49
This Indenture made this 21 Sep 1759 between Richard NANCE of the County of Dinwiddie and Nathaniel NANCE of the County of Chesterfield. Witnesseth that the said Richard NANCE for and in consideration of the sum of 5 shillings current money of Virginia but more especially for love good will and affection which I have and do bear unto the said Nathaniel NANCE, have bargained ... one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Lunenburg being part of a patent for 210 acres which patent bears date 1 Jun 1750 lying on both sides of Meherrin River and by a dividing line between the said Nathaniel and his brother, John NANCE, which division is equal to each the said brothers 105 acres, the said Nathaniel NANCE to have the upper part or half the said patent and the reversion or reversions to the same or any part ...
[Note: Richard sells John's half directly to Foster the same day]
Page 50
Wit: John NANCE Richard NANCE
William NANCE his mark
D Smith
At a Court held for Lunenburg County 5 Feb 1760 proved by one of the witnesses
At a court held for Lunenburg County 6 May 1760
The within was further proved by the oaths of two of the witnesses to be the act and deed of the above named Richard NANCE ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 6 Page 51- 52
Richard & Mary NANCE of Dinwiddie Co to Richard Foster 22 Sep 1759
of Hanover Co - £105 - 105 acres - tract in Lunenburg
Rec: 6 May 1760
Wit: John NANCE, William NANCE, Nathaniel NANCE
Patent Richard NANCE 210a 1 Jun 1750 VACC008
[Adj: Nathaniel NANCE VACC036, John Foster VACC003,
William NANCE Jr VACC032, West VACC050]
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 55
Page 51
From Richard NANCE and Mary NANCE, his wife, of Dinwiddie County, to Richard Foster of Hanover County, ... said Richard NANCE and Mary his wife for and in consideration of ... £105, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Lunenburg containing 105 acres and bounded as followeth:
Page 52
Beginning at a white oak then North 64 West 120 poles to a hickory thence new line North 26 East 140 poles to a white oak then South 64 East 120 poles to pointers thence South 26 West 140 poles to the beginning ... The reversion ...
Wit: John NANCE Richard NANCE his mark
William NANCE Mary NANCE her mark
Nathaniel NANCE
D Smith
Memorandum livery of seizen of the within named ...
At a Court held for Lunenburg County 5 Feb 1760
the within indenture ... oaths of two of the witnesses ..
At a Court held for Lunenburg County 6 May 1760
the within indenture and the above memorandum of livery of seizen thereon indorsed was further proved by the oath of one of the witnesses thereto subscribed to the the act and deed of the above named Richard NANCE and Mary his wife
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 5 Page 501-502
John NANCE of Amelia Co to John Foster 2 Oct 1759
£200 - 400 acres - South side of Owl's Creek
Rec: 6 Nov 1759
Adj: Thompson, Hawkins - [Deed Identical to Patent]
John NANCE Patent 400a 10 Sep 1755 VACC011
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 43
Page 501
From John NANCE of Amelia County, to John Foster of Lunenburg County, for £200, all that tract or parcel of land situate lying and being on the South side of Owls Creek in the County of Lunenburg, containing by estimation 400 acres, which land was patented to the said NANCE by letter patent bearing date at Williamsburg 10 Sep 1755 and bounded as followeth:
Beginning at Thompsons corner white oak on the said Creek thence along his line South 30 West 228 poles to a white oak South 8 West 76 poles to a white oak on the Little Fork of the said Creek thence East 22 poles to an ash on the said Fork, thence new line South 70 poles to a white oak West 107 poles to a small hickory North 358 poles to a small white oak in Hawkins's line thence along his line East 70 poles to a maple on the creek, thence down the same as it meanders to the first station
Together with all and singular ...
Wit: None John NANCE
Page 502
Memorandum Quiet and peaceable possession ...
At a court held for Lunenburg County 6 Nov 1759
... acknowledged by John NANCE to be his act and deed ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 6 Page 29- 30
William & Francis NANCE of Lunenburg to James Foster 15 Feb 1760
£135 - 300 acres - Both sides of Meherrin River
Adj: Richard NANCE [VACC008], Wells [VACC006],
Adj: John Foster [VACC037]
Rec: 6 May 1760
John NANCE Patent 400a 10 Sep 1755 VACC012
John NANCE to Wm NANCE Jr 300a 27 Jun 1757 VACC032
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 53
Page 29
This Indenture made this 15 Feb 1760 between James Foster the Elder of King William County of the one part and William NANCE of Lunenburg County of the other part Witnesseth that the said William NANCE for and in consideration of the just and full sum of £135 current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said James Foster ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both sides of Meherrin River containing 300 acres (be the same more or less) bounded as followeth to wit:
Beginning at Wells corner walnut tree on the side of the said River thence along his line North 80 West 110 poles to a white oak South 45 West 120 poles to a hickory, thence along John Foster's line North 10 East 296 poles to a hickory thence along Richard NANCE's line South 64 East 106 poles to a white oak North 26 East 66 poles to a red oak thence off South 45 East 180 poles to a small red oak South 10 East along a line where it crosses the South Fork of a small branch, thence down the branch to the said River and thence up the River to the first station ... Together with all and singular ...
Page 30
Wit: Geo Walton William NANCE
John Foster
John Cole
John Wells
Memorandum Quiet and peaceable possession ...
At a court held for Lunenburg County 6 May 1760
The within written indenture and the above memorandum of livery of seizen thereon indorsed was by the oath of the within named William NANCE acknowledged to be his act and deed and Francis the wife of the said William (she being first privily examined according to law) relinquishes her right of dower in and to the land and premises conveyed by the said indenture all of which were ordered to be recorded
Teste: Clement Read C C
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 7 Page 10
James Williams to Edmund Ballard 21 Feb 1761
460 acres - Both sides of Liles Creek, Juniper Creek
Wit: Thomas NANCE - Rec: 7 Apr 1761
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 3
From James Williams of Lunenburg, to Edmund Ballard, for £50, a certain tract of land in Lunenburg County on both sides of Liles's Creek and the branches of Juniper Creek, 460 acres bounded by Willingham, Smith, Hutchins, and Journey's line.... Beginning Willingham's old corner red oak ... pointers in Smith's lines ...
Wit: John Ward James Williams
Thomas NANCE
John Haley
Rec: 7 Apr 1761
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 7 Page 27- 28
Thomas NANCE of Lunenburg to Bryant Lester 3 Apr 1761
5s - 259 acres - Between Juniper Creek & Liles Creek
Rec: 7 Apr 1761
Adj: Lester [VAPB 34:113 1756], Henry Blagrave [VACC031]
Adj: Charles Hundley [VACC028], Katharine Gwin [VACC030]
Adj: William Chandler [VACC029], John Smith
Thomas NANCE Patent 707a 5 Feb 1757 VACC013
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 5
Page 27
This Indenture made this 3 Apr 1761 between Thomas NANCE of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Bryant Lester of the same of the other part ...for and in consideration of the just and full sum of 5s current money of Virginia ... one certain tract of land in Lunenburg County on the ridge between Juniper Creek and Lyles's Creek containing 259 acres bounded between the lines of the said Bryant Lester, Henry Blagrave,
Page 28
Charles Hundley, Katharine Gwin, and William Chandler now John Smith together with all ...
Wit: Jos Williams Thomas NANCE
Thos Tabb
Henry Blagrave Sr
At a Court held for Lunenburg County 7 Apr 1761 ...
acknowledged by Thomas NANCE
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 7 Page 70- 71
George Walton to William NANCE of Lunenburg 5 May 1761
£27/17s - 235 acres - Both sides Springfield Creek
Adj: John Wells [VACC046 part of Walton VAXX021]
Adj: Hall [VAXX004], Coles
Rec: 5 May 1761
William NANCE to Kennon 235a 4 Mar 1763 VACC047
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 9
Page 70
From George Walton of Lunenburg County, to William NANCE of Lunenburg County, ... £27-17s current money of Virginia,
Page 71
one certain tract of land in Lunenburg on both sides of Springfield Creek containing 235 acres bounded as followeth viz
Beginning where John Wells's line crosses Hall's old patent line thence along the said patent lines South 40 East 124 poles to a red oak sapling South 50 East 64 poles to pointers thence a new line North 40 East 193 poles to Coles line thence along his line North 40 West 188 poles to Wells's corner in the same and thence along his line South 50 West 202 poles to the first station ...
Wit: None George Walton
Memorandum ... William NANCE ... takes possession
At a Court held for Lunenburg County on 5 May 1761
... George Walton acknowledged ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 7 Page 167
Benjamin Hawkins to George Walton 27 Oct 1761
84 acres - Between Springfield Creek & N Fork Meherrin
Adj: George Walton, Richard NANCE [VACC008]
Adj: James Roberts, James Foster [VACC032]
Rec: 2 Feb 1762
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 23
From Benjamin Hawkins of Amelia County, to George Walton of Lunenburg County, ... for £7-10s current money of Virginia, ... a certain tract of land in Lunenburg on the ridge between Springfield Creek and the North Fork of Meherrin River ... containing 84 acres
bounded by the lines of said George Walton, the line of Richard NANCE, the line of James Roberts, the line of James Foster, and a new line running from James Foster's corner red oak bush to a Spanish oak bush in Richard NANCE's line binding on the said Hawkins together with all ...
Wit: John Foster Benj Hawkins
Ezekiah Jackson
Roger Williams
John Phillips
Rec: 2 Feb 1762
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 7 Page 208-209
Henry Watkins to Robert Beasley 30 Dec 1761
£50 - South side of Meherrin River
Adj: [John] NANCE [VACC001], Covington [VAXX003]
Rec: 6 Apr 1762
Willingham Patent 400a 16 Aug 1756 VACC026
Willingham to Thomas NANCE 400a 1 Mar 1757 VACC027
Thomas NANCE to Watkins 400a 22 Mar 1758 VACC034
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 29
Page 208
From Henry Watkins of the County of Prince Edward, to Robert Beasley of Lunenburg County, for £50 current money of Virginia, a certain tract of land in Lunenburg County on the South side of Meherrin River
Page 209
and bounded as followeth viz Beginning at a maple on said River then new lines South 23 West 130 poles to a pine West 40 poles to Covinton's corner small hickory then along his line South 80 West 114 poles to a white oak North 77 West 200 poles to a red oak South 74 West 100 poles to a small hickory thence a new line North 10 West 214 poles to a hickory in [John] NANCE's line [VACC001] thence along his line South 52 East 130 poles to a white oak South 86 East 82 poles to a red oak North 50 East 24 poles to a hickory on the River aforesaid thence down the same as it meanders to the beginning ...
Wit: John Ward Henry Watkins
Mary Ward
Betty Willingham
Rec: 6 Apr 1762
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 7 Page 226-227
John NANCE to son Frederick NANCE Both Lunenburg 22 Jan 1762
300 acres - Both sides Main North Fork Meherrin River
Adj: Wells [VACC006], Foster
Rec: 4 May 1762
John NANCE Patent 400a 28 Aug 1746 VACC005.DOC
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 31
Page 226
This Indenture made this 22 Jan 1762 between John NANCE of the County of Lunenburg and his son Frederick NANCE of same County, for and in consideration of the full and just sum of 5 shillings current money of Virginia, a certain tract of land lying and being in Lunenburg County on both sides of the main North Fork Meherrin River containing 300 acres be the same more or less bounded as follows viz:
Beginning at a hickory on South side of the said River thence off South 50 West 24 poles to a red oak North 86 West 82 poles to a red oak North 52 West 104 poles to Wells's corner pointers then along Wells's line North 44 East 144 poles to a small pine North 72 East 42 poles to a white oak on the said River thence up the same as it meanders to the Mouth of the Branch Foster's line goes up thence up the said Branch as it meanders to the patent line thence along the same South 10 East to a corner of two small white oaks South 45 West 80 poles to a hickory South 5 East 24 poles to a mulberry tree on the said River thence
up the same as it meanders to the first station.
Wit: George Walton John NANCE
Elizabeth Wells
Phebe Wells
Memorandum ... of possession ...
Page 227
At a court held for Lunenburg County on 4 May 1762
... acknowledged by oaths of witnesses ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 7 Page 346-347
John Wells to William NANCE of Lunenburg 7 Sep 1762
£40 - 330 acres - both sides of Springfield Creek
Adj: Meadow Branch, Moore, Davis, Coles
Rowlet [VAXX022], Walton [VACC006],
[William] NANCE [VACC042]
Rec: 2 Sep 1762
Walton to John Wells 330a 3 Mar 1761 VAXX065
William NANCE to Skelton 130a 17 Sep 1766 VACC051
William NANCE to Smelt 200a 7 Dec 1772 VACC065
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 47
Page 346
From John Wells of Lunenburg County, to William NANCE of Lunenburg County, for £40, a certain tract of land of 330 acres lying and being in Lunenburg County on both sides of Springfield Creek and bounded as followeth viz
Beginning at a corner stooping ash on the Meadow Branch thence along Moor's and Davis's line South 70 West 210 poles to a pine thence along Rowlet's line South 40 East 26 poles to a pine thence South 28 West 30 poles to pointers thence along Walton's line South 40 East 239 poles to a white oak bush thence along Walton's and NANCE's line North 50 East 227 poles to Coles line and thence along his and Moore's line North 40 West 206 poles to the first station ...
Wit: None John Wells
Page 347
At a court held for Lunenburg County on 2 [sic 7!] Sep 1762 ... acknowledged by John Wells ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 9 Page 58- 59
William NANCE of Lunenburg to Symcock Kennon 4 Mar 1763
£45 - 235 acres - Both sides of Springfield Creek
Adj: John Wells now NANCE [VACC046], Coles,
Adj: John Philips - Rec: 10 Mar 1763
Walton to William NANCE 235a 5 May 1761 VACC042
Cannon to Davison 235a 31 Dec 1753 VACC054
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 8
Page 58
From William NANCE of the County of Lunenburg to Symcock Kennon of Prince Edward County, for £45 current money of Virginia, a certain tract of land in Lunenburg County on both sides of Springfield Creek containing 235 acres bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at a corner that was John Wells's in Cole's line, thence on the line of Wells now NANCE's South 50 West 202 poles to an old line thence along the same South 40 East 124 poles to a red oak South 50 East 64 poles to pointers thence off and binding on John Philip's North 50 East 193 poles to Cole's line and thence along his line North 40 West 188 poles to the first station.
Page 59
Wit: Henry Isbell William NANCE
Thos Stark
Peter Pinkstone
Memorandum ... possession to Symcock Kennon ...
William NANCE
At a court held for Lunenburg County on 10 Mar 1763
... proved by three witnesses ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 8 Page 151-153
Richard & Mourning NANCE to Joseph Townsand 25 Feb 1764
£50 - 172 acres - South side of Springfield Creek
Mouth of Wood's Branch
Wit: Thomas NANCE, Frederick NANCE
Rec: 14 Jun 1764
Richard NANCE Patent 365a 10 Mar 1756 VACC014
Richard NANCE to Burks 173a 16 Dec 1767 ?
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 70
Page 151
This Indenture made this 25 Feb 1764 between Richard NANCE and Mourning NANCE his wife of the County of Lunenburg and Joseph Townsand of the same County of
Page 152
the other part Witnesseth that ... £50 current money of Virginia, a certain tract of land of 172 acres in the County of Lunenburg on the South side of Springfield Creek, and bounded as follows to wit:
Beginning at the mouth of Wood's Branch thence up the said Branch as it meanders to a gum on the head of the Branch thence off North 87 West to a red oak on the back line thence North 10 East 87 poles to a red oak thence North 15 East to a white oak thence down to the creek to a ash on the said Creek thence down the creek as it meanders to the beginning ...
Page 153
Wit: Christopher Billups Richard NANCE
Thomas NANCE Mourning NANCE
Frederick NANCE
Memorandum ... possession ...
Same witnesses Richard NANCE
Mourning NANCE
At a Court held for Lunenburg County 14 Jun 1764
... acknowledged by Richard NANCE and Mourning NANCE his wife ... Mourning relinquished her right of dower to the conveyed lands
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 36 Page 1059-1060
William West 10 Jul 1767
400 acres - On ridge between Springfield Cr & Meherrin
Adj: Hawkins [VACC007], Walton [VACC016],
Adj: Preuit [VAXX017], Hall [VAXX004],
Adj: Richard NANCE [VACC008], William NANCE [VACC039]
West to Chappel 400a 9 Dec 1771 VACC063
Adj John NANCE to Wm NANCE Jr 27 Jun 1757 VACC032
Page 1059
... 40s ... four us our heirs & successors
Page 1060
unto William West one certain tract ... containing 400 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on the Ridge between Spring Field Creek and Meherrin River and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Richard NANCE's corner pointers thence along his line South 26 West 74 poles to William NANCE's corner red oak in the same thence along his line South 45 East 110 poles to Hawkins's corner Hickory in the same thence along his line North 45 East 138 poles to Walton's corner pine thence along his line and Preuit's line North 16 West 94 poles to a red oak thence along Hall's line North 50 West 410 poles to a blackjack thence a new line South 12 West 92 poles to Walton's corner red oak thence along his line South 5 East 108 poles to Richard NANCE's corner spanish oak and thence along his line South 64 East 234 poles to the first station. ... 10 Jul 1767 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 9 Page 367-369
William NANCE of Lunenburg to Thomas Wilmoth 24 Nov 1763
£30 - 200 acres - Both sides of Springfield Creek
Adj: [William] NANCE [VACC065]
Adj: Moore, Davis, Rowlet, Walton
Rec: 9 Feb 1764
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 34
Page 367
From William NANCE of the County of Lunenburg, to Thomas Wilmoth of the County of Prince Edward, for £30 current money of Virginia,
Page 368
a certain tract of land in the county of Lunenburg on both sides of Springfield Creek, 200 acres be the same more or less
Beginning at Moor's corner ash on a branch, thence along his and Davis's line South 70 West 210 poles to a pine, thence along Rowlet's line South 40 East 76 poles to a pine South 28 West 30 poles to pointers, thence along Walton's line South 40 East 147 poles to a pine thence along NANCE's line North 50 East 140 poles to a hickory in the said Creek thence up the same as it meanders to a new corner bush thence off a new line to pointers in Moore's line and thence along his line North 40 West 109 poles to the first station.
Page 369
Wit: Geo Walton William NANCE
William Gill
John Wilmoth
Thomas Wilmoth
Memorandum ... possession ...
same witnesses William NANCE
At a Court held for Lunenburg County on 9 Feb 1764
... proved by the oaths of the witnesses ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 11 Page 445-447
Simcock Cannon to William Davisson 31 Dec 1763
£46 - 235 acres
Adj: William NANCE [VACC047]
Walton to William NANCE 235a 5 May 1761 VACC042
William NANCE to Kennon 235a 4 Mar 1762 VACC047
Page 445
This Indenture made this 31 Dec 1763 Between Simcock Cannon of the Parish of St Patrick in the County of Prince Edward of the one partand William Davisson of the parish and county aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth ... £46 current money of Virginia to him in hand paid by the said William
Page 446
Davidson the receipt whereof ... one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Lunenburg County on both sides Springfield Creek containing by estimation 235 acres being the same more or less and is bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at pointers in William NANCE's line thence South 50 West 202 poles to corner pointers thence South 40 East 124 poles to a red oak thence South 50 East 64 poles to corner pointers thence North 50 East 123 poles to corner pointers thence North 40 West 188 poles to the beginning ...
partly from Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 94
Wit: George ... Simcock Cannon
Rec: [page not copied]
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 11 Page 132-135
Richard Burks to John Tucker 13 Jan 1768
South side of Springfield Creek
Rec: 15 Apr 1768 (deed of trust)
Charlotte Co deed identical to this one [VACC056]
Richard NANCE to Burks 173a 16 Dec 1767 ?
Burks to Fisher? 173a 13 Jan 1768 ?
Richard NANCE to Townsend 172a 25 Feb 1764 VACC048
Page 132
This Indenture made the 13 Jan 1768 Between Richard Burks of the County of Prince Edward of the one part and John Tucker of the
Page 133
County of Chesterfield Merchant of the other part Witnesseth Whereas the said Richard Burks is justly indebted to the said John Fisher & Company in the sum of £524/4/3/3 current money of Virginia also to Douglas Hamilton the sum of £106/2/3 and to Messrs Robert Hastie & James Jameson, merchants in Glasgow in the sum of £58/2/2 current money and the said Richard Burks being willing and desirous to pay & satisfie the said several Creditors their respective debts aforesaid with legal interest from this date, he the said Richard Burks for and in consideration of the said several debts and for and in consideration of 5 shillings current money to him in hand paid before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge, Hath given granted bargained sold delivered & confirmed and by these presents doth give grant bargain sell and deliver & confirm unto the said John Fisher his heirs & assigns for ever one certain tract piece or parcel of land situate lying and being within the County of Luneburgh containing by estimation 173 acres (be the same more or less} is the land conveyed to the said Richd Burks by Richd NANCE by deed bearing date 16 Dec last past, and is on the south side of Springfield Creek to the deed aforesaid is referred for greater certainty; Also one other tract of land situate lying and being in Charlotte County containing 100 acres (more or less) being the land conveyed to the said Burks by Francis Clements as by deed recorded in Charlotte County Court reference being thereto had may more fully appear meaning the place where the said Clements formerly kept an ordinary. Also the following Negroe slaves to wit, one Negroe woman named Nan purchased of the estate of John Phillips, one Negroe boy named Bob, one girl named Hannah, a boy named Cager a girl
Page 134
Page 135
In presence of Richd Burks
Miller Woodson
P Carrington
William Owen
Rec: 15 Apr 1768
[Note Burks to Robert Beasley 400a Nside Springfield Cr 9 Feb 1769
Lunen 11:066 in file]
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 11 Page 413-414
Richard NANCE (Johnston Co NC) to Robert Beasley (Lun) 3 Nov 1770
£25 - 173 acres - being one half of the land
Richard NANCE lived on - Adj: Beasley
Rec: 8 Nov 1770
Richard NANCE Patent 365a 10 Mar 1756 VACC014
Page 413
This indenture made and concluded this 3 Nov 1770 betwixt Robert Beasley of the County of Lunenburgh of the one part & Richard NANCE of the County of Johnson North Carolina of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of £25 current money of Virginia to the said Richard NANCE in hand paid by the said Beasley ... one tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid and containing by estimation 173 acres, be the same more or less, it being one half of the land the said Richd NANCE formerly lived on and divided by a small branch & joining the land of Robert Beasley. To have and to hold ... And the said Richard NANCE doth covenant and agree to and with the said Beasley that he shall and will at any time hereafter during the space of ten years make, due, execute & form such wurther & other conveyance for the better conveying the premises ... his hand & affixed his seal the day & year above written
Page 414
Signed Sealed & Delivered Richd (his mark) NANCE
in presence of
Stephem Neal James Cooke Richd Burks Henry Blagrave Edward Jordan Jr
Lodk Farmer
Memorandum that on 16 Aug 1770 quiet and peaceable Possession with delivery of season (sic) was maid done and delivered by the within named Robert Beasley according to the true intent & meaning of the within written deed in presence of us Richd (his mark) NANCE
Richd Burks Stephem Neal James Cooke Henry Blagrave Edward Jordan Jr
Lodk Farmer
At a Court held for Lunenburgh County the 8 Nov 1770 the within written Indenture and the Memorandum of Livery and Seizin herein indorsed was proved by the oaths of three of the witnesses thereto subscribed and Ordered to be Recorded.
Teste Wm Taylor, Clk
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 12 Page 163-164
Robert Beasley to Frederick NANCE of Charlotte Co 14 Jul 1772
£10 - 100 acres - Mouth of Rocky Branch (Lunenburg)
Adj: Williams, Crafton, Frederick NANCE [VACC075]
Rec: 13 Aug 1772
Page 163
This Indenture made & concluded this 14 Jul 1772 Betwixt Robert Beasley of Lunenburg County of the one part and Frederick NANCE of Charlotte County of the other part. Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the sum of £10 current money of Virginia ... one track (sic) or parcell of land lying and being in the County aforesaid and containing by estimation 100 acres be the same more or less, to wit, Beginning at the mouth of the Rocky Branch so up the Branch to head, thence a new line to James Williams line, so up his line to Crafton's line thence up to the old head line thence to Fredrick NANCE's line so down his line to the first station To have and to hold ...
Signed Sealed and Delivered : Robt Beasley
In presence of
John Ward
John Lock
Edwd Jordan Junr
Memorandum that on the 14 Jul 1772 Quiet
Page 164
and peaceable possession ...
In presence of Robt Beal
John Ward
John Lock
Edwd Jordan Jr
At a Court held for Lunenburgh County the 13 Aug 1772 ... ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 12 Page 311
Colwell Pettipool to Buchanans Hastie & Co £295 25 Jun 1773
Wit: Frederick NANCE - Rec: 8 Jul 1773
25 Jun 1773 Then Recd of Colwell Pettipool £295/12/7 in full satisfaction of the within for Buchanans Hastie & Compy
Walter Spens
John Ward Frederick NANCE James Steele
At a Court held for Lunenburgh County the 8 Jul 1773
The above Receipt was proved by the oaths of all three of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 12 Page 492-494
Frederick NANCE - Susanna Christopher 3 Oct 1775
& Henry Stokes - Marriage Contract
Rec: 4 Jan 1776
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 73
Page 492
This indenture made the 3 Oct 1775 between Frederick NANCE of Charlotte County of the first part, Susanna Christopher of Lunenburg County of the second part, and Henry Stokes of aforesaid County of Lunenburg of the third part. Witnesseth that whereas
Page 493
There is a marriage Shortly to be had and solemnized by and between the said Frederick NANCE and said Susanna Christopher. And whereas the said Susanna is entitled in her own right to and in an undivided ninth part of the estate of her late father, Young Stokes, by and under his last will and testament and which is likewise confirmed unto the said Susanna on the death of her mother, Elizabeth Stokes, agreeable to the will of the said Young by and under the will of Jacobus Christopher deceased.
Now this indenture witnesseth that the said Susanna Christopher, desirous of securing to her self and her heirs and assigns the said undivided ninth part of her father's estate, hath given granted made over and confirmed and by these presents doth give grant make over, alien and confirm unto the said Henry Stokes all the right title and interest of her the said Susanna of in and to the undivided ninth part of her said father's estate, in trust for herself during her natural life, remainder to Elizabeth, the wife of Cyrus Minor of Lunenburg County and her heirs forever. To have and to hold unto him the said Henry Stokes and his heirs and assigns for the use and trusts aforesaid forever and the said Frederick NANCE for himself and his heirs doth covenant promise and agree that he will not at any time in consequence of the said marriage intermeddle nor take into his possession or for his use any part of the said undivided ninth part of the estate of the said Young Stokes or the mmear (sic) profits thereof otherwise than for the use aforesaid. But that the said estate and all profits that may at any time accrue unto the said Susanna by or under the aforesaid last will and testament or either or them shall be and remain forever in the disposal of the said Susanna either by will or otherwise either in the lifetime of the said Frederick or otherwise, and the said Henry Stokes for himself and his heirs and assigns doth covenant to stand seized of and in the said estate hereby granted and made over to the use of her the said Susanna for and during her natural life remainder unto the said Elizabeth Minor
Page 494
and her heirs forever In witness whereof the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year herein before written
In presence of
Ambrose Ellis Frederick (his mark) NANCE
James Robertson Susanna Christopher
D Stokes Jr Henry Stokes
At a Court held for Lunenburg County the 4 Jan 1776 The within written marriage contract was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 13 Page 325-326
David Christopher of Meck to Frederick NANCE of Lunen 17 Mar 1780
£5000 - 200 acres - Dry Creek
Rec: 11 May 1780
Nicholas Christopher 388a 12 Jan 1746 VAXX010
Frederick NANCE to Jeffreys 188a 2 Jan 1795 VACC078
Page 325
This Indenture made this 17 Mar 1780 Between David Christopher of Mecklenburg County of the one part and Frederick NANCE of Lunenburg County of the other part Witnesseth ... £5000 current money of Virginia ...
Page 326
a certain tract of land in Lunenburg County on Dry Creek containing by estimate 200 acres be the same more or less and bounded as is described in a patent of the same to Nicholas Christopher reference being thereunto had being the same which William Christopher deceased lately possessed and by the said Jacobus Christopher dying without issue descended to the heir of William Christopher by virtue of the will of Nicholas Christopher decd and purchased of him by the said David with all houses buildings ... day and year above written
David Christopher
Signed sealed and delivered in presence of
Christopher Billups Thomas Winn William Cowan Cyrus Minor
At a court held for Lunenburg County the 4 May 1780 the within written deed was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 13 Page 330-331
Frederick NANCE to Susanna NANCE of Lunenburg 22 Jan 1780
to Henry Stokes Deed of trust for Susanna
Page 330
Know all men by these presents that I Frederick NANCE of Lunenburg County for divers good causes and considerations but more especially for the purpose of granting and fulfilling all contracts and agreements between me the said Frederick and my wife Susanna NANCE and moreover for and in consideration of the sum of 5 shillings current money to me in hand paid have granted made over delivered and confirmed and by these presents do grant make over deliver and confirm unto Henry Stokes of the same County or his assigns in trust for the said Susannah all the land with the improvements and appurteNANCEs to which I am entitled in right of the said Susanna on Dry Creek in the same County also the following slaves to wit: Toney, Abner, Dicky Cyrus, Dilcey, Manfred and Chloe with all the future increase and also Hanna one good horse and riding saddle, 12 head of cattle 15 head of hoggs 7 head of sheep all the house and kitchen furniture I had with her and all the plantation tools in the said plantation. To have and to hold all and singular the above mentioned premises unto him the said Henry Stokes in trust for the said Susanna from and after the first day of November next and from thence during the life of her the said Susanna and I do hereby give and grant full power and authority unto the said Henry Stokes or his assigns at any time after the said first day of November next upon the complaint of the said Susanna being made on oath that I have at any time beaten abused or misused her without just provocation. To enter on and take possession of the premises and every part thereof and the same to keep and retain for the uses aforesaid without any complaint interruption or suit in law for or by means of the same or any part thereof and I do moreover covenant and promise and engage in case of such complaint being made that all the above mentioned articles shall be rendered up and in particular the slaves sufficiently clothed for the season of the year when such complaint is made together with provisions of each kind sufficient for her the said Susanna and her slaves and stocks until she shall have time to raise such provisions on the estate aforesaid and also to do or procure to be done for the said Susanna all her plantation smiths work during our joint lives the said Susanna to maintain and educate Susanna Christopher Thompson in consideration to fulfill all the obligations of at and given for that purpose and save me harmless from any damage that may arise thereon after the performance of these covenants and I in case any of the wearing clothes of the said Susanna shall be damaged or destroyed by any means I engage to make them good. In Witness whereof I have signed & sealed and delivered this writing the 22 Jan 1780.
Frederick NANCE (his mark)
In presence of
Allen Stokes William Stokes David Stokes Jr
Page 331
In consideration of the above writing I Susanna NANCE do relinquish and give up all claim and title of dower or thirds in any part of the estate of the above mentioned Frederick NANCE and this I do of my own free will and accord with this my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid
Susanna NANCE
Allen Stokes William Stokes David Stokes Jr
At a court held of Lunenburg County 8 Jun 1780
The within written contract was proved by the oaths of three of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 14 Page 134-136
Tavner & wife Mary NANCE to Josiah Whitlock 30 Mar 1780
6000 pounds of tobacco - 100 acres
Plantation where Tavener NANCE lives
Adj: widow Foster - Rec: 10 Aug 1780
Page 134
This indenture made this 30 Mar 1780 between Josiah Whitlock of Lunenburg County of the one part and Tavner NANCE of same County of the other part Witness that for and in consideration of the sum of 6,000 pounds of tobacco to the said NANCE in hand paid ... do by these presents bargain and sell unto the said Josiah Whitlock and to heirs & assigns for ever one track or parcell of land lying and being in the County aforesaid & containing by estimation 100 acres be the same more or less it being the plantation the said NANCE now lives on & adjoining the lines of the land that the widow Foster now lives on with all houses orchards ...
Page 135
... and Tavner NANCE hath hereunto set his hand & affixed his seal the day and year above written Signed Sealed and delivered
In presence of
John Ward Tavner NANCE
Robert Smelt
Abner Wells
Memorandum that on 30 Mar 1780 quiet & peasable possession ...
John Ward Tavner NANCE
Robert Smelt
Abner Wells
At a court held for Lunenburg County the 10 Aug 1780 and the memmorandum of livery of seizen thereon endorsed was proved by the oaths of two of [the] witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be certified and at a Court held for the said County 9 Dec 1784 the said Deed and memorandum of livery of seizin endorsed was acknowledged by Tavener NANCE and ordered
Page 136
to be recorded and Mary the wife of said Tavener NANCE came into court being first privily examined according to law voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in the land conveyed by the said deed
Teste William Taylor Clk
---------Immediately following--- Notes
Page 136-138
19 Apr 1784 - Josiah Whitlock of Lunenburg County to Susanna Foster - £100 - 100 acres - - geing the plantation the said Whitlock now lives on - adjoining the lines of John Foster and Frederick NANCE and Susanna Foster -
Wit: C P Deal Josiah Whitlock
Robert Beasley
Lodwick Farmer
Arther Herring
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 15 Page 272-276
Frederick NANCE Senr & Susanna to Frederick NANCE Junr 9 Oct 1788
250 acres - 5s - Meherrin River
Adj: John Crafton, Susanna Foster
Rec: 9 Oct 1788
Page 272
This Indenture made the 9 Oct 1788 Between Frederick NANCE Senr of the County of Lunenburg & Susannah his wife of the one part and Frederick NANCE Junior of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the natural love & affection & 5 shillings current money of Virginia to the said Frederick NANCE Senr paid, by the said Frederick NANCE junior
Page 273
before the sealing ... a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the parish of Cumberland and County aforesaid containing by estimation 250 acres be the same more or less and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at a mulberry tree on Meherrin River thence up the meanders of the same to a Spanish oak thence North West to a white oak new corner on Susanna Foster's line thence along the said line North East to a hickory thence along the aforesaid line South East to a white walnut on Meherrin thence down the meanders to the mouth of the first branch on the North side of the said River thence up the said branch to an ash cornering on John Crafton's line thence South along said line to two small white oaks thence South West to a red oak on the old lines thence to a hickory thence South to the beginning and all houses ... or any part thereof belonging
Page 274
or any wise appertaining ... [boilerplate] ... to the said Frederick NANCE junior
Page 275
... [boilerplate] ...
Page 276
Premises aforesaid ... In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written.
Sealed and delivered
In the presence of us
Ely Walpole Frederick NANCE (his mark)
Henry Cook
Benja Estes Jr
At a Court held for Lunenburg County on 9 Oct 1788
Frederick NANCE senior acknowledged the within written Deed which was ordered to be recorded, and Susana the wife of the said Frederick NANCE Senr, came into court and being first privily examined according to law voluntarily relinquished her right of dower in the land and premises conveyed by the said Deed
Teste Wm Taylor Clk
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 16 Page 372-373
Frederick NANCE Junr & Patsey to Nathaniel Robertson 11 Sep 1793
£100 - 150 acres - Both sides of North Meherrin River
Rec: 12 Sep 1793
Page 372
This Indenture made this 11 Sep 1793 Between Frederick NANCE Jr and Patsey his wife of the county of Lunenburg of the one part and Nathaniel Robertson of the County of Nottoway of the other part Witnesseth ... £100 current money of Virginia ... a certain tract or parcell of land situate lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both sides of the North Meherrin River containing by estimation 150 acres be the same more or less Bounded by Stark's old line, on the North by McConnors line on the East by Frederick NANCE Jr on the South and Bateses line on the West to have and to hold ...
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In presence of
Joseph Yarbrough Frederick NANCE Jr
Abner Wells Patsey NANCE
Tho H Wooding
At a court held for Lunenburg County the 12 Sep 1793
Frederick NANCE Jr Gent acknowledged the within written Indenture which was ordered to be recorded
The Commonwealth of Virginia To Francis DeGraffinseidt Abner Wells and Joseph Yarbrough Gents of Lunenburg County Greeting Whereas Frederick NANCE Jr by his certain Indenture ... 11 Sep 1793 ... and whereas Patsey NANCE wife of the said Frederick cannot conveniently travel to our Court of our said County of Lunenburg
Page 373
to relinquish her Right of Dower ...
Agreeable to the within ... to us directed we went to the house of Frederick NANCE Jr 11 Sep 1793 and then and there examined Patsey NANCE privately ...
At a Court for Lunenburg County the 12 Sep 1793
The within Commission and certificate was this day returned and ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 16 Page 512-513
Frederick NANCE Sr & wife Susanna & 2 Jan 1795
Thomas H Wooding and wife Susanna to James Jeffreys
£173 - 350 acres - Adj: Frederick NANCE Sr et al
John NANCE Jr to Christopher 385a 29 Jul 1756 VACC025
Rec: 8 Jan 1795
Page 512
This Indenture made this 2 Jan 1794 [sic] Between Thomas H Wooding and Susanna his wife of the County of Pittsylvania and Frederick NANCE Senr and Susanna his wife of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and James Jeffreys of the County of Lunenburg of the other part Witnesseth that the said Thomas H Wooding and Susannah his wife and Frederick NANCE and Susanna his wife for and in consideration of the sum of £173 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 350 acres lying and being in the county of Lunenburg and bounded by the lines of Cleman Jeffreys, William Pamplin, William Pamplet, Givings Fowlks, Richard Jeffreys, Frederick NANCE Senr being part of 400 acres conveyed to Jacobus Christopher by said NANCE by deed of indenture recorded in the County of Lunenburg reference to which being had it will more fully appear [VACC025]; also one other tract of land containing 26 acres it being the same land which Jacobus Christopher purchased of Benjamin Collier by deed recorded in the county Court of Lunenburg reference with all houses woods
... and assigns forever
Page 513
to have and to hold ... day and year above written
Henry Stokes Thomas H Wooding
Edward P Bacon Susanna Wooding
John Blanton Frederick NANCE
Drury A Bacon Susanna NANCE
At a court held for Lunenburg County the 8 Jan 1795 Thomas H Wooding and Frederick NANCE Senr acknowledged the within written Indenture which was ordered to be recorded and Susanna the wife of the said Thomas H Wooding and Susanna the wife of the said Frederick NANCE Senr came into court and being first privily examined according to law voluntarily relinquished their rights of dower in the land and premises conveyed by the said indenture which also was ordered to be recorded
Teste William Taylor Clk
By Jacobus Christopher of John NANCE thence along the said line to the land of Thomas Jefferey's deceased then along said line to the beginning
Frederick NANCE
Susanna NANCE
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 16 Page 514-515
Frederick NANCE Sr & wife Susanna to James Jeffreys 2 Jan 1795
£200 - 188 acres - On Dry Creek - Adj: VACC025
Rec: 8 Jan 1795
Page 514
This Indenture made this 2 Jan 1795 between Frederick NANCE Senr and Susanna his wife of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and James Jeffereys of the aforesaid county of the other part witnesseth ... £200 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcell of land containing 188 acres be the same more or less situate lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on Dry Creek and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a black walnut tree on the said Creek thence as it [meanders] to the mouth of a branch on James Jeffreys land thence along the said Jeffrey's line to James Hamlett thence along James Hamlett's lines to the land purchased by Jacobus Christopher of Benjamin Collier thence to the mouth of the dry branch on Dry Creek thence bounded by the land of Thomas Jeffreys deceased and the land purchased by Jacobus Christopher of John NANCE [VACC025] thence along the said line to the land of Thomas Jeffreys deceased thence along the said line to tbe beginning with all the woods ways ...
In presentce of:
Henry Stokes Frederick NANCE
Edwd P Bacon Susanna NANCE
John Blanton
Drury A Bacon
Page 515
At a court held for Lunenburg County the 8 Jan 1795
Frederick NANCE Sr acknowledged the within written indenture which was ordered to be recorded and Susanna the wife of the said Frederick came into court and being first privily examined as the law directs voluntarily relinquished her right of dower ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 17 Page 17- 18
William NANCE to James NANCE 14 Mar 1795
£10 - 50 acres - Both sides of Springfield Creek
Adj: William NANCE, John Mann, Linford Landram
Rec: 9 Apr 1795
Page 17
This Indenture made this 14 Mar 1795 Between William NANCE of Lunenburg County of the one part and James NANCE of the same County of the other part Witnesseth ... £10 ... a certain tract or parcel of land containing 50 acres be the same more or less lying and being in the County aforesaid lying on both sides of Springfield Creek bounded as followeth Viz. Beginning on a white oak corner tree on William NANCE's and John Mann's line thence along said line to a corner pine on Linford Landram's line thence along Linford Landram's line to John Mann's line thence along John Mann's line to a corner scrub oak thence along the said Mann's line to the beginning also the reversion and reversions ... hereunto
Page 18
set my hand and seal the day and year above written signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us
Edward Farley William NANCE (his mark)
William Hood
John Mann
John Wilkes
At a court held for Lunenburg County on 9 Apr 1795
... by oaths of three of the witnesses ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 17 Page 214-215
William & Elizabeth NANCE to Elizabeth Mitchell 5 Mar 1796
£35 - 80 acres - Where William NANCE now lives
Adj: James NANCE, Thomas Williams, Landrum, Anderson
Rec: 14 Apr 1796
Page 214
This indenture made this 5 Mar 1796 between William NANCE of Lunenburg County of the one part and Elizabeth Mitchell of the other part ... £35 current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in aforesaid county of Lunenburg containing by estimation 80 acres be the same more or less bounded as followeth Beginning at a corner red oak on Thomas Williamses line on the North and North West Linford Landrum's line on the South West James NANCE's line on the South East to a red oak thence to
Page 215
Anderson's line on the North East it being the tract of land whereon the said William NANCE now lives reference being had to the Office of Lunenburg will more fully appear ...
In presence of
Wm A Whitlock William NANCE (his mark)
Abner Wells
Abel Jackson
Martha Wells
5 Mar 1796 received £35 in full of the within indenture
Abner Wells William NANCE
Wm A Whitlock
At a court held for Lunenburg county the 14 Apr 1796 William NANCE acknowledged the within written indenture which was ordered to be recorded and Elizabeth the wife of the said William ... relinquished ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 17 Page 316-317
James NANCE and wife Martha NANCE to John Mann 16 Aug 1796
£40 - 50 acres - Where James NANCE now lives
Adj: John Mann, Landram, Mitchell - Rec: 13 Oct 1796
Page 316
This Indenture made this 16 Aug 1796 Between James NANCE and Martha NANCE his wife of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and John Mann of the same county of the other part Witnesseth ... £40 current money of Virginia ... 50 acres of land whereon I now live be the same more or less adjoining the lands of the said John Mann, Lunsford Landrum, Mrs Elizabeth Mitchell with all the appurteNANCEs ...
Page 317
Signed Sealed and Delivered In the presence of
Edward Farley Samuel Booker Christopher Chaffin Samuel James NANCE
Patison Richard Puckett William Ellis Martha NANCE
At a court held for Lunenburg County the 13 Oct 1796 ... James NANCE and Martha his wife acknowledged the within Indenture and Martha being first privily ... relinquished her right of dower ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 35 Page 493-494
William Evans 27 Jun 1764
£8 - 2,020 acres - Both sides South Fork Meherin River
on Haslip's Branch
Adj: John NANCE, William Tibbs, Tanner,
Henry Williams, Miller, Hall
Williams Evans Previous 427a 25 Jun 1747 VAXX020
Page 493
... £8 ... unto William Evans one certain tract ... containing 2,020 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both sides of the South fork of Meherin River and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at his own and NANCE's corner red oak thence on NANCE's line North 56 West 64 poles to a red oak North 14 East 120 poles to a turkey oak thence new lines North 41 1/2 West 112 poles to a shrub oak North 68 West 72 poles to a white oak on Haselip's Branch thence on his own line South 9 1/2 West 56 poles to a poplar thence down the Meherrin River to the mouth of a branch and up the said Branch to pointers thence off South 60 West 40 poles to a pine thence new lines South 31 West 140 poles to a pine South 46 East 280 poles to a white oak South 52 West 70 poles to a sweet Gum South 14 1/2 West 37 poles to William Tibbs's corner red oak thence along his line South 10 East 40 poles to a black jack South 50 West 31 poles to a pine thence new line South 7 West 75 poles to a Spanish oak South 77 East 266 poles to a white oak on Tanner's line and with the same North 70.5 East [ sic N7.5E Deedmapper] 224 poles to a Hickory on Henry Williams North 9 East 148 poles to a maple on the fork of Meherrin River thence on Miller's line North 31
Page 493
East 62 poles to pine North 78.5 poles 120 poles to a shrub oak North 83.5 East 148 poles to a pine North 33 East 136 poles to Hall's corner red oak and with his line North West 84 poles to a white oak thence new lines North 83 1/2 West 120 poles to a white oak North 55 West 70 poles to a pine North 70 West 147 poles to a pine North 70 West 147 poles to a pine South 72 West 99 poles to pointers in John NANCE's line and on the same South 1 West 26 poles to a pine in Evans's line and with it North 64 West 64 poles to a red oak South 73 West 134 poles to the beginning. 427 acres part thereof being formerly granted to the said William Evans by Letters Patent dated 25 Jun 1747 amd 1,590 acres the residue never before granted. ... 27 Jun 1764 ...
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 14 Page 364
John Rice of Georgia to Thomas Crafton 1 Feb 1786
75 acres - Adj: Frederick NANCE & Benjamin Tatum
Page 364
This Indenture made & concluded this 1 Feb 1786 Between John Rice of Georgy State of the one part and Thomas Crafton of Lunenburg County of the other part ... £100 ... in Lunenburg County and containing by estimation 75 acres be the same more or less and joining the lines of Frederick NANCE and Benjamin Tatom ...
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 16 Page 108
Thomas & Mary Crafton to Frederick NANCE Senr 23 Dec 1790
Page 108
This Indenture made this 23 Dec 1790 Between Thomas Crafton and Mary his wife of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Frederick NANCE Senr of the same County of the other part ... £65 ... one certain tract of land being in the County aforesaid on Meherrin River containing 75 acres be the same more or less and bounded as follows To wit, Beginning at a corner with said NANCE thence along his line to a corner with Benjamin Tatom thence along his line to a corner with Crafton's old line thence along his line to the River thence to the Beginning ...
in the presents of Thomas Crafton
Wm Thackston Mary Crafton
W Steel
Chas Thompson
At a Court ... 14 Apr 1791 ... ordered to be recorded
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 13 Page 165-166
Abner Wells to Tavner NANCE 1 Apr 1778
100 acres - Abner's Father bought of Thomas NANCE ??
Thomas NANCE to George Wells Before 1761??
Wit: Frederick NANCE
Page 165
This Indenture made and concluded this 1 Apr 1778 Between Abner Wells of Lunenburg County of the one part and Tavner NANCE of the other part Witnesseth that the said Abner Wells for and in consideration of the sum of £150 current money of the Commonwealth of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Lunenburg containing 100 acres be the same more or less it being part of the land his father bought of Thomas NANCE and left to him in his last will and testament To have and to hold ...
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of
Robt Walton, Fredk (his mark) NANCE Abner Wells
Jarelo? Winingham
Page 166
At a Court ... which was ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 13 Page 491-492
Benjamin Tatum to Frederick NANCE 8 Nov 1782
5.5 acres - Adj: Willingham's Road
Page 491
This Indenture made and concluded this 8 Nov 1782 Between Frederick NANCE of Lunenburg County of the one part and Benjamin Tatum of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that
Page 492
... unto the said Frederick NANCE ... one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of aforesaid and on the North side of Willinghams Road Beginning at the Road on Tatum's line down to NANCE's line so on NANCE's line to a new line thence on the new line up to the road to the place begun at containing by estimation 5 1/2 acres be the same more or less as it is now laid off To have and to hold ...
At a Court ... 14 Nov 1782 ... ordered to be recorded
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 15 Page 396-397
Daniel Wilks to Frederick NANCE Senr 11 Jun 1789
24 acres -
Adj: Benjamin Tatum, John Cole, Frederick NANCE Senr
Page 396
This Indenture made this 11 Jun 1789 Between Daniel Wilks of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Frederick NANCE Senr of the same County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Daniel Wiks for ... 5 shillings ... unto the said Frederick NANCE Senr ... one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid containing 24 acres more or less bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning on the road Benjamin Tatum's line thence along the said Road to a white oak corner thence along a new dividing line corner spanish oak on John Coles line thence along the said John Coles line to the said Frederick NANCE Senr' line thence along the said NANCE's line to the Beginning with all and singular ... to him
Page 397
the said Frederick NANCE Senr ...
In presence of us Daniel Wilks
Ch Robertson
Henry Haley
Robt Breedlove
At a Court ... 11 Jun 1789 ... ordered to be recorded ...
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 17 Page 26- 27
Susanna Foster to Frederick NANCE Junr 11 Feb 1790
150 acres - Both sides Meherrin River
Adj: Frederick NANCE Junr, Stark, McConico, Ferguson
Page 26
This Indenture made this 11 Feb 1790 Between Susanna Foster of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Frederick NANCE Junr of the said County of the other part Witnesseth that the said Susanna Foster for ... 6 shillings current money of Virginia ... one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the aforesaid County of Lunenburg on both sides the Meherrin River containing 150 acres be the same more or less Bounded (to wit) by Stark's old line on the North by McConnico's line on the East, by Frederick NANCE Junr's line on the South & by Ferguson's line on the West to him the said Frederick NANCE Junr his heirs ... against her the said Susanna
Page 27
Foster her heirs and assigns ...
In presence of us Susanna Foster
Henry Davis
Abel Jackson
Thomas Flournoy
At a Court ... 9 Sep 1790 the within written Indenture was proved by the oaths of two of the witnesses thereto subscribed and ordered to be certifyed, and at a Court held for the said County the 9 Apr 1795 the within written Indenture was further proved by the oath of another of the witnesses thereto subscribed aand ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 17 Page 112-113
Heirs of James Crafton to Frederick NANCE Senr 22 Aug 1795
75 acres - On Meherrin River
Adj: Benjamin Tatum, Frederick NANCE, Senr
Page 112
This Indenture made this 22 Aug 1795 between Keron Happuck Crafton relict of James Crafton deceased & John Crafton Executor of the said James of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Frederick NANCE Sr of the other part Witnesseth that the said Karon Happuck and John Crafton hath bargained & sold unto Frederick NANCE Senr one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County aforesaid containing 75 acres be the same more or less bounded as follows, to wit, by Meherrin River on the North, by Benjamin Tatum on the East, & South, and by the said Frederick NANCE Senr on the West, for and in consideration of the sum of 10 shillings ... doth bargain sell and confirm
Page 113
to him the said Frederick NANCE Senr ... Keron Hippah Crafton
In presence of John Crafton
Tavener NANCE
Benjamin Hendrick
James Williams Jr
At a Court ... 10 Sep 1795 ... ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 18 Page 105A-105B
John Webb NANCE & wife Mary of Boston Mass & 11 Apr 1799
Frederick NANCE & Tavner NANCE to Josiah Cole
£140 - 100 acres - Owl Creek, Spring Branch, Meherrin
Adj: Walker, Cole, Bates, Frederick NANCE
Page 104
This Indenture made this 11 Apr 1799 between John Webb NANCE and Mary his wife of the city of Boston and State of Massachusetts and Tavner and Frederick NANCE of the County of Lunenburg State of Virginia of the one part and Josiah Cole of the aforesaid County of Lunenburg ... £140 Virginia currency ... parcel of land situate lying and being in the aforesaid County of Lunenburg on both sides Owl Creek containing by estimation 100 acres ... Beginning at pointers on Daniel Wilkes line thence North 17 West 22 1/2 poles to John Cole's corner Spanish oak thence along his line North 66 East 28 poles to a white oak near Owls Creek North 2 West, crossing the said Creek running in David Bates line 23 poles to a small post oak, North 51 East 64 poles to a white oak on Frederick NANCE's line thence along
Page 105
his line South 48 East 103 poles Frederick? NANCE's corner spanish oak near Meherrin River thence along his line South 17 West 38 to Owl Creek aforesaid at the Mouth of Spring Branch up the said Branch to a corner sassafras South 86 1/2 West 78 poles to the beginning ...
Wit: Jesse Crenshaw John W NANCE Frederick NANCE
Banister Wilkes Tavener NANCE
Francis SKelton
At a Court held for Lunenburg County the 11 Apr 1799 John W NANCE acknowledged the within written indenture and the same was proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto subscribed, and Tavner NANCE & Frederick NANCE which was ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 18 Page 129
Tavner NANCE to John Wood 11 Jul 1799
£150 - 150 acres - On Juniper Creek
Adj: John Russell, Jesse Crenshaw, Thomas Haley
Page 129
This Indenture made this 11 Jul 1799 between Tavner NANCE of Lunenburg County of the one part and John Woods of the same County of the other part ... £150 current money of Virginia ... tract of land lying and being in the County of Lunenburg containing by estimation 150 acres ... on the water of the Juniper Creek and bounded by the lines John Russell, Jesse Crenshaw, Thomas Haley and thence along the said line to the beginning to have and to hold ...
Wit: Miles Jordan, Tavner NANCE
Benjm Evans, Baxter Jordan
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 18 [No HC] Page 214-215
Frederick NANCE (Commissioner) to Wm Ellis 11 Dec 1800
Orphans of Mary Harrison
Page 214
... Joseph Yarbrough, Frederick NANCE, John Crafton, James Robertson ... Commissioners ... for the orphans of Mary Harrison ...
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 18 Page 231
Frederick NANCE (Exor of Abner Wells) to Stephen Hall 8 Dec 1800
Page 231
This Indenture made this 8 Dec 1800 Between Frederick NANCE Executor of Abner Wells of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Stephen Hall of the aforesaid county of the other part ... £350 Virginia currency ... tract of land lying in the County of Lunenburg and Prince Edward on the branches of Meherrin and Bush River ... part of the tracts of land of which Abner Wells died possessed ... Beginning at the road on a Spanish oak thence on Watson's line until it intersects with William's? thence along William's? line on the West until it intersects with Wimbushes? line thence along Wimbushes? line to John Rowlett's line thence along the said Rowlett's line to land belonging to the estate of George Moore decd thence along the said Moores line to Landrum's line thence along Landrum's line to the said Watson's line thence along Watson's line to the beginning containing 210 acres ...
Wit: Jesse Walton?, Thomas Fears? Frederick NANCE
John Booker? Executor of Abner Wells decd
At a Court held for Lunenburg County 11 Dec 1800 Frederick NANCE Exor of Abner Wells dec acknowledged the within
Page 232
written indenture which was ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 18 Page 231-232
Frederick NANCE (Exor of Abner Wells) to Josiah Watson 4 Dec 1800
£32/5 - 43 acres - Branches of Meherrin
Adj: Wilmoth, Wells, Watson
Rec: 11 Dec 1800
Page 231
This Indenture made this 4 Dec 1800 Between Frederick NANCE Executor of Abner Wells of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Josiah Watson of the County of Prince Edward of the other part ... £32/5 Virginia currency ... tract of land lying in the County of Lunenburg on the branches of Meherrin and bounded as follows (to wit) Beginning at a red oak on the road thence S6W 68 poles to gum thence S40W 10 1/2 poles to a corner stake thence S6E 79 poles to Wilmoth's corner pine in Wells's line thence along his line N76E 78 poles to the road leading to the double bridges thence along said road as it meanders to a corner persimmon tree thence along the said Watson's line N6E 44 poles to the old road thence down the said road as it meanders to the Richmond Road thence up as it meanders to the first station containing 43 acres be the same or less ...
Page 232
Wit: Jesse Watson, John Booker Frederick NANCE
Thomas Fears Exor of Abner Wells
At a Court held for Lunenburg County the 11 Dec 1800 Frederick NANCE ... acknowledged ... ordered to be recorded
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 18 Page 271A
John Webb NANCE & Mary his wife to Tavener NANCE 11 Apr 1801
(of Boston, Mass) - £100 - 50 acres
Adj: Wilks, Cole, Tavner NANCE, Benj Tatum
Rec: 9 Jul 1801
Page 270
This Indenture made 11 Apr 1801 between John Webb NANCE of the city of Boston and state of Massachusetts and Mary his wife of the one part and Tavner NANCE of the County of Lunenburg State of Virginia of the other part ... £100 Virginia currency ... parcel of land situated lying and being in the County of Lunenburg containing by estimation 50 acres ... adjoining the lands of David Wilks on the West, Josiah Cole on the North, the said Tavner NANCE on the East and Benjm Tatum on the South ...
Wit: Frederick NANCE John W NANCE
Jos Yarbrough, Chas Bryder
At a court held for Lunenburg Count the 9 Jul 1801 ... orderd to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 19 [No HC] Page 18
Frederick NANCE (Commissioner) to Joel Johns 8 Oct 1801
Land of William Craddock
Page 18
... John Billups, Frederick NANCE, Field Clarke ... Commissioners ... William Craddock's land ... to Joel Johns ...
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 19 Page 48- 49
Frederick & Patsey NANCE to Pleasant Craddock 9 Oct 1801
£300 - 250 acres Lunenburg Co
Adj: Tavener NANCE, Josiah Cole, Betts, Robertson
Rec: 10 Dec 1801
Page 48
This indenture made this 9 Oct 1801 between Frederick and Patsey NANCE his wife of the one part and Pleasant Craddock ... £300 ... parcel of land lying and being in the County of Lunenburg ... 250 acres ... and bounded as follows to wit: By Tavener NANCE on the South, by Josiah Cole on the South & West, by Davis Betts on the West, by James Robertson on the North by Bobby Crafton on the East To have and to hold ...
Wit: Joseph Yarbrough Frederick NANCE
William Cowan Patey Nanc
Page 49
... Patsey NANCE the wife of Frrederick NANCE ... relinquished her rights ... 20 Oct 1801 ... At a court held for Lunenbeurg County the 10 Dec 1801 ... ordered to be recorded.
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 30 Page 499-500
James Roberts 4 May 1752
935 acres - Both sides of Meherrin, on Hurricane Creek,
Liles Creek
Adj: Mann, Williams, Willingham, Blackgrave, Allen, Malone, Michaux
Page 499
... containing 935 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both sides Meherrin River and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Catlett Mann's corner beech on the River thence along his lines South 72 West 88 poles to a pine South 82 West 72 poles to a white oak on the Hurricane Creek North 44 West 26 poles to a hickory thence a new line South 10 West 115 poles to a poplar on a Branch thence up the same as it meanders to a poplar in Williams's line thence along his lines South
Page 500
80 East 117 poles to a white oak South 20 East 292 poles to a pine thence along Willingham's line South 10 East 10 poles to a white oak on a rock by Liles's Creek thence down the Creek as it meanders to Blackgrave's corner poplar thence along his lines North 24 East 60 poles to a red oak North 70 East 58 poles to a red oak near the River aforesaid by the side of a sunken place thence down the river as it meanders to the patent corner red oak thence along the said lines North 40 East 126 poles to a red oak North 28 West 228 poles to an elm on the River thence along Allen's lines North 35 East 54 poles to a red oak North 76 East 110 poles to Malone's corner pointers thence along his line North 180 poles to a white oak in Michaux line thence along his lines South 52 West 110 poles to a pine West 112 poles to a white oak on the said River and thence up the same as it meanders to the first station
270 acres part thereof being formerly granted unto James Ferguson by our letters patent bearing date 20 Sep 1745 the right and title of which said land is since vested in the said James Roberts and 640 acres the residue never before granted
Lunenburg Co Deeds Book 5 Page 169-171
James Mitchell of Amelia to John Mason of Pr Edward 3 Feb 1758
300 acres - On Owls Creek
Hawkins to Mitchell 1240 a 3 Oct 1751 VACC023
Mitchell to Foster 940a 23 Feb 1758 VACC033
Page 169
This Indenture made this 3 Feb 1758 between James Mitchell of Amelia County of the one part and John Mason of Prince Edward County of the other part ... £50 ...
Page 170
... 300 acres ... lying and being on Owls Creek in Lunenburg County ... Beginning at a corner red oak thence South 32 East 144 poles to a red oak thence East 234 poles to a white [oak] thence North 208 poles to a hickory thence South 74 West 324 poles to the beginning ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 27 Page 234-235
William Covinton 25 Jul 1749
400 acres - Both sides Hurricane Branch Meherrin River
John Cook VAPB 36:770 400a 26 Jul 1765 VAXX006
Page 234
... unto William Covinton ... 400 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both Sides of the Harricane Branch of Meherrin River and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at a white oak in the said Branch thence new lines North 10 West 164 poles to a Hiccory thence South 80 West 114 poles to a white oak thence North 77 West 200 poles to a red oak thence South 75 West 100 poles to a Hiccory thence South 10 East 152 poles crossing the North Fork of the Branch to a pine and thence South 88 East 406 poles crossing the south Fork of the same to the first station ... 25 Jul 1749 ... [Repatented to John Cook]
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 29 Page 212
John Hall 1 Jun 1750
£6-10s - 1300 acres - Both sides of Springfield Creek
Hall to Walton part of VACC016
... £6-10s ... unto John Hall ... 1,300 acres ... Lunenburgh on both sides of Spring Field Creek ...
Beginning at a pine thence new lines North 40 West 524 poles to an ash on a branch of the same thence South 70 West 210 poles to a pine thence South 40 East 370 poles to a red oak thence South 50 East 494 poles to a red oak thence North 30 East 388 poles to a pine thence North 60 West 216 poles to a red oak thence South 30 West 190 poles to the first station ... 1 Jun 1750
Lunenburg Co Deeds Book 4 Page 410-411
George Walton of Lunenburg to Henry Farler 3 May 1757
5,000 pounds tobacco - 570 acres
On branches of Sewish Creek & Springfield Creek
Adj: Prewet, Willingham, Madison, Staples, Aplin, Hall
Page 410
This Indenture made this 3 May 1757 between George Walton of Lunenburg County of the one part and Henry Farler of Chesterfield County of the other part. Witnesseth that ... 5,000 pounds of crop tobacco ... one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on the Branches of S(e)wish Creek and Springfield Creek ... 570 acres ... Beginning at Prewit's corner pine thence along his line South 14 East 272 poles to Willingham's corner in the same thence along their line East 280 poles to their corner pine in Maddason's line thence along his line North 14 West 72 poles to a white oak by a branch of Swish Creek thence up the said Branch 6 poles to Staples's corner white oak thence along his line North 7 West 136 poles to his corner hickory in Degraffenriedt's line thence along his line West 4 poles to a pine North 39 West 240 poles to a white oak thence along Aplin's line South 57 West 162 poles to a white oak and thence lines known by the name of Hall's lines South 60 East 6 poles to a white oak South 30 West strait to the beginning together with ...
Page 411
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 36 Page 779
John Cook 26 Jul 1765
400 acres - Both sides Hurricane Branch Meherrin River
Covington VAPB 27:234 400a 25 Jul 1749 VAXX003
Page 779
Whereas by one Patent ... 25 Jul 1749 there was granted to William Covington ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 400 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both Sides of the Hurricane Branch of Meherrin River and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at a white oak in the said Branch thence new lines North 10 West 164 poles to a hickory thence South 80 West 114 poles to a white oak thence North 77 West 200 poles to a red oak thence South 75 West 100 poles to a hickory thence South 10 East 152 poles crossing the North Fork of the Branch to a pine and thence South 88 East 406 poles crossing the south Fork of the same to the first station which said tract was granted on condition ... And Whereas the said William Covington hath failed to pay such Quitrents and John Cook hath made humble suit ... and hath obtained a grant for the same
Lunenburg Co Deeds Book 3 Page 309-311
Timothy Murrell & Richard Prewit to George Walton 31 Dec 1750
£60 - 65 acres Both sides of Springfield Creek
Mill and Mill pond
Patent Murrell & Prewit 465 acres 1 Jun 1750 VAXX017
Page 309
This Indenture made this 31 Dec 1750 between Timothy Murrell of Amelia County & Richard Prewit of King and Queen County of the one part and George Walton of Lunenburg County of the other part. Witnesseth ... £60 ... give, grant
Page 310
bargain ... one certain tract or parcel of land containing 65 acres together with a mill thereon be the same more or less situate lying and being in Lunenburg County on both sides of Springfield Creek it being part of 465 acres granted the said Murrell and Prewit by Patent dated 1 Jun 1750 [this present year] bounded viz: Beginning at a white oak by the side of the said mill pond thence new lines South 70 East 36 poles to a red oak South 26 East 56 poles to a black walnut on the said Creek thence down the same and a small stream or slush strait to a small Spanish oak by the side of the said stream thence off South 20 East 38 poles to a red oak in the said Patent line thence along the Patent lines South 60 West 35 poles to a hickory North 55 West 140 poles to a pine North 16 West 43 poles to a small white oak by the mill path thence a new line North 57 East 17 poles to a small white oak by the side of the said mill pond thence up
Page 311
crossing & down the same including all that shall be overflowed by the said Mill to the first station ...
Lunenburg Co Deeds Book 4 Page 460-461
John Willingham to Thomas Crenshaw 7 Jun 1757
200 acres - On the North side of Juniper Creek
Adj: Hawkins, John Willingham
Page 460
This Indenture made this 7 Jun 1757 between John Willingham of the County of Lunenburg of the one part and Thomas Crenshaw of Lunenburg County of the other part. Witnesseth ... £20 ... a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County aforesaid on the North side of Juniper
Page 461
Creek containing 200 acres bounded as follows Viz: Beginning at sweet gum by the side of a small pond near the said Creek thence by a line of markt trees binding on the said John Willingham to a corner on the said Willingham Spring Branch thence by a farther line of markt trees to a corner tree on Hawkins's line thence along his line West to a small ash on the edge of the said Creek and thence down the stream as it meanders to the first station ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 33 Page 57- 58
William Tucker 16 Aug 1756
400 acres - Upper Branches of Dry Creek
Adj: Hudson, Wynn, Mitchell
Adj: John NANCE VACC001
Page 57
Page 58
... unto William Tucker one certain tract or parcel of land containing 400 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on the upper branches of Dry Creek and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at Nicholas Hudson's corner white oak in Wynn's line thence on Hudson's line South 69 West 205 poles to John Mitchel's corner white oak thence on his lines West 160 poles to a white oak thence new lines South 25 West 246 pole to a white oak thence South 80 East 124 poles to a hiccory thence North 50 East 406 poles crossing two large branches to a pine in Wynn's line thence on his line South 10 East 70 poles to a white oak and thence North 20 West 9 poles to the first station ... 16 Aug 1756 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 25 Page 244-245
Nicholas Christopher 12 Jan 1746
388 acres - On both sides of Dry Creek
(Adj: John NANCE VACC001)
David Christopher to Frederick NANCE 200a VACC072
Page 244
... unto Nicholas Christopher once certain tract or parcel of land containing 388 acres lying and being in the County of Brunswick (sic) on both sides of Dry Creek and bounded as followeth to wit, Beginning at a black walnut tree on the said Creek opposite to the mouth of a branch thence North 48 West 104 poles to a white oak thence South 38 West 400 poles to a white oak thence South 48 East 160 poles to a red oak thence North 38 East 380 poles to a sweet gum on a branch thence down the said branch as it meanders to the beginning ...
Page 245
... 12 Jan 1746
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 27 Page 274-276
Richard Wynn 25 Jul 1749
425 acres - On both sides of Dry Creek
(Adj: John NANCE VACC001)
(Nicholas Christopher VAXX010 Tucker/Blue VAXX009)
Page 274
Page 275
.. unto Richard Wynn one certain tract or parcel of land containing 425 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both Sides of Dry Creek and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at Crews their corner ash on the said Creek thence on their lines North 61 poles to a white oak thence new lines North 12 West 452 poles to a hiccory thence South 70 West 103 poles to a red oak South 20 East 92 poles to a white oak thence South 10 West 292 poles to a maple on the North Fork of the Creek thence down the said Fork as it meanders to Nicholas Christophers line thence on his lines North 37 East 50 poles to a white oak thence South 48 East 108 poles to a hiccory on the main Creek thence down the Creek as it meanders to the first station ...
Page 276
... 25 Jul 1749
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 29 Page 250-251
Samuel Flake 12 Jul 1750
395 acres - On head branches North Fork of Dry Creek
(Adj: John NANCE VACC001)
Page 250
... unto Samuel Flake one certain tract or parcel of land containing 395 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on the head branches of the North Fork of Dry Creek and bounded as followeth, to wit, Beginning at Philip Pledgers corner pine thence on his line North 50 East 68 poles to Dunkin Blues corner hiccory thence on his lines North 80 West 124 poles to a white oak thence North 25 East 246 poles to John Mitchel's corner white oak thence on his line South 70 West 240 poles to Coles corner pointers in a meadow thence on his line South 60 West 102 poles to his corner red oak in James Oliver's line thence on his line South 45 East 28 poles to a red oak thence South 184 poles
Page 251
to pointers thence new lines North 80 East 254 poles to pointers and thence North 50 East 8 poles to the first station ... 12 Jul 1750
Lunenburg Co VA Land Patents Book 33 Page 383-384
Robert Hutchings 29 Aug 1757
400 acres - Both sides of Juniper Creek
Adj: Phelps, Williams
(Adj: Thomas NANCE [VACC013])
Page 383
... 40s ...
Page 384
... unto Robert Hutchings one certain tract ... containing 400 acres lying and being in the County of Lunenburg on both sides of Juniper Creek and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Phelps's upper corner on the said Creek thence new lines North 20 West 340 poles to a pine North 50 East 17 poles to a white oak in Williams's line thence along his line North 40 West 76 poles to a hiccory thence new lines South 50 West 160 poles to pointers South 20 East 360 poles to a red oak East 118 poles to a white oak in Phelps's line and thence along his line North 25 East 66 poles to the first station. ... 29 Aug 1757 ...
Lunenburg Co VA Deed Book 2 Page 176-177
Benjamin Hawkins to Barney Wells 26 Nov 1750
350 acres - Both sides Little Owls Creek
Rec: 2 Apr 1751
Benjamin Hawkins Patent 350a 25 Jul 1749 VAXX014
Wells to Thompson ?
This Indenture made this 26 Nov 1750 between Benjamin Hawkins of Amelia County one party and Barne Wells of the other party Witnesseth that the said Benjamin Hawkins for and in consideration of the sum of £40 current money of Virginia ... 350 acres of land on both sides the Little Owl's Creek in [too faint] ... Beginning at a white oak on the said Creek thence South 51 West 26 poles to a white oak thence South 24 West 46 poles to a pine thence South 58 West 148 [poles] to a pine thence North 83 West 46 poles to a elm on Little Owl's Creek thence up the said Creek as it meanders to a white oak on the same thence North 11 East 94 poles to a white oak thence North 30 East 256 poles to a white [oak] on the Creek thence down the Creek as it meanders to the beginning ...
Benjamin Hawkins
Wit: Samuel Ingrom, Richard Tomson, Argil (P his mark) Blackston, Joseph Billups, Martha Walton. Rec: 2 Apr 1751
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 8 Page 254
Barnaby & Joyce Wells to James Crafton 9 Apr 1764
170 acres - Little Owl Creek, Great Owl Creek
Adj: Williams, Beasley
Rec: 9 Aug 1764
Benjamin Hawkins to Barnaby Wells 9 Apr 1764
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 79
From Barnet Wells of Cornwall Parish in Lunenburg, planter, and Joice, his wife, to James Crafton of the Parish of St David's and County of King William, planter, for 90 pounds, all that piece of land of about 170 acres in Cornwall Parish and Lunenburg, it being the land the said Barnet Wells purchased of Benjamin Hawkins by Lunenburg deed 9 Apr 1764, and bounded by Little Owl Creek, a branch above the plantation, Williams, Beasley, Great Owl Creek.
Signed - Barnet Wells, Joice Wells. Wit: Anthony Fullilove, John Crafton, William Burnley. Rec 9 Aug 1764
Lunenburg Co Deed Book 7 Page 1
George Walton to John Wells 3 Mar 1761
330 acres - Both sides of Springfield Creek
Adj: Hay Meadow Branch, Rowlet, Cole, Moor
Rec: 7 Apr 1761
Lunenburg County, Virginia Deeds Books 7 & 8 (1761-1764)
TLC Genealogy c1990 Miami Beach, FL Page 3
From George Walton of L, to John Wells ofL, for £40, a certain tract of land in L on both sides of Springfield Cr, about 330 acres bounded by the Hay Meadow Branch, Rowlet, Cole, Moor. Signed - Geo Walton. Wit - none. Recorded Apr 7, 1761.
MAURY COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - John Mack, Sr. Estate
Know all men by these presents that we, James Mack, John Mack, Nathaniel Murphy and Polly Murphy, Robert Mack, William Mack, James H. Mack, Constantine Mack, and Sally NANCE, heirs and divesees of John Mack, Sr. decd. of the County of Maury and state of Tennessee, for good and legal causes us unto moving, have and do by these make and appoint James Blair, of the County of Pittsylvania and State of Virginia, our true and lawful attorney for us in our name as the heirs, has offered to settle and adhust all matters in controversy etween us as heirs of the said John Mack, Sr. decd., and the heirs and legal representatives of Champion Napier whether in their own name or as representatives of the said Napier, decd., or whether against our ancestor Joh Mack, decd., or against and attorney of his as far as claims or controversies may relate to any contracts between our said ancestor and the Champion Napier, decd., and for us in our name to convey a certain tract of land situate in the said county of Pittsylvania sold by our ancestor to said Napier by decd. of general warranter or otherwise as said contract may require, and for us in our names to demand and receive all monies due us and to give and receive receipts and acquittances in and concerning the same so as to effectuate a full and complete settlement of all said disputes agreeable to justice and the true intent of said father John Mack, Sr., decd., or by any attorney of his legally appointed for him and in his behalf, and as such we recognize George Adams, Esquire, of said county. And in short we do all and everything in and concerning the premises aforesaid which we all or any of us might lawfully do were we personally present. In testimony of which we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals this 1st day of November 1816.
Nathaniel X Murphy
James Mack
John Mack
Polly Murphy
Robert Mack
William Mack
James H. Mack
Constantine Mack
This indenture made and entered into 14th day of May and in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand eight hundred and seventeen Between James Blair of the County of Pittsylvania and state of Virginia acting attorney for the heirs and representatives of John Mack, deceased, of the County of Maury, State of Tennessee-Namely, James Mack, John Mack, Nathaniel Murphy and Polly Murphy, his wife, Robert Mack, William Mack, James Harvey Mack, Constantine Mack, and Sally NANCE, each of the state aforesaid of one part, and John M. Napier, David L. Napier, Winfred C. Napier, his wife, Samuel L. Napier and Elizabeth C. B. ____?, legal heirs and representatives of Champion Napier, deceased, the county of Pittsylvania and state of Virginia of the other part, witnessesth that the said James Blair, acting attorney for the legal heirs and representatives aforesaid, doth by these presents for the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars in the hand paid by the heirs and representatives of Champion Napier, deceased, to the heirs and representatives of said John Mack, deceased, the receipt of which said James Blair, attorney for the above Heirs and representatives of John Mack, deceased, doth hereby acknowledge hath bargained, sold, and confer unto the mentioned heirs and representatives of Champion Napier, deceased, one certain tract or parcel of land lying in the county of Pittsylvania and of Virginia aforesaid, and on Sandy River and bounded by the following lines to wit: Beginning at a white oak stump below the falls of Sandy River, thence borth thirty degrees, east three hundred and twenty poles crossing two branches to a red oak, thence the said line south seventy degrees, east ninety-one poles crossing a branch to a white oak, thence south five degrees, west thirty-two poles to a red oak, thence on Sandy River bank five degrees, west thirty-two poles to a red oak, thence on Sandy River bank down said river as it meanders to the beginning, which tract or parcel of land aforesaid containing by estimation three hundred acres, be the same more or less. James Blair, attorney for Mack's heirs aforesaid, doth forever warrant and defend unto said heirs and representatives and the aforesaid heirs forever to have and to hold quiet and peacable possesion forever uncontested with all and singular together with ways and minerals, heredetaments and appurteNANCEs thereunto belonging forever. In Testimony whereof I, said James Blair, attorney for the heirs and represntatives of John Mack, deceased, aforesaid have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal the day and year above mentioned.
Signed, sealed, and delivered
James Mack
in presents of
Nathaniel Murphy
Samuel Harvey
Polly Murphy
William (X) Morris
Robert Mack
Drury Blair
William Mack
James Harvey Mack
Constantine Mack
At a court held for Pittsylvania County the 21st day of July 1817. This indenture from James Blair, attorney, to John Napier, David Napier, and Samuel Napier was presented in court and acknowledged by the said James Blair, attorney as aforesaid, to be his act and deed and ordered to be recorded.
Teste Will Turnstall, Clk.
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 11 Page 65
John Epes & Isham Epes of Prince George Co 13 Nov 1721
538 acres - South Side of the Gravelly run
Adj: Beaverponds, John Browder, George Crook
Page 65
... ... unto John Epes & Isham Epes of Prince George County one certain tract or parcel of land containing 538 acres lying and being on the South Side of the Gravelly run in the County aforesaid and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at a live oak on the Side of the Bever Pond of the said run above the mouth of the great branch thence West 33 South 148 poles to a corner thence North 33 West 378 poles to John Browders line thence along Browders line North 44 East 14 poles 18 links to his corner thence still along his the said Browders line West 44 North 40 poles to a corner white oak dividing the said Browder and George Crook's thence North 44 East 200 poles to the corner dividing the said Crook's and Butler on the watercourse of the said run thence down the watercourse of the same to the Bever ponds thence along the side thereof to the beginning ... 13 Nov 1721 ...
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 11 Page 114
John NANCE 22 Jun 1722
15s - 150 acres - on North side Hatcher's Run
Adj: Samuel Sentall [VAPB 11:124 22 Jun 1722]
[surveyed 150a John NANCE 23 Feb 1720 VADD020b
John NANCE sold to James Boisseau 150a before :
James Boisseau repatent 26 Mar 1739 VADD009
Page 114
... 15s ... unto John NANCE of Prince George County one certain tract or parcel of land containing 150 acres lying and being upon Hatchers run adjoining Samuel Sentalls line in the County aforesaid and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at a hickory in the said Sentall's line on the North side the said run thence North 35 East 100 poles to a corner pine thence West 35 North 240 poles to a corner between several trees chopt inwards thence South 35 West 100 poles to Sentalls line thence East 35 South 240 poles along Sentall's line to the beginning ... 22 Jun 1722
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 11 Page 119-120
Richard NANCE 22 Jun 1722
15s - 142 acres - South side Gravilly Run
Both sides of Great Branch - Adj: Beaver pond
Adj: [John & Isham] Epes [VADD054]
Survey SSide Gravelly Run 142a 21 Feb 1720 VADD020a
Adj: VADD025
Page 119
Know ye that for divers good reasons and considerations but more especially for and in consideration of the sum of 15s of good and lawful money of ... paid to our Receiver General of our revenues in this our Colony and Dominion of Virginia We have given granted and confirmed and by these presents and for us our heirs and successors do give grant and confirm unto Richard NANCE of the County of Prince George a certain tract or parcel of land containing 142 acres lying and being in the South
Page 120
side of Gravilly run on both sides of the Great Branch in the said County and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Epes's corner poplar on the lower side of the said branch thence North 33 West 99 poles to a corner red oak thence West 33 South 60 poles to a corner between several trees chopt inwards thence South 33 East 174 poles to a corner between several trees chopped inwards thence East 33 North 202 poles to a corner pine on the Beaver pond thence up the Beaver pond of Gravilly run as it meanders to Epes's line thence West 33 South along Epes's line 140 poles to the beginning. ... 22 Jun 1722
A Spotswood
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 12 Page 472
Francis Epes Jr 6 Jun 1726
200 acres - South side of Gravilly Run
Adj: Richard NANCE [VADD002]
Epes' Father [William Epes Sr VAPB 11:181 18 Feb 1722]
Page 472
... 20s ... unto Francis Epes Junr of Prince George County one certain tract or parcel of land containing 200 acres lying and being on the South side of Gravilly Run in the County aforesaid and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Richard NANCE's lower corner pine thence West 33 South 116 poles to a corner thence East 32 South 250 poles to a corner between several trees chopt inwards thence East 42 North 24 poles to a corner between several trees chopt inwards thence North joining his father's upper line 42 poles to one corner upon the Swamp thence up the Swamp as it meanders to the beginning ... 6 Jun 1726
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 14 Page 161
John NANCE 26 Jun 1731
25s - 252 acres - North side Hatcher's Run
Adj His old land [VADD001] on SSide Picture Branch
John NANCE sold 252a to James Boisseau 252a before:
James Boisseau repatent 26 Mar 1739 VADD009
Page 161
25s ... unto John NANCE of Prince George County one certain tract or parcel of land containing 252 acres lying and being on the North side of Hatcher's Run in the same county adjoining his old land and bounded as followeth Beginning at the upper corner of his old land on the South side of the Picture Branch thence North 35 East 180 poles to a corner by a pond thence East 36 South 224 poles to a corner thence South 35 West 180 poles to his the said NANCE's old line thence West 35 North 224 poles to the beginning ... 26 Jun 1731
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 15 Page 88- 89
Daniel NANCE Junr of Prince George Co 20 Jun 1733
20s - 200 acres - Both sides of Picture Branch
Adj: John NANCE [VADD004], Piny Pond
Adj: William Wells [VAPB 13:073 31 Oct 1728]
Page 88
20s ...
Page 89
unto Daniel NANCE Junr of Prince George County one certain tract or parcel of land containing 200 acres lying and being in the County aforesaid on both sides of Picture Branch and bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning at a spanish oak in the upper line of John NANCE on the North side of Picture Branch thence North 33 West 190 poles to a corner thence West 15 South 128 poles to William Well's line thence South 31 West 5 poles to his corner red oak thence South 35 West 68 poles to a corner in a Piny Pond thence East 35 South 260 poles to John NANCE's line thence North 35 East 102 poles along John NANCE's line to the Beginning. ... 20 Jun 1733 ...
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 15 Page 268-269
John Clemmond 1 Aug 1734
376 acres - Between Hatcher's Run and Rocky Branch
Adj: John NANCE's lines [VADD001, VADD004]
Adj: Samuel Sentall [VAPB 11:124 22 Jun 1722],
Adj: John Scoggins [VAPB 15:253 1 Aug 1734]
Page 268
... 40s ...
Page 269
unto John Clemmond of Prince George County one certain tract or parcel of land contaning 376 acres lying and being in the County aforesaid between Hatcher's Run and the Rockey Branch adjoining John NANCE, Samuel Sentall and John Scoggins lines and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning on the Rockey Branch in John NANCE's line that crosses the same thence East 35 South 150 poles to his corner thence West 35 North 14 poles to his old corner thence South 35 West 100 poles to Samuel Sentall's line thence along the same line East 35 South 96 poles to his lower corner thence South 35 West 48 poles to John Scoggins in the same by Sentalls Fence Thence South 26 East 224 poles along John Scoggins back line to his lower corner thence North 35 East 200 poles to Rockey Branch thence up the said Branch as it meanders to the first station. ... 1 Aug 1734
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 16 Page 297-298
Joseph Butler 29 Sep 1735
15s - 150 acres - North side Gravelly Run
Adj: Thomas NANCE [VADD007?],
Adj: Butler [VAPB 11:194 16 Feb 1722]
Francis Eppes [William Eppes VAPB 11:181 18 Feb 1722]
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 11 Page 114
John NANCE 22 Jun 1722
15s - 150 acres - on North side Hatcher's Run
Adj: Samuel Sentall [VAPB 11:124 22 Jun 1722]
[surveyed 150a John NANCE 23 Feb 1720 VADD020b
John NANCE sold to James Boisseau 150a before
James Boisseau's repatent 26 Mar 1739 VADD009
Prince George Co - Wills & Deeds - Book 2 Surveys Page 763
John NANCE South side of Nottoway River 142a 17 Apr 1723
Adjoining the Indian Company Line
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 14 Page 161
John NANCE 26 Jun 1731
25s - 252 acres - North side Hatcher's Run
Adj: His old land [VADD001] on SSide Picture Branch
John NANCE sold to James Boisseau 252a before
James Boisseau's repatent 26 Mar 1739 VADD009
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 15 Page 268-269
John Clemmond 1 Aug 1734
376 acres - Between Hatcher's Run and Rocky Branch
Adj: John NANCE's lines [VADD001, VADD004]
Adj: Samuel Sentall [VAPB 11:124 22 Jun 1722],
Adj: John Scoggins [VAPB 15:253 1 Aug 1734]
John NANCE of PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY, land pat.July 7, 1726;

VA Land Records pg. 253 #231 William NANCE
Apl 29 1692 520 Acres on the South side of Chickahominy river, bonded &
C next above the plantation where on John Randall dwells along Gregory Well's
Pole for Sterling Clack-- William NANCE, This 13th Day of
June 1748. Miachel Wall Sherif made Oath before me that this is
true copy taken for this County Given under my hand this day
above written. Signed John Willis. Deed Book 3, Page 515.
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 16 Page 297-298
Joseph Butler 29 Sep 1735
15s - 150 acres - North side Gravelly Run
Adj: Thomas NANCE [VADD007?],
Adj: Butler [VAPB 11:194 16 Feb 1722]
Francis Eppes [William Eppes VAPB 11:181 18 Feb 1722]
Page 297
... 15s ... unto Joseph Butler one certain tract or parcel of land containing 150 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on the North side of Gravelly Run adjoining his own Thomas NANCE and Francis Eppes's lines and bounded as followeth (to wit) Beginning in his own line at Thomas NANCE's corner thence along the said NANCE's lower line East 31 North 120 poles to his corner thence South 31 East 168 poles to a corner white oak thence South East 44 poles to a corner thence West 28 South 135
Page 298
poles to Eppes's line thence West 40 North 36 poles to his the said Butler's lower corner of the old land thence along his old line North 31 West 168 poles to the beginning ... 29 Sep 1735
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 18 Page 270-272
James Boisseau 26 Mar 1739
852 acres - Hatcher's Run & Lower side Rocky Branch
Adj: Sentall, Mayes, Hudson, Whitt, Wells, Williams
John NANCE Patent 150a 22 Jun 1722 - VADD001
John NANCE Patent 252a 26 Jun 1731 - VADD004
John NANCE to James Boisseau - no date available
Residue 500a never before patented
Page 270
... 45s ... unto James Boisseau one certain ... containing 852 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on Hatcher's Run and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at the upper corner of his old land in Sentall's
Page 271
line by the side of his fence thence West 34 1/2 North 88 poles to an old corner of Mayes and Hudson thence North 61 poles to another of their old corners thence West 26 1/2 North 360 poles to their old corner white oak by a small branch thence North 24 East 61 poles to Edward Whitt's corner in their line thence South East 124 poles along the said Whitt's line to to his corner thence East oles along another of his lines to Wells's line thence South 32 1/2 West 26 144 p poles along the said Wells's line to his upper corner thence East 35 South 248 poles along the said Wells's line to his the said Boisseau's corner of the land he purchased of John NANCE ... thence along the lines of that land North 35 East 180 poles to the corner thence East 35 South 228 poles to another corner thereof on the lower side of the Rockey Branch thence East 13 North 284 poles to a corner between trees markt pointing thereto thence South 12 East 160 poles along Thomas Williams's line to a corner in the same thence West 11 South 282 poles to a corner upom the Rockey branch thence up the said branch as it meanders to the line of his old land from NANCE that crosses the same thence along that line South 35 West 244 poles to Sentall's line and thence West 35 North 228 poles along Sentall's line to the beginning.
150 acres part of the said tract being formerly granted unto John NANCE by letters Patent bearing date 22 Jun 1722 and
252 acres other part of the said tract formerly granted unto the said John NANCE by our Letters Patent 26 Jun 1731 and by him sold and conveyed to the said James Boisseau
and the residue never before granted. ... 26 Mar 1739
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 18 Page 563-564
Edward Whitt 12 Mar 1739
189 acres - South Side Picture Branch
Adj: Daniel NANCE [VADD005], William Wells,
Adj: Joseph Mays, John Brockwell, Mixson
Page 563
... 20s ... unto Edward Whitt one certain tract ... containing 189 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on the South side of Picture Branch adjoining William Wells line and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at his lower corner on the South side of the said Branch thence along Daniel NANCE's line South 34 West 40 poles thence West 151 poles to a corner white oak thence North West 125 poles to Joseph Mays's line thence along the same North 35 East 34 poles to his corner thence along his side line West 18 North 85 poles to John Brockwell's corner in the same thence North East 97 poles along Brockwell's to Mixson's line thence East 35 South 320 poles along Mixson's and Wells's lines to the beginning.
Page 564
... 12 Mar 1739 ...
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 19 Page 880-882
Francis Eppes & Isham Eppes 1 Dec 1740
£3-10s - 694 acres - SSide Gravelly Run, Cattail, Road
Adj: Richard NANCE [VADD002],
Adj: William Browder [VAPB 11:127 22 Jun 1722],
Adj: Francis Eppes [VAPB 13:481 28 Sep 1730],
Adj: Thomas Gent [VAPB 13:427 28 Sep 1728]
Page 880
... £3-10s ... unto Francis Eppes and Isham Eppes one certain tract ... containing 694 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on the South side of Gravelly Run adjoining their own Richard NANCE and William Browder's
Page 881
lines and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning in their own old line where Richard NANCE adjoins the same thence North 33 West 236 poles to a corner thence West 7 1/2 poles to William Browder's corner white oak thence S 128 poles along his line to his corner near the road thence West 63 1/2 poles to the said Browder's southern corner South 111 1/2 poles to a corner hickory thence West 30 South 39 poles to a corner white oak thence South 5 West 183 poles to the said Francis Eppes's Cattail line thence East 43 South 299 1/2 poles along the same to his lower corner thence North 20 E 35 poles to a corner pine thence East 29 North 44 poles to Thomas Gent's line thence North 15 East 40 poles along the said Gent's line to his corner thence North 44 East 75 poles to a corner hickory thence North 3 West 132 poles to Richard NANCE's line thence West 33 South 18 poles along his line to his corner thence North 33 West 174 poles along his upper line to his corner and thence East 33 North 60 poles along the said NANCE's line to the beginning ... 1 Dec 1740
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 21 Page 420
Richard NANCE 30 Jun 1743
20s - 184 acres - South Side Gravelly Run
Adj: His own [VADD002], Francis Eppes [Jr VADD003],
Adj: Thomas Gent Jr [VAPB13:427 28 Sep 1738]
Capt Francis Eppes [VADD010]
Page 420
Richard NANCE - 184 acres
20s ... unto Richard NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 184 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on the South side of Gravilly Run adjoining his own, Francis Eppes, Thomas Gent junr and Capt Francis Eppes's lines and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning in his own line where Capt Eppes corners in the same thence along his own line East 33 North 86 poles to Francis Eppes's corner thence along his line East 33 South 115 poles to a red oak corner in the said line thence South 44 West 67 1/2 poles to a corner white oak thence South 17 East 168 poles to a Lightwood Knott between several trees chopt inwards thence West 16 1/2 South 78 poles to Thomas Gent Junr's line thence along the same North 15 East 14 poles to his corner thence along one other of his lines West 15 North 36 1/2 poles to a spanish oak cornered in the same thence North 25 West 147 poles to Capt Francis Eppes's line thence along the same North 3 West 92 poles to the beginning ... 30 Jun 1743
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 23 Page 645-646
Isham Eppes 1 Mar 1743
1,560 acres - Between Hatcher's Run & Gravilly Run
Adj: Thomas NANCE's upper corner of his 200a [VADD007]
[This same property appears as Thomas NANCE's [VADD020d]
Adj: Joseph Butler, James Jones, Jeffry Hauk,
George Scoggin, Sentall, Mays, Joseph Hauk, Bly
Page 645
... £8 - unto Isham Eppes Gent one certain tract ... containing 1,560 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George between Hatcher's Run and Gravilly Run and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Thomas NANCE's upper corner of his 200 acres of land thence along his and Joseph Butler's lines South 31 East 436 poles to a corner of the said Butler's thence along one other of his lines South East 44 poles to his the said Butler's lower corner thence East 10 North 90 poles to James Jones line thence along the same North 5 West 256 poles to his corner pine thence East 5 North 228 poles to his lower corner thence along his lower side line South 168 poles to a corner made in the same thence East 9 North 292 poles to a lightwood knot corner between pointers thence Norty 3 East 142 poles to Jeffrey Hauk's back line thence along the same West 240 poles to his the said Hauk's upper corner thence North 92 poles along his upper end line to his corner gum on Hatcher's Run near the Mouth of Elbow Branch thence up Hatcher's Run [West x South 50 poles in Deedmapper] to the mouth of Gum Branch thence up Gum Branch as it meanders to George Scogins corner gum upon the same thence along his lines Nort 15½ West 86 poles to his corner shrub white oak thence North 22 East 181 poles to his corner pine in Sentall's line thence along the same West 35 North 290 poles to his and Mayes's corner thence West 39 South 147 poles to Joseph Hauk's line next to Hatcher's Run thence along the same East 40 South 108 poles to his corner by a Pond thence South 40 West 311 poles along Hauk's and Bley's line to the beginning. ...
Page 646
... 1 Mar 1743
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 28 Page 105-106
Thomas NANCE 25 Jun 1747
172 acres - Upper side Mealy Branch of Sappony Creek
Adj: John Tapley [VAPB 25:357 12 Jan 1746],
Adj: Capt [William] Stark [VAPB 25:186 28 Aug 1746]
Page 105
Thomas NANCE - 172
... 20s ... unto Thomas NANCE one certain tract or parcel of land containing 172 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on the upper side of Mealy Branch of Sappone Creek adjoining John Tapley and Capt Stark's lines and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at John Tapley upper corner on a butterwood or maple upon the Mealy Branch thence along his line West 2 North 126 poles to a corner gum in Stark's line thence along the same North 30 East 240 poles to his corner red oak thence North 30 East 12 poles to the Mealy Branch then down the said Branch as it meanders to the beginning ...
Page 106
... 25 Jun 1747 ...
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 29 Page 461-462
Thomas Bly Son of William Bly deceased 5 Jul 1751
295 acres - North Side Gravelly Run, Crooke's Path
Adj: Butler [VAPB 11:204 5 Sep 1723]
Adj: [Thomas] NANCE [VADD007]
Includes: William Bly 100a VAPB 13:051 31 Oct 1726
Page 461
... 20s ... unto Thomas Bly son and heir of William Bly deceased one certain tract ... containing 295 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on the North side of Gravelly Run adjoining NANCE's and Butler's lines and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning in Butler's line where NANCE joins the same thence East 31 North 200 poles joining NANCE's line to a corner between several trees chopt inwards thence North 31 West 240 poles to a corner thence West 31 South 192 poles to a corner near a small Branch by Crooke's Path thence South 5 Easterly 4 poles [sic South 35 East 64 poles in Deedmapper] to Butler's corner thence South 31 East 182 poles along
Page 462
Butler's line to the beginning. 100 acres part thereof being formerly granted unto the said William Bly deceased by Patent bearing date 31 Oct 1726 and 195 acres the residue never before granted ... 5 Jul 1751
Prince George Co - VA Land Patents - Book 33 Page 262-263
Francis Eppes 16 Aug 1756
51 acres - Both sides Little Cattail Run, Cat Tail Run
Adj: [Richard] NANCE [VADD012],
Adj: Charles Williams [VADD016],
Adj: [Francis Jr] Eppes [VADD003],
Adj: Robert Abernathy Jr [VAPB 17:505 9 Feb 1737]
Page 262
... 5s ... unto Francis Eppes one certain tract ... containing 51 acres lying and being in the County of Prince George on both sides of little Cat Tail and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning on Robert Abernathy Junior and Charles Williams corner Cat Tail Run thence North 30 East
Page 263
48 poles to Eppes's corner thence along Eppes's North 59 West 138 poles to NANCE's corner thence along his line South 42 West 76 poles to a corner red oak in the same line thence along Williams's line South 68 East 64 poles to Cat Tail Run and thence down the said run to the beginning. ... 16 Aug 1756
Let me add a VERY BIG WOW and THANKS to Jerry Sullivan
for sending me most if not all the above records!!!
This page last updated 12/9/2005