Jaycee's puppies are taking their daily nap five weeks into their life!  (Wyatt, Sadie, Ayla & Dutchess)

Dutchess is wondering when she might  get something to eat!

Sadie would like to know when she can go out and chase squirrels?

The puppies are learning to play " follow the leader"!

Their teaming up in pairs to play hide & seek!

All the pups are now looking for lizards.  I’m wondering who taught them that?

Jaycee is teaching her pups to march in-line; however, Wyatt is being a  typical boy!

Mom is taking their training and learning sessions up one level.  They are now learning perimeter techniques!

Puppies are less then two weeks old and are having their daily feeding.

A very tired midwife (my son Bryce)!  Who is more tired, Bryce or Jaycee?

Can you imagine what the neighbors were thinking?

Dick & Carol Jones standing next to their Champion GSD Winston who sired Jaycee's first litter!

Wyatt is now 7 weeks old and he is wondering if mom and uncle Arnold (our 9 year old Rottweiler) is going to play with him!

Resting time!  Arnold, Wyatt and Jaycee are trying to hide under the chair. 

At 4 weeks old, Wyatt is sitting, waiting to be weighed, to see if he is growing by leaps and bounds!

Wyatt is thinking, "what a life, a pool, a patio, a screened in porch with no mosquitoes".  It doesn't get any better then this!


Wyatt thinks he is now a celebrity and is begging for attention.